The Stars: God: Appointed to Give Light by Night
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 1:16,14
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 136:9
The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endures for ever.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jeremiah 31:35
Thus said the LORD, which gives the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divides the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Concerning Light, Fire, the Luminaries, Sun, Moon and Stars.
... the divine David says, The moon and the stars which Thou ... of the order and series
granted to them by God. For He appointed them for seasons, and signs, and days ...
/.../john/exposition of the orthodox faith/chapter vii concerning light fire the.htm

Influence of the Moon and Stars on Men.
... but the great light in heaven which was appointed "to rule ... the heaven," when they
say that some of the stars have a ... since no star was formed by the God of the ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of matthew/6 influence of the moon.htm

That God Only, the Creator of all Things, is to be Worshipped, and ...
... of wisdom, in thinking that those lights were appointed by God ... in number, and of
such a figure, God placed in ... But if it is impossible that the stars should be ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap v that god only the.htm

The Doxology
... hope to be living when sun and earth, stars and comets ... for us, and will with Him
freely give us all ... again to the glory and honour which God appointed for men ...
/.../ for the times/sermon x the doxology.htm

Christianity a Light.
... sun and moon and the falling of the stars we will ... as we were on our way to an appointed
meeting, we ... be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke ...
// gospel day /chapter i christianity a light.htm

"The Tender Mercy of Our God"
... is bright with these visits as the sky with stars. ... the captive, and save those who
are appointed unto death ... You seem forgotten of God, left out of the register ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 32 1886/the tender mercy of our.htm

Mosaic Cosmogony.
... that these bodies were then prepared and appointed to certain ... created, the writer
intending to say God formed the ... idea that the sun, moon, and stars had been ...
/.../temple/essays and reviews the education of the world/mosaic cosmogony.htm

God's Approbation of his Works
... are to be numbered among the stars, and whether ... they are immense reservoirs of fluids,
appointed to revolve ... 11. The Lord God afterward peopled the earth with ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 56 gods approbation of.htm

Certain Prayers and Laws.
... servant as the only begotten God, and one appointed bishop of ... O God, the God of spirits
and of all flesh, who ... over the day, and the moon and the stars to have ...
/.../various/constitutions of the holy apostles/sec iv certain prayers and laws.htm

The Constitution of the World and the Disposition of The
... and a wind moved upon its surface, God commanded that ... On the third day he appointed
the dry land to appear ... the sun, the moon, and the other stars, and appointed ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 1 the constitution of.htm



Stars of the Deliverer

Stars: Comets

Stars: Constellations of

Stars: Created by God

Stars: Crown of Twelve Stars

Stars: Darkening of

Stars: Differ in Splendor

Stars: Falling of

Stars: Orion

Stars: Planets

Stars: Serpent

Stars: Seven Stars of the Seven Congregations

Stars: The Morning Star

Stars: Worship of, Forbidden

Stars: Worshiped

The Stars of Angels

The Stars of Christ

The Stars of Ministers

The Stars of Princes and Subordinate Governors

The Stars: (Bright and Morning Star) of Christ

The Stars: (Morning Star) of Glory to be Given to Faithful Saints

The Stars: (Setting the Nest Amongst) Pride and Carnal Security

The Stars: (Shining of) the Reward of Faithful Ministers

The Stars: (Wandering) False Teachers

The Stars: (Withdrawing Their Light) Severe Judgments

The Stars: Appear After Sunset

The Stars: Appear of Different Magnitudes

The Stars: Arcturus

The Stars: Astrology and Star-Gazing Practised by the Babylonians

The Stars: Called: Stars of Heaven

The Stars: Called: Stars of Light

The Stars: Called: The Host of Heaven

The Stars: Exhibit the Greatness of God's Power

The Stars: False Gods Frequently Worshipped Under the Representation of

The Stars: God: Appointed to Give Light by Night

The Stars: God: Created

The Stars: God: Established, for Ever

The Stars: God: Numbers and Names

The Stars: God: Obscures

The Stars: God: Set, in the Firmament of Heaven

The Stars: Idolaters Worshipped

The Stars: Impure in the Sight of God

The Stars: Infinite in Number

The Stars: Made to Praise God

The Stars: Mazzaroth

The Stars: Morning Star

The Stars: One of Extraordinary Brightness Appeared at Christ's Birth

The Stars: Orion

The Stars: Pleiades

The Stars: Punishment for Worshipping

The Stars: Revolve in Fixed Orbits

The Stars: Shine in the Firmament of Heaven

The Stars: The Israelites Forbidden to Worship

The Stars: Use of, in Navigation, Alluded To

The Stars: when Grouped Together Called Constellations

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