The Sidonians: Descended from Sidon, Son of Canaan
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 10:15
And Canaan begat Sidon his first born, and Heth,
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Chronicles 1:13
And Canaan begat Zidon his firstborn, and Heth,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... ancestor from whom they claimed to be descended, and who ... north as the borders of
Tyre and Sidon, behind the ... merely lacks a descent from father to son to make ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm

The Power of Assyria at Its Zenith; Esarhaddon and Assur-Bani-Pal
... The king, who was supposed to be descended from the ... skirmish, and the chastisement
of the Sidonians would have ... with the war against Tiushpa and Sidon makes me ...
/.../chapter iithe power of assyria 2.htm



The Sidonians were Skilful Sailors

The Sidonians: Ahab Intermarried With

The Sidonians: Character of Careless and Secure

The Sidonians: Character of Idolatrous

The Sidonians: Character of Superstitious

The Sidonians: Character of Wicked and Impenitent

The Sidonians: Cities of Mentioned: Governed by Kings

The Sidonians: Cities of Mentioned: Zarephath or Sarepta

The Sidonians: Cities of Mentioned: Zidon

The Sidonians: Descended from Sidon, Son of Canaan

The Sidonians: Dwelt on the Sea Coast

The Sidonians: Engaged in Extensive Commerce

The Sidonians: Formerly a Part of the Phoenician Nation

The Sidonians: Having Revolted from Herod, Were Obliged to Propitiate Him

The Sidonians: Hostile and Oppressive to God's People

The Sidonians: Israel Followed the Idolatry of

The Sidonians: Israel Unable to Expel

The Sidonians: Many of, Attended Christ's Ministry

The Sidonians: Predictions Respecting: All Their Helpers to be Cut off

The Sidonians: Predictions Respecting: Partaking With the Other Nations of God's Judgments

The Sidonians: Predictions Respecting: Territory of, to be Given to Nebuchadnezzar, King of

The Sidonians: Predictions Respecting: That God should be Glorified in the Judgments Upon Them

The Sidonians: Predictions Respecting: Their Spoiling and Oppression of the Jews to be Fully

The Sidonians: Solomon Intermarried With

The Sidonians: Supplied from Judea With Provisions

The Sidonians: Supplied the Jews With Timber

The Sidonians: Territory of Allotted to the Tribe of Asher

The Sidonians: Territory of Bordered on the Land of Canaan

The Sidonians: Territory of Given by God to Israel

The Sidonians: Territory of Visited by Our Lord

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