Tithe: Consisted of a Tenth of all Cattle
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Leviticus 27:32
And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatever passes under the rod, the tenth shall be holy to the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Book of Jubilees
... the creation to the entrance into Canaan consisted of fifty ... first-fruits, but also
the second tithe which was ... in the earth; and God permitted one-tenth of them ...
//christianbookshelf.org/deane/pseudepigrapha/the book of jubilees.htm

The Political Constitution of Egypt
... They consisted also of short sentences, by which ... his servants for their labour: cattle,
cereals, fermented ... stuffs, common or precious metals,""all that the ...
/.../chapter ithe political constitution of.htm

The Rise of the Assyrian Empire
... been the first to tender him allegiance for many years, took precedence of all the
rest ... it was in this temple that they dedicated to the god the tenth of the ...
/.../chapter iithe rise of the.htm

The First Chaldaean Empire and the Hyksos in Egypt
... the chase and by the rearing of cattle; but the ... the people of Yamutbal and of
Yatbur^^"all independent of ... These deities received a tenth of the spoil after ...
/.../chapter ithe first chaldaean empire.htm

Tiglath-Pileser iii. And the Organisation of the Assyrian Empire ...
... devoted themselves to the pasturing and rearing of cattle, and, during ... family of
Levi, but was recruited from all the tribes; it levied a tithe on the ...
/.../chapter iitiglath-pileser iii and the.htm

Memoir of John Bunyan
... and cursed at that most fearful rate that it made her tremble to hear him,' 'that
he was the ungodliest fellow for swearing that ever she heard in all her life ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/memoir of john bunyan.htm



Tithe in the New Testament

Tithe or Tenth

Tithe: A Second: Or Its Value Yearly Brought to the Tabernacle and Eaten

Tithe: A Second: To be Consumed at Home Every Third Year to Promote

Tithe: Antiquity of the Custom of Giving to God's Ministers

Tithe: Considered a Just Return to God for his Blessings

Tithe: Consisted of a Tenth of all Cattle

Tithe: Consisted of a Tenth of all the Produce of the Land

Tithe: Consisted of a Tenth of Holy Things Dedicated

Tithe: Given by God to the Levites for Their Services

Tithe: Punishment for Changing

Tithe: Reasonableness of Appointing, for the Levites

Tithe: Rulers Appointed Over, for Distributing

Tithe: The Jews Reproved for Withholding

Tithe: The Jews Slow in Giving

Tithe: The Pharisees Scrupulous in Paying

Tithe: The Pious Governors of Israel Caused the Payment of

Tithe: The Tenth of Anything

Tithe: The Tenth of, Given by the Levites to the Priests As Their

Tithe: The Tenth of, offered by the Levites As an Heave offering To

Tithe: Under the Law Belonged to God

Tithe: when Redeemed to a Fifth Part of the Value Added


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