The Sword: Probable Origin
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 3:24
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Of the Origin of the World, and the Nature of Affairs, and the ...
... he says, that there is no edge of a sword so fine ... For it is not probable that lesser
and humble things ... 1697] and in his Consolation, says: "No origin of souls ...
/.../a treatise on the anger of god addressed to donatus/chap x of the origin of.htm

... at Shechem out of the hand of the Amorite with his sword and bow ... to be superseded
by Ashtoreth, who was herself of Babylonian origin, it is probable that the ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter ii canaan.htm

The Persecution under Nero in which Paul and Peter were Honored at ...
... we should expect him to meet death by the sword. ... But it is more probable that the
tradition is wholly in ... from the natural desire to ascribe the origin of this ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter xxv the persecution under nero.htm

Importance in Luke's History of the Story of the Birth of Christ
... is spoken against"; and for herself, "a sword should pierce ... It is most probable that
Luke had heard the ... the Mother's mind with regard to the origin and mission ...
/.../ramsay/was christ born in bethlehem/chapter 4 importance in lukes.htm

... Two explanations are given, eg, of the origin of the ... a young shepherd boy who cannot
wield a sword, and who ... they were wanting, as seems more probable, in the ...
// to the old testament/samuel.htm

Song of Songs
... have been a latent sense of the secular origin of the ... that, the story can hardly
be said to be probable. ... 9 is the song which accompanied the "sword-dance" (as ...
/.../mcfadyen/introduction to the old testament/song of songs.htm

Death of Jesus.
... This punishment was not Jewish in its origin; if the ... grant the honor of death by
the sword.[2] It ... Jesus does not render such personal emotion probable, at the ...
// life of jesus/chapter xxv death of jesus.htm

... as possibly favouring the supposition of an early origin. ... head with Goliath's own
useless sword;"all these ... as he could concerning a probable formidable rival ...
// life of david/iii early dayscontinued.htm

Herod and Peter.
... against the most formidable opposition, the divine origin of our ... error; and they
hoped, that the sword would not ... It is probable, that he has suffered more in ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xiv herod and peter.htm

John the Baptist
... It is probable that many of those who sought his ... or that which itched to grasp the
sword; they were ... While such an origin for John's baptism would give peculiar ...
/.../rhees/the life of jesus of nazareth/vi john the baptist.htm



Sword of Judgments

Sword of the Malicious Tongue

Sword of War

Sword used by Gideon

Sword used by Goliath

Sword used by Peter

Sword: David's Army Equipped With

Sword: Made of Plowshares

Sword: Symbolical

Sword: To be Beaten Into Plowshares

Sword: Two-Edged

The Sword in Time of Peace Made Into Plough Shares

The Sword in Time of War, Plough Shares Made Into

The Sword of Deep Mental Affliction

The Sword of False Witnesses

The Sword of Judicial Authority

The Sword of Persecuting Spirit of the Wicked

The Sword of Severe and Heavy Calamities

The Sword of the End of the Wicked

The Sword of the Justice of God

The Sword of the Protection of God

The Sword of the Tongue of the Wicked

The Sword of the Wicked

The Sword of the Word of Christ

The Sword of the Word of God

The Sword of War and Contention

The Sword was Brandished Over the Head

The Sword was One of God's Four Sore Judgments

The Sword was Pointed

The Sword was Thrust Through Enemies

The Sword was Used by Heathen Nations

The Sword was Used by the Jews

The Sword was Used by the Patriarchs

The Sword was Used for Destruction of Enemies

The Sword was Used for Punishing Criminals

The Sword was Used for Self-Defence

The Sword was Used: Sometimes for Self-Destruction

The Sword: (Drawing of) of War and Destruction

The Sword: (Living By) of Rapine

The Sword: (Not Departing from One's House) of Perpetual Calamity

The Sword: (Putting, Into Its Sheath) Peace and Friendship

The Sword: Bright

The Sword: Carried in a Sheath or Scabbard

The Sword: Frequently had Two Edges

The Sword: Glittering

The Sword: Hebrews Early Acquainted With Making of

The Sword: Hurtful

The Sword: Often Sent As a Punishment

The Sword: Often Threatened As a Punishment

The Sword: Oppressive

The Sword: Probable Origin

The Sword: Sharp

The Sword: Sharpened and Furbished Before Going to War

The Sword: Suspended from the Girdle

The Sword: Those Slain By, Communicated Ceremonial Uncleanness

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