The Wicked are Compared to Whited Sepulchres
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 23:27
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like to white washed sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Letter ii. --For 330. Easter-Day xxiv Pharmuthi; xiii Kal. Mai ...
... Lord, and with what have ye compared Him [3944 ... only in outward form did those wicked
men dissemble ... clothing, and appearing like unto whited sepulchres; but they ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/letter ii for 330 easter-day xxiv.htm

The Pharisee and the Tax-Gatherer.
... Jesus compared them to whited sepulchres, and said they ... and Levites a tenth part
of all I possess." But the Publican, who knew that he was wicked, and felt ...
/.../mother stories from the new testament/the pharisee and the tax-gatherer.htm

... It is growing; it is compared to seed which grows ... 3:3. These are lamps without oil;
whited sepulchres, like the ... ark; for though God suffer the wicked to live ...
// body of divinity/5 sanctification.htm

Messiah Despised, and Rejected of Men
... of their most admired characters, and compared the men ... for wisdom and sanctity, to
whited sepulchres, warning the ... powers of darkness and from wicked men, when ...
/.../newton/messiah vol 1/sermon xvii messiah despised and.htm

False Profession.
... how oft is the candle of the wicked put out by ... departeth not from iniquity, to whom
may he be compared? ... does he call them but hypocrites, whited walls, painted ...
// riches of bunyan/xx false profession.htm

... in the Gospel, "Ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed ... Why then do the
wicked rage against Me, unless ... ver.14), which may be compared with another ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm lxxxviii.htm

A Description of Heart-Purity
... They were whited over, not white. ... (iii) The Spirit is compared to water. ... 5 Take
heed of familiar converse and intercourse with the wicked. ...
/.../16 a description of heart-purity.htm

Thoughts Upon Our Call and Election.
... of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from ... yet notwithstanding; if they be compared
with .the ... as our Saviour compares to whited Sepulchres, which outwardly ...
/.../beveridge/private thoughts upon a christian life/thoughts upon our call and.htm

Tit. 2:06 Thoughts for Young Men
... his friend Zophar, speaking of the wicked, says, "His ... show,"vanity and vexation of
spirit,"whited sepulchres, fair to ... what a wreck is man, compared to what ...
/.../chapter xix tit 2 6 thoughts.htm

A Traveler's Note-Book
... Woe unto the wicked; it shall be ill ... the older religion, the special characteristic"
compared with the ... whited sepulchres full of dead men's bones, children of ...
/.../merriam/the chief end of man/iii a travelers note-book.htm


The Wicked are Compared to Abominable Branches

The Wicked are Compared to Ashes Under the Feet

The Wicked are Compared to Bad Fishes

The Wicked are Compared to Beasts

The Wicked are Compared to Blind, The

The Wicked are Compared to Brass and Iron

The Wicked are Compared to Briars and Thorns

The Wicked are Compared to Bulls of Bashan

The Wicked are Compared to Carcasses Trodden Under Feet

The Wicked are Compared to Chaff

The Wicked are Compared to Clouds Without Water

The Wicked are Compared to Corn Blasted

The Wicked are Compared to Corrupt Trees

The Wicked are Compared to Deaf Adders

The Wicked are Compared to Dogs

The Wicked are Compared to Dross

The Wicked are Compared to Early Dew That Passes Away

The Wicked are Compared to Evil Figs

The Wicked are Compared to Fading Oaks

The Wicked are Compared to Fiery Oven

The Wicked are Compared to Fire of Thorns

The Wicked are Compared to Fools Building Upon Sand

The Wicked are Compared to Fuel of Fire

The Wicked are Compared to Garden Without Water

The Wicked are Compared to Goats

The Wicked are Compared to Grass

The Wicked are Compared to Grass on the Housetop

The Wicked are Compared to Green Bay-Trees

The Wicked are Compared to Green Herbs

The Wicked are Compared to Heath in the Desert

The Wicked are Compared to Horses Rushing Into the Battle

The Wicked are Compared to Idols

The Wicked are Compared to Lions Greedy of Prey

The Wicked are Compared to Melting Wax

The Wicked are Compared to Morning-Clouds

The Wicked are Compared to Moth-Eaten Garments

The Wicked are Compared to Passing Whirlwinds

The Wicked are Compared to Potsherds

The Wicked are Compared to Raging Waves of the Sea

The Wicked are Compared to Reprobate Silver

The Wicked are Compared to Scorpions

The Wicked are Compared to Serpents

The Wicked are Compared to Smoke

The Wicked are Compared to Stony Ground

The Wicked are Compared to Stubble

The Wicked are Compared to Swine

The Wicked are Compared to Tares

The Wicked are Compared to Troubled Sea

The Wicked are Compared to Visions of the Night

The Wicked are Compared to Wandering Stars

The Wicked are Compared to Wayward Children

The Wicked are Compared to Wells Without Water

The Wicked are Compared to Wheels

The Wicked are Compared to Whited Sepulchres

The Wicked are Compared to Wild Donkey's Colt


Wicked (People): Compared With: A Wild Donkey's Colts

Wicked (People): Compared With: Abominable Branches

Wicked (People): Compared With: Animals

Wicked (People): Compared With: Ashes Under the Feet

Wicked (People): Compared With: Bad Figs

Wicked (People): Compared With: Bad Fish

Wicked (People): Compared With: Blind People

Wicked (People): Compared With: Briers Add Thorns

Wicked (People): Compared With: Bronze and Iron

Wicked (People): Compared With: Carcasses Trodden Underfoot

Wicked (People): Compared With: Chaff

Wicked (People): Compared With: Clouds Without Water

Wicked (People): Compared With: Corn (Grain) Blasted

Wicked (People): Compared With: Corrupt Trees

Wicked (People): Compared With: Deaf Adders

Wicked (People): Compared With: Disturbed Sea

Wicked (People): Compared With: Dogs

Wicked (People): Compared With: Dross

Wicked (People): Compared With: Early Dew That Passes Away

Wicked (People): Compared With: Fading Oaks

Wicked (People): Compared With: Fiery Oven

Wicked (People): Compared With: Fire of Thorns

Wicked (People): Compared With: Fools Building Upon Sand

Wicked (People): Compared With: Garden Without Water

Wicked (People): Compared With: Goats

Wicked (People): Compared With: Grass

Wicked (People): Compared With: Grass on the Housetop

Wicked (People): Compared With: Green Bay Tree

Wicked (People): Compared With: Green Herbs

Wicked (People): Compared With: Heath in the Desert

Wicked (People): Compared With: Horses Rushing Into the Battle

Wicked (People): Compared With: Lions Greedy of Prey

Wicked (People): Compared With: Melting Wax

Wicked (People): Compared With: Morning Clouds

Wicked (People): Compared With: Moth-Eaten Garments

Wicked (People): Compared With: Passing Whirlwinds

Wicked (People): Compared With: Potsherds

Wicked (People): Compared With: Raging Waves of the Sea

Wicked (People): Compared With: Reprobate Silver

Wicked (People): Compared With: Scorpions

Wicked (People): Compared With: Serpents

Wicked (People): Compared With: Smoke

Wicked (People): Compared With: Stony Ground

Wicked (People): Compared With: Stubble

Wicked (People): Compared With: Swine (Pig)

Wicked (People): Compared With: Tares

Wicked (People): Compared With: The Bulls of Bashan

Wicked (People): Compared With: The Fuel of Fire

Wicked (People): Compared With: Visions of the Night

Wicked (People): Compared With: Wandering Stars

Wicked (People): Compared With: Wayward Children

Wicked (People): Compared With: Wells Without Water

Wicked (People): Compared With: Wheels

Wicked (People): Compared With: Whited Gravesites

Wicked (People): Contrasted With Righteous People

Wicked (People): Death of

Wicked (People): Described

Wicked (People): Dreading God

Wicked (People): Eliphaz's Exhortation To

Wicked (People): False Hope of

Wicked (People): God is Angry With

Wicked (People): God's Mercy To

Wicked (People): Gospel Invitation To, Illustrated by the Parables of The Householder

Wicked (People): Gospel Invitation To, Illustrated by the Parables of The Marriage Supper

Wicked (People): Hate Reproof

Wicked (People): Hate the Righteous

Wicked (People): Love For

Wicked (People): Prayer of

Wicked (People): Prosperity of

Wicked (People): Punishment of

Wicked (People): Spirit of God Withdrawn From

Wicked (People): Temporal Punishment of

Wicked (People): Terrors of, at the Judgment

Wicked (People): Warned

Wicked (People): Worship of, offensive to God

Wicked : Present and Future State of Evil and Righteous Persons Contrasted,

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