The Stars: (Morning Star) of Glory to be Given to Faithful Saints
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Revelation 2:28
And I will give him the morning star.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Heralds of the Morning.
... darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars of heaven ... "In the
morning the sun ... a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise."(505 ...
/.../the great controversy between christ and satan /17 heralds of the morning.htm

Heralds of the Morning
... moon shall not give her light, and the stars of heaven ... describes the event as follows:
"In the morning the sun ... Scriptures they had learned of the Star to arise ...
/.../white/the great controversy/chapter 17 heralds of the.htm

Christianity a Light.
... sun and moon and the falling of the stars we will ... the forerunner of Jesus, or the
heralding star of Christianity ... as a dewdrop on a summer's morning, as melting ...
// gospel day /chapter i christianity a light.htm

Epistles to the Seven Churches.
... the bright and morning star," Rev.22:16 ... may fail of becoming illuminated by the
day-star in their ... who hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars: I know ...
/.../bliss/a brief commentary on the apocalypse/epistles to the seven churches.htm

The City that Hath Foundations
... But who are they that come"the glorious ones,. As stars along the way". ... I see them
crowned with glory,. And shining from afar; ... Has given the Morning-Star. ...
/.../the city that hath foundations.htm

The Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA
... How bright appears the Morning Star. Sundays after Epiphany 99. ... Michael and All Angels
289. Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright. Holy Days: St. ...
/.../various/the hymnal of the protestant episcopal church in the usa/

Index to First Lines
... 336) (11) [2662]20 Sunset and evening star [2663]412 ... throne (230) (561) [2751]362
When morning gilds the ... 180) [2759]298 Who are these like stars appearing (178 ...
/.../index to first lines.htm

Obadiah; Or, Early Piety Eminent Piety
... and even one star differeth from another star in glory. ... which cannot be discerned
as separate stars, but are ... Obadiah I wish to speak with you this morning. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 30 1884/obadiah or early piety eminent.htm

Section 26-36. That the Son is the Co-Existing Word
... body must be before Adam, for the stars were before ... in the flesh;' for before the
Morning Star' is equivalent ... Only-Begotten; for He says not the glory of the ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/section 26-36 that the son.htm

Thoughts Upon the Appearance of Christ the Sun of Righteousness ...
... There shall come a star out of Jacob, said Balaam, Numbers ... he shall be as the light
of the morning when the ... us no otherwise than as the Moon and Stars do, when ...
/.../private thoughts upon a christian life/thoughts upon the appearance of.htm



Stars of the Deliverer

Stars: Comets

Stars: Constellations of

Stars: Created by God

Stars: Crown of Twelve Stars

Stars: Darkening of

Stars: Differ in Splendor

Stars: Falling of

Stars: Orion

Stars: Planets

Stars: Serpent

Stars: Seven Stars of the Seven Congregations

Stars: The Morning Star

Stars: Worship of, Forbidden

Stars: Worshiped

The Stars of Angels

The Stars of Christ

The Stars of Ministers

The Stars of Princes and Subordinate Governors

The Stars: (Bright and Morning Star) of Christ

The Stars: (Morning Star) of Glory to be Given to Faithful Saints

The Stars: (Setting the Nest Amongst) Pride and Carnal Security

The Stars: (Shining of) the Reward of Faithful Ministers

The Stars: (Wandering) False Teachers

The Stars: (Withdrawing Their Light) Severe Judgments

The Stars: Appear After Sunset

The Stars: Appear of Different Magnitudes

The Stars: Arcturus

The Stars: Astrology and Star-Gazing Practised by the Babylonians

The Stars: Called: Stars of Heaven

The Stars: Called: Stars of Light

The Stars: Called: The Host of Heaven

The Stars: Exhibit the Greatness of God's Power

The Stars: False Gods Frequently Worshipped Under the Representation of

The Stars: God: Appointed to Give Light by Night

The Stars: God: Created

The Stars: God: Established, for Ever

The Stars: God: Numbers and Names

The Stars: God: Obscures

The Stars: God: Set, in the Firmament of Heaven

The Stars: Idolaters Worshipped

The Stars: Impure in the Sight of God

The Stars: Infinite in Number

The Stars: Made to Praise God

The Stars: Mazzaroth

The Stars: Morning Star

The Stars: One of Extraordinary Brightness Appeared at Christ's Birth

The Stars: Orion

The Stars: Pleiades

The Stars: Punishment for Worshipping

The Stars: Revolve in Fixed Orbits

The Stars: Shine in the Firmament of Heaven

The Stars: The Israelites Forbidden to Worship

The Stars: Use of, in Navigation, Alluded To

The Stars: when Grouped Together Called Constellations

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