The Roman Empire: Allusions to Citizenship of Exempted from the Degradation Scourging
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Acts 16:37,38
But Paul said to them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privately? no truly; but let them come themselves and fetch us out.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Acts 22:25
And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said to the centurion that stood by, Is it lawful for you to whip a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Irony: The Roman Soldiers to Jesus


Roman Army

Roman Empire

Roman Empire: Citizenship In by Birth

Roman Empire: Citizenship In by Purchase

Roman Empire: Ruled by Augustus Caesar

Roman Empire: Ruled by Claudius Caesar

Roman Empire: Ruled by Nero

Roman Empire: Ruled by Tiberius Caesar

Roman Empire: The Right of Appeal

Roman Empire: The Right of Trial

Roman Empire: The Rights of Citizens

Roman Law

Roman Religion

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Citizenship of Exempted from the Degradation Scourging

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Citizenship of Obtained by Birth

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Citizenship of Obtained by Purchase

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Grecian Game Adapted by Crowning of Conquerors

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Grecian Game Adapted by Foot Races

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Grecian Game Adapted by Gladiatorial Fights

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Grecian Game Adapted by Rules Observed in Conducting

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Grecian Game Adapted by Training of Combatants

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Grecian Game Adapted by Wrestling

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of Accusation in Writing Placed Over the Head of Those

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of Accused Person Protected from Popular Violence

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of Accusers and Accused Confronted Together

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of all Appeals Made to the Emperor

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of Criminals Delivered Over to the Soldiers for Execution

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of Garments of Those Executed Given to the Soldiers

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of Person Accused, Examined by Scourging

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of Power of Life and Death Vested in Its Authorities

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of Prisoners Chained to Soldiers for Safety

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Judicial Affairs of Those Who Appealed to Caesar, to be Brought Before Him

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Crowning of Soldiers Who Distinguished Themselves

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Danger of Sentinels' Sleeping

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Different Military officers

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Expunging from the Muster Roll Name of Soldiers Guilty of

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Hardship Endured by Soldiers

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Italian and Augustus' Band

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Soldiers not Allowed to Entangle Themselves With Earthly

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Strict Obedience to Superiors

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of The Soldier's Special Comrade Who Shared his Toils

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Triumphs of Victorious Generals

The Roman Empire: Allusions to Military Affairs of Use of the Panoply or Defensive Armour

The Roman Empire: Called the World from Its Extent

The Roman Empire: Emperors of, Mentioned: Augustus

The Roman Empire: Emperors of, Mentioned: Claudius

The Roman Empire: Emperors of, Mentioned: Nero

The Roman Empire: Emperors of, Mentioned: Tiberius

The Roman Empire: Judea a Province of, Under a Procurator or a Governor

The Roman Empire: Predictions Respecting: Its Division Into Ten Parts

The Roman Empire: Predictions Respecting: Its Universal Dominion

The Roman Empire: Predictions Respecting: Origin of Papal Power In

The Roman Empire: Represented by The: Legs of Iron in Nebuchadnezzar's Vision

The Roman Empire: Represented by The: Terrible Beast in Daniel's Vision

The Roman Empire: Rome the Capitol of

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