The Vine of Christ
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288. ampelos -- vine
... Only is Vine, in whom the are formed into the mystical of Christ. This is the
of His love (redemption). Compare Jn 15:1,4,5 with 1 Cor 12:13. ...
// - 7k

2590. karpos -- fruit
... 2590 -- properly, ; (figuratively) everything done in , ie a believer (a
branch) lives in union with Christ (the Vine). By definition ...
// - 7k

1345. dikaioma -- an ordinance, a sentence of acquittal or ...
... Vine, Unger, White, , 11) which correlates to its profound (eternal) effect. For
the believer, this particularly relates to their awarded at Christ's return (cf ...
// - 8k

Torrey's Topical Textbook
John 15:1,2
I am the true vine, and my Father is the farmer.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Of Christ it Only Can be Said, that He is in Himself the True vine ...
... But if the branches abide in the vine, then Christ says this glorious thing of them,
"Ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you," John 15:7. The ...
/.../address 227 0 0 of christ it.htm

Christ the True vine, and as Bread.
... Book I. 33. Christ the True Vine, and as Bread. To what we have said must
be added how the Son is the true vine. Those will have ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of john/33 christ the true vine.htm

Similitude of the vine and Branches. --The Law of Love. (John,
... To illustrate these points, he made use of the similitude of a Vine: God, the
vine-dresser; Christ, the vine; his followers, the branches. ...
/.../section 276 similitude of the.htm

The True vine.
... If he clings to the Vine, keeps Christ's words, so that Christ abides in him, and
has the life of the Vine, the same bringeth forth much fruit. ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/the true vine.htm

The vine
... "I am the Vine." Christ did not keep this mystery hidden from His disciples. He
revealed it, first in words here, then in power when the Holy Spirit came down. ...
/.../murray/the true vine meditations for a month on john 151-16/the vine 2.htm

Christ's Friendship: Its Origin
... This is the true Vine, who only lives to live in us. This is the beginning and
the root of that holy friendship to which Christ invites us. ...
/.../christs friendship its origin.htm

John Chapter xv. 1-3.
... Christ is the vine in the same sense as when He said, "The Father is greater than
I;" [1382] but in that sense wherein He said, "I and my Father are one," He ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate lxxx john chapter xv.htm

The True Branches of the True vine
... now, we have the repetition, and yet not the mere repetition, of the great parable
of the vine, as teaching the union of Christians with Christ, and their ...
/.../the true branches of the.htm

The True vine
... manifold directions, and viewed in many aspects, is that of the living union between
Christ and those who believe on Him, and the parable of the vine and the ...
/.../expositions of holy scripture st john chaps xv to xxi/the true vine.htm

The vine and the Branches
... Christ is the vine, and every individual Christian is an individual branch; every
branch is an individual member of the vine, and every Christian is an ...
// x the vine and.htm


The Vine of Christ

The Vine of Israel

The Vine of Sodom Bad and Unfit for Use

The Vine: (Its Fruitful Branches) of Saints

The Vine: (Its Quick Growth) of the Growth of Saints in Grace

The Vine: (Its Rich Clusters) of the Graces of the Church

The Vine: (Of Unfruitful Branches) Mere Professors

The Vine: (Pruning of) God's Purifying his People by Afflictions

The Vine: (Sitting Under One's Own) Peace and Prosperity

The Vine: (Unfruitful) the Wicked

The Vine: (Worthlessness of Its Wood) the Unprofitableness, of

The Vine: Canaan Abounded In

The Vine: Cultivated by the Walls of Houses

The Vine: Cultivated in the Valleys

The Vine: Cultivated in Vineyards from the Time of Noah

The Vine: Cultivated: On the Sides of Hills

The Vine: Foxes Destructive To

The Vine: Frequently Injured by Hail and Frost

The Vine: Frequently Made Unfruitful As a Punishment

The Vine: God Made, Fruitful for his People when Obedient

The Vine: Nazarites Prohibited Eating Any Part of

The Vine: Often Degenerated

The Vine: Often Found Wild

The Vine: Perfumed the Air With the Fragrance of Its Flowers

The Vine: Places Celebrated For: Egypt

The Vine: Places Celebrated For: Eshcol

The Vine: Places Celebrated For: Lebanon

The Vine: Places Celebrated For: Sibmah

The Vine: Probably Produced Two Crops of Fruit in the Year

The Vine: Proverbial Allusion to Fathers Eating the Unripe Fruit of

The Vine: Required to be Dressed and Pruned to Increase Its

The Vine: Sometimes Cast Its Fruit Before It Came to Perfection

The Vine: The Dwarf and Spreading Vine Particularly Esteemed

The Vine: The Fruit of Called Grapes

The Vine: The Fruit of Eaten Dried

The Vine: The Fruit of Eaten Fresh from the Tree

The Vine: The Fruit of Made Into Wine

The Vine: The Fruit of Peculiarly Sour when Unripe

The Vine: The Fruit of Sold in the Markets

The Vine: The Wild Boar Destructive To

The Vine: The Wood of, Fit Only for Burning

The Vine: Young Cattle Fed on Its Leaves and Tender Shoots


Vine of Sodom

Vine: Degeneracy of

Vine: Fable of

Vine: Parables of

Vine: Pruned

Vine: Symbolical

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