The Sword: Often Sent As a Punishment
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Ezra 9:7
Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass to this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 78:62
He gave his people over also to the sword; and was wroth with his inheritance.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Prophets were Sent from one and the Same Father from whom the ...
... which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain ... thou that killest
the prophets, and stonest those that are sent unto thee; how often would I ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter xxxvi the prophets were sent.htm

The Apocalypse of Baruch.
... xx., lxxiv.), where an angel of this name is often introduced. ... and some of them shall
fall by the sword in battle ... with the sight of the blessed and sent away to ...
// apocalypse of baruch.htm

At this Time, He Knew in a Guilty Way Bersabe...
... but he, disregarding this command, avenged with the sword his parricidal ... Accordingly,
an angel was sent to him to reveal to him a ... [311] As is often the case ...
/.../life and writings of sulpitius severus /chapter xxxviii at this time.htm

The Testament of Joseph Concerning Sobriety.
... And when the eunuch who brought it came, I looked up and beheld a terrible man giving
me with the dish a sword, and I ... 9. How often hath she sent unto me ...
/.../xi the testament of joseph concerning.htm

Human Government.
... He nowhere recognizes Satan as his servant, sent and set by ... evil, be afraid; for
he beareth not the sword in vain ... is the same in principle as is often aimed at ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xx human government.htm

Against those who Think that what is Just is not Good.
... angry in the way that some think; but often restrains, and ... mine arrows drunk with
blood, and my sword shall devour ... world also may believe that Thou hast sent Me ...
/.../clement/the instructor paedagogus/chapter viii against those who think.htm

False Comforts for Sinners.
... a person under great distress of mind was sent to converse ... Father as standing over
him, with the sword of justice ... The impression is often made by the manner of ...
/.../finney/lectures on revivals of religion/lecture xvii false comforts for.htm

Luther's Separation from Rome.
... to the convent wall, and to this he often repaired ... and every claim, was like a
two-edged sword, cutting its ... yet vehemently crying, "Retract, or be sent to Rome ...
/.../7 luthers separation from rome.htm

Luther's Separation from Rome
... to the convent wall, and to this he often repaired ... and every claim, was like a
two-edged sword, cutting its ... yet vehemently crying: "Retract, or be sent to Rome ...
/.../white/the great controversy/chapter 7 luthers separation from.htm

Matt. xxvi. 51-54.
... of the former things, saying, "When I sent you without ... He saith, "they shall perish
by the sword." To show ... boiling with rage, and having often attempted to ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily lxxxiv matt xxvi 51-54.htm



Sword of Judgments

Sword of the Malicious Tongue

Sword of War

Sword used by Gideon

Sword used by Goliath

Sword used by Peter

Sword: David's Army Equipped With

Sword: Made of Plowshares

Sword: Symbolical

Sword: To be Beaten Into Plowshares

Sword: Two-Edged

The Sword in Time of Peace Made Into Plough Shares

The Sword in Time of War, Plough Shares Made Into

The Sword of Deep Mental Affliction

The Sword of False Witnesses

The Sword of Judicial Authority

The Sword of Persecuting Spirit of the Wicked

The Sword of Severe and Heavy Calamities

The Sword of the End of the Wicked

The Sword of the Justice of God

The Sword of the Protection of God

The Sword of the Tongue of the Wicked

The Sword of the Wicked

The Sword of the Word of Christ

The Sword of the Word of God

The Sword of War and Contention

The Sword was Brandished Over the Head

The Sword was One of God's Four Sore Judgments

The Sword was Pointed

The Sword was Thrust Through Enemies

The Sword was Used by Heathen Nations

The Sword was Used by the Jews

The Sword was Used by the Patriarchs

The Sword was Used for Destruction of Enemies

The Sword was Used for Punishing Criminals

The Sword was Used for Self-Defence

The Sword was Used: Sometimes for Self-Destruction

The Sword: (Drawing of) of War and Destruction

The Sword: (Living By) of Rapine

The Sword: (Not Departing from One's House) of Perpetual Calamity

The Sword: (Putting, Into Its Sheath) Peace and Friendship

The Sword: Bright

The Sword: Carried in a Sheath or Scabbard

The Sword: Frequently had Two Edges

The Sword: Glittering

The Sword: Hebrews Early Acquainted With Making of

The Sword: Hurtful

The Sword: Often Sent As a Punishment

The Sword: Often Threatened As a Punishment

The Sword: Oppressive

The Sword: Probable Origin

The Sword: Sharp

The Sword: Sharpened and Furbished Before Going to War

The Sword: Suspended from the Girdle

The Sword: Those Slain By, Communicated Ceremonial Uncleanness

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