the Second Temple: Divine Worship Commenced Before the Foundation Was Laid
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Ezra 3:1-6
And when the seventh month was come, and the children of Israel were in the cities, the people gathered themselves together as one man to Jerusalem.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Preached Before the Governor, and Council, and the House of ...
... so lone deprived of their temple and its worship, which fabric ... thence to the destruction
of their second temple, &c ... view of the traces of divine Providence, in ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/preached before the governor and.htm

The Institution of Deacons, and the History of Stephen.
... Why, then, should the second temple be permitted to ... The fall of our temple, and the
abrogation of ... preternatural in his countenance, a divine splendour similar ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture viii the institution of.htm

The Twelve Minor Prophets.
... interests, which have brought upon them the divine rebuke ... people to renew the work
upon the temple is added ... The second message "in the one and twentieth day" of ...
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The Church of Rome in the Third Century.
... the enduring basis on which the living temple of God was ... [358:3] This second effort
of ... confession." [362:2] Soon afterwards, the greatest divine connected with ...
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In the House of his Heavenly, and in the Home of his Earthly ...
... Most Holy Place, which in the second Temple was empty ... first time, He had been brought
to the Temple. ... strong and irresistible impulse - that Divine necessity of ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter x in the house.htm

The Christ of the Gospels. By Rev. Professor Schaff.
... the profane traffickers from the temple was laid ... testimony concerning his superhuman
and divine origin. ... universal, the absolute man, the second Adam descended ...
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On the Ten Points of Doctrine.
... a great many gifts for the Temple here at ... The distinction is useful, though the second
class is not ... reasonable person that the idea of divine inspiration or ...
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The Life of Mr. Hugh Binning.
... words, saying, The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the ...
For in the second part of his "Contemplations moral and divine," we have ...
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Solomon's Temple Spiritualized
... Second. ... so there are many higher than they, but in office, and calling, and Divine
authority ... it, these stand at the door, at the entering into the temple of God ...
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Sad Fasts Changed to Glad Feasts
... to him, and yield themselves up to his divine power, he ... in his own city, even in
his own temple, and God ... So, you see, this is a second instance in which what ...
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