The Sword of the Word of Christ
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 49:2
And he has made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand has he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver has he hid me;
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Revelation 1:16
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shines in his strength.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Christ as a Sword.
... Book I. 36. Christ as a Sword. ... The mouth of the Son of God is a sharp sword, for
[4622] "The word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of john/36 christ as a sword.htm

'The Sword of the Spirit'
... sword.' That image is the poetic embodiment of our Lord's own words which we have
just quoted, and implies the penetrating power of the word which Christ's ...
/.../expositions of holy scripture ephesians peter/the sword of the spirit.htm

Figurative Style of Certain Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms ...
... sword he brandishes is an allegorical one, then the Creator's Christ in the psalm
too may have been girded with the figurative sword of the Word, without any ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xiv figurative style of certain.htm

Of the Prophecies of the Birth and Achievements of Christ.
... [1280] Lawful , then, it was for the Christ of God to be precinct, in the Psalms,
without warlike achievements, with the figurative sword of the word of God ...
/.../tertullian/an answer to the jews/chapter ix of the prophecies of.htm

The Return of Christ to the Earth Itself.
... The Greek word intimates a-war-horse or "charger." Note its color. ... wickedness, to
destroy evil doers, to overthrow Anti-christ and to ... "Gird Thy sword upon Thy ...
// redeemers return/7 the return of christ.htm

The Title "Word" is to be Interpreted by the Same Method as the ...
... and He made my mouth as a sharp sword, and under ... course must be followed when we
find Him called the Word. ... employed, but to enquire in what sense Christ is to ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of john/23 the title word is.htm

A Sermon Made by M. Hugh Latimer, at the Time of the Insurrection ...
... Christ himself gave us ensample to fight with this sword; for he answered the ... the
devil: and so let us break his head with this sword, the true word of God ...
/.../latimer/sermons on the card and other discourses/a sermon made by m.htm

The Parable of the Tares, by Bishop Latimer, Preached on the 7Th ...
... Then he sends them to Christ. So that it appears in this gospel, and by these examples,
that the preacher has no other sword, but the sword of the word of God ...
/.../knox/the pulpit of the reformation nos 1 2 and 3 /the parable of the tares.htm

Now this Word Also Has the Veil. ...
... Let us come now again to that word of Moses ... countenance; [1984] and here, the Lord
Jesus Christ shone like ... There, Moses smote down with the sword those who had ...
/.../the acts of the disputation with the heresiarch manes/44 now this word also.htm

The Christ of the Gospels.
... that take the sword shall perish by the sword." At the ... their copy, what must not
the living Christ have been ... assertions; he speaks like a God, whose word is law ...
/.../the christ of the gospels 2.htm



Sword of Judgments

Sword of the Malicious Tongue

Sword of War

Sword used by Gideon

Sword used by Goliath

Sword used by Peter

Sword: David's Army Equipped With

Sword: Made of Plowshares

Sword: Symbolical

Sword: To be Beaten Into Plowshares

Sword: Two-Edged

The Sword in Time of Peace Made Into Plough Shares

The Sword in Time of War, Plough Shares Made Into

The Sword of Deep Mental Affliction

The Sword of False Witnesses

The Sword of Judicial Authority

The Sword of Persecuting Spirit of the Wicked

The Sword of Severe and Heavy Calamities

The Sword of the End of the Wicked

The Sword of the Justice of God

The Sword of the Protection of God

The Sword of the Tongue of the Wicked

The Sword of the Wicked

The Sword of the Word of Christ

The Sword of the Word of God

The Sword of War and Contention

The Sword was Brandished Over the Head

The Sword was One of God's Four Sore Judgments

The Sword was Pointed

The Sword was Thrust Through Enemies

The Sword was Used by Heathen Nations

The Sword was Used by the Jews

The Sword was Used by the Patriarchs

The Sword was Used for Destruction of Enemies

The Sword was Used for Punishing Criminals

The Sword was Used for Self-Defence

The Sword was Used: Sometimes for Self-Destruction

The Sword: (Drawing of) of War and Destruction

The Sword: (Living By) of Rapine

The Sword: (Not Departing from One's House) of Perpetual Calamity

The Sword: (Putting, Into Its Sheath) Peace and Friendship

The Sword: Bright

The Sword: Carried in a Sheath or Scabbard

The Sword: Frequently had Two Edges

The Sword: Glittering

The Sword: Hebrews Early Acquainted With Making of

The Sword: Hurtful

The Sword: Often Sent As a Punishment

The Sword: Often Threatened As a Punishment

The Sword: Oppressive

The Sword: Probable Origin

The Sword: Sharp

The Sword: Sharpened and Furbished Before Going to War

The Sword: Suspended from the Girdle

The Sword: Those Slain By, Communicated Ceremonial Uncleanness

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