The Wind: God: Gathers, in his Hand
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Proverbs 30:4
Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended? who has gathered the wind in his fists? who has bound the waters in a garment? who has established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if you can tell?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


1 to Pray is as it were to be on Speaking Terms with Me...
... use of wild animals, lightning, the wind, and light ... in the honeycomb, so the man
of God gathers sweet thoughts ... desires by prayer to obtain from God the blessing ...
// the masters feet/section iii 1 to pray.htm

The Sleeper.
... of Heaven, "JESUS standing at the right hand of God." The vision ... His rough wind in
the day of His east wind. ... the faint, the weak, the weary) "He gathers in His ...
// of bethany/vi the sleeper.htm

Fear and Faith
... is when we are 'afraid' that we trust in God; not in ... shines, but when the tempest
blows and the wind howls about his ears, a man gathers his cloak round ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture j/fear and faith.htm

God's Gentle Power
... God by the still small voice whom no wind, though it ... noble in it, anything that will
be glorifying to God? ... marrow is frozen, and the strong man gathers up his ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 62 1916/gods gentle power.htm

Christ the Arrester of Incipient Evil and the Nourisher of ...
... and dented in by some outward power, a gust of wind, a sudden ... But, blessed be God! ...
so my text comes with its great triumphant hopefulness, and gathers into one ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture h/christ the arrester of incipient.htm

Christ's Summary of his Work
... of that mighty voice came rolling down the wind.' But in ... is a God, and what sort
of a God He is. ... writing the last sentence, as it were, which gathers up the ...
/.../christs summary of his work.htm

Why Christ Speaks
... her chickens under her wings' so He gathers them to ... is to come to us, that the road
should wind, and that we ... Thank God for the loving reticence, and for the as ...
/.../expositions of holy scripture st john chaps xv to xxi/why christ speaks.htm

An Instructive Truth
... at a certain day or hour, but the wind may shift ... but recollect that, although "a
rolling stone gathers no moss ... not move, but wait for guidance from God as to ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 50 1904/an instructive truth.htm

Meditation on God
... as much, but who takes the grapes of Eschol that he gathers, and squeezes ... a reed
shaken with the wind? ... one word to you, all of you who know not God, and ye ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 46 1900/meditation on god.htm

... engage in God's service; as when the wind leaves the ... and bitter, yet of this thorn
a Christian gathers grapes ... If ever God restores comfort, it is to his mourners ...
// ten commandments/4 2 repentance.htm


The Wind of False Doctrines

The Wind of Iniquity Which Leads to Destruction

The Wind of Molten Images

The Wind of Terrors Which Pursue the Soul

The Wind of the Life of Man

The Wind of the Operations of the Holy Spirit

The Wind of the Speeches of the Desperate

The Wind: (Bringing Forth) of Disappointed Expectations

The Wind: (Chaff or Stubble Before) of the Wicked

The Wind: (Feeding Upon) of Vain Hopes

The Wind: (Sowing) a Course of Sin

The Wind: (When Destructive) the Judgments of God

The Wind: (Without Rain) One Who Boasts of a False Gift

The Wind: Accomplishes the Purposes of God

The Wind: Drying Nature of

The Wind: East

The Wind: Euroclydon

The Wind: Frequently Brings Rain

The Wind: from the North Drives Away Rain

The Wind: God: Assuages

The Wind: God: Brings Forth, out of his Treasuries

The Wind: God: Changes

The Wind: God: Created

The Wind: God: Gathers, in his Hand

The Wind: God: Raises

The Wind: God: Restrains

The Wind: Miracles Connected With: Calmed by Casting out Jonah

The Wind: Miracles Connected With: Calmed by Christ

The Wind: Miracles Connected With: Locusts Brought By

The Wind: Miracles Connected With: Locusts Removed By

The Wind: Miracles Connected With: Quails Brought By

The Wind: Miracles Connected With: Raises on Account of Jonah

The Wind: Miracles Connected With: Red Sea Divided By

The Wind: Miracles Connected With: Rocks and Mountains Rent By

The Wind: Movement of the Leaves of Trees By, Noticed

The Wind: North

The Wind: Often Blighting

The Wind: Purifying Nature of

The Wind: South

The Wind: Tempestuous: Destroys Houses

The Wind: Tempestuous: Drives About the Largest Ships

The Wind: Tempestuous: Raises the Sea in Waves

The Wind: The Simoom or Pestilential Wind

The Wind: The Whirlwind

The Wind: Theory of, Above Man's Comprehension

The Wind: Variable Nature of

The Wind: West

The Wind: when Violent Called: Fierce Wind

The Wind: when Violent Called: Great and Strong Wind

The Wind: when Violent Called: Mighty Wind

The Wind: when Violent Called: Rough Wind

The Wind: when Violent Called: Storm

The Wind: when Violent Called: Stormy Wind

The Wind: when Violent Called: Tempest

The Wind: when Violent Called: Windy Storm


Wind of Heresy

Wind of the Judgments of God

Wind of the Spirit

Wind: Blasting

Wind: East in Canaan

Wind: East in the Valley of the Euphrates River

Wind: East: At the City of Nineveh

Wind: East: Hot and Blasting in Egypt

Wind: East: Tempestuous in the Land of Uz

Wind: Figurative

Wind: North: Free from Humidity in Canaan

Wind: South: Purifying

Wind: South: Soothing

Wind: South: Tempestuous

Wind: West: Took Away the Plague of Locusts from the Land of Egypt

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