The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Promulgating Laws
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 20:1-23:33
And God spoke all these words, saying,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God was Established On: The Right of Covenant

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God was Established On: The Right of Redemption

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Appointing Civil officers

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Appointing Ecclesiastical officers

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Being the Supreme Judge

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Directing the Movements of the Nation

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Distribution of Conquered Lands

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Exacting Tribute

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Exercise of the Prerogative of Mercy

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Proclaiming War

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Consisted in His: Promulgating Laws

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Guilt of Israel in Rejecting

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: Lasted from the Deliverance out of Egypt Until The

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: The Emblem of the Divine Presence Appeared Over The

The Theocracy: or Immediate Government by God: The Tabernacle Designed As a Royal Residence for God During


Theocracy: Established

Theocracy: Rejected by Israel

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