Towers were Built in Cities
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Judges 9:51
But there was a strong tower within the city, and thither fled all the men and women, and all they of the city, and shut it to them, and got them up to the top of the tower.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Of the [Temple And] Cities that were Built by Herod and Erected ...
... it, with great ambition, and built round towers all about ... and for those of Ascalon
he built baths and ... as also cloisters round a court, that were admirable both ...
/.../chapter 21 of the temple.htm

How Solomon Fortified the City of Jerusalem, and Built Great ...
... them, and made them higher, with great towers upon them ... He also built other cities
that lay conveniently for ... and delicacies in them, such as were naturally of a ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 6 how solomon fortified.htm

The Conquest of Babylon.
... as is the case, indeed, to a considerable extent, in Oriental cities, at the ... The
watch-towers were built on both the inner and outer faces of the wall, and the ...
/...// the great/chapter viii the conquest of.htm

Asa's Reformation, and Consequent Peace and victory
... cities, and make about them walls, and towers, gates, and ... So they built and
prospered.8. And Asa had ... hundred and fourscore thousand: all these were mighty men ...
/.../expositions of holy scripture g/asas reformation and consequent peace.htm

Habakkuk-On his Watch-Tower
... Their city walls would rise up, all round their cities, into strong towers, both
for defence and for beauty. Immense towers were built also by the military ...
/.../whyte/lord teach us to pray/ix habakkuk-on his watch-tower.htm

Concerning the Famine that Happened in Judea and Syria; and How ...
... This mole which he built by the sea-side was two ... so as to keep off those waves which
were to break ... half had upon it a wall, with several towers, the largest of ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 9 concerning the famine.htm

The Wars of the Jews or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem
... Of Jerusalem Was Demolished, Excepting Three Towers; And How ... Alexandria Also And
What Dangers They Were In There ... Temple Which Had Formerly Been Built By Onias ...
/.../josephus/the wars of the jews or history of the destruction of jerusalem/

How the Britons, Being Ravaged by the Scots and Picts, Sought ...
... Besides, they built towers to command a view of the ... weapons, by which the cowardly
defenders were dragged in ... last, the Britons, forsaking their cities and wall ...
/.../bede/bedes ecclesiastical history of england/chap xii how the britons.htm

What Actions were done by Alexander Janneus, who Reigned Twenty ...
... a high wall before the trench, and built wooden towers ... to exclude Antiochus, for
he burnt the towers, and filled ... such parts of the country as were fittest for ...
/.../chapter 4 what actions were.htm

How Jonathan Took the Government after his Brother Judas; And
... and Tinma, and Pharatho, and Tecoa, and Gazara, and built towers in every one of
these cities, and encompassed them with strong walls, that were very large also ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 1 how jonathan took.htm



Towers of Jerusalem Remarkable for Number, Strength, and Beauty

Towers of the Furnaces

Towers were Built in Cities

Towers were Built in the Deserts

Towers were Built in the Forests

Towers were Built in Vineyards

Towers were Built: On the Walls of Cities

Towers were Used As Armouries

Towers were Used As Citadels in Time of War

Towers: Babel

Towers: David

Towers: Edar

Towers: Frequently Left Desolate

Towers: Frequently Strong and Well Fortified

Towers: Frequently Thrown Down in War

Towers: Frequently Very High

Towers: God As the Protector of his People

Towers: Hananeel

Towers: Jezreel

Towers: Lebanon

Towers: Meah

Towers: Ministers

Towers: Mount Sion

Towers: Origin and Antiquity of

Towers: Penuel

Towers: Shechem

Towers: Siloam

Towers: Syene

Towers: The Grace and Dignity of the Church

Towers: The Name of the Lord

Towers: The Proud and Haughty

Towers: Thebez

Towers: Watchmen Posted On, in Times of Danger

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