The Resurrection of Christ: An Assurance of the Judgment
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Acts 17:31
Because he has appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained; whereof he has given assurance to all men, in that he has raised him from the dead.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Faith is Buttressed by the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ ...
... by the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, and is ... The belief of the resurrection
of our Lord from the dead ... With what assurance, then, is the hope of believers ...
/.../on christian doctrine in four books /chapter 15 faith is buttressed by.htm

The Man who is Judge
... Acts 17:31. I. The Resurrection of Jesus gives assurance of judgment.
(a) Christ's Resurrection is the pledge of ours. The belief ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture the acts/the man who is judge.htm

Twenty Sixth Sunday after Trinity God's Judgment when Christ ...
... this, the Christian has the comforting assurance of God's ... the sake of the kingdom
of Christ and of ... consolation the future judgment at the resurrection of the ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/twenty sixth sunday after trinity.htm

Index to Preachers and Sermons
... Christ Schleiermacher, Frederick Ernst, Christ's Resurrection an Image ... Augustine
Simpson, Matthew, The Resurrection of Our ... Smith, George Adam Assurance in God ...
/.../various/the worlds great sermons volume 10/index to preachers and sermons.htm

How Christ Performed the Office of Redeemer in Procuring Our ...
... But to give additional assurance to those who require the authority of the ... may be
thus divided between the death and the resurrection of Christ: by the ...
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 16 how christ performed.htm

The Sinner Sentenced.
... really think that the intent of Christ's final appearance ... Whatever assurance thou
hast that there shall be "a ... that there shall also be "a resurrection or the ...
/.../chapter vi the sinner sentenced.htm

The Power of Christ's Resurrection
... Now had Christ continued always in the grave, we could have had no more assurance
that our ... dead, to assure us of the certainty of the resurrection of our ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/the power of christs resurrection.htm

The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment:
... of righteousness while here, there will be a resurrection of the dead hereafter,
and that we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ." Barclay, in ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the resurrection of the dead.htm

The Doctrine of Jesus Christ.
... nor to have any such power in the general resurrection of all ... Christ did make such
claims. ... the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the ...
/.../evans/the great doctrines of the bible/the doctrine of jesus christ.htm

Hymns and Spiritual Songs
... Hope of heaven by the resurrection of Christ, 1 Peter 1 ... Assurance of heaven; or,
A saint prepared to die, 2 ... The triumph of Christ over the enemies of his church ...
// and spiritual songs/



Resurrection of Christ

Resurrection of Regeneration

Resurrection of the Dead

Resurrection: General Scriptures Concerning

Resurrection: Symbolical

Resurrection: Typified: Isaac

Resurrection: Typified: Jonah

Select Readings: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Resurrection is not Contrary to Reason

The Resurrection is not Incredible

The Resurrection of Christ is an Emblem of the New Birth

The Resurrection of Christ was Attested by Angels

The Resurrection of Christ was Attested by Apostles

The Resurrection of Christ was Attested by His Enemies

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to Forgiveness of Sins

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to Hope

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to Justification

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to The Efficacy of Faith

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to The Efficacy of Preaching

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to The Fulfilment of Scripture

The Resurrection of Christ: A Proof of his Being the Son of God

The Resurrection of Christ: An Assurance of the Judgment

The Resurrection of Christ: Asserted and Preached by the Apostles

The Resurrection of Christ: Effected by His own Power

The Resurrection of Christ: Effected by The Power of God

The Resurrection of Christ: Effected by The Power of the Holy Spirit

The Resurrection of Christ: Followed by his Exaltation

The Resurrection of Christ: Foretold by Himself

The Resurrection of Christ: Foretold by the Prophets

The Resurrection of Christ: Fraud Impossible In

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to About Five Hundred Brethren

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to all the Apostles

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Apostles at the Sea of Tiberias

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Apostles in Galilee

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Apostles, Except Thomas

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Apostles, Thomas Being Present

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to James

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Mary Magdalene

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Paul

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Simon Peter

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to The Women

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Two Disciples

The Resurrection of Christ: He Gave Many Infallible Proofs of

The Resurrection of Christ: On the First Day of the Week

The Resurrection of Christ: On the Third Day After his Death

The Resurrection of Christ: Saints: Begotten to a Lively Hope

The Resurrection of Christ: Saints: Desire to Know the Power of

The Resurrection of Christ: Saints: Shall Rise in the Likeness of

The Resurrection of Christ: Saints: should Keep, in Remembrance

The Resurrection of Christ: The Apostles: At First did not Understand the Predictions Respecting

The Resurrection of Christ: The Apostles: Reproved for Their Unbelief of

The Resurrection of Christ: The Apostles: Very Slow to Believe

The Resurrection of Christ: The First-Fruits of Our Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ: The Truth of the Gospel Involved In

The Resurrection of Christ: Typified: Isaac

The Resurrection of Christ: Typified: Jonah

The Resurrection of Saints Shall be Followed by the Change of Those Then Alive

The Resurrection of the Wicked, Shall be to Damnation

The Resurrection of the Wicked, Shall be to Shame and Everlasting Contempt

The Resurrection: A Doctrine of the Old Testament

The Resurrection: A First Principle of the Gospel

The Resurrection: Assumed and Proved by Our Lord

The Resurrection: Blessedness of Those Who Have Part in the First

The Resurrection: Called in Question by some in the Church

The Resurrection: Certainty of, Proved by the Resurrection of Christ

The Resurrection: Credibility of, Shown by the Resurrection of Individuals

The Resurrection: Denied by the Sadducees

The Resurrection: Effected by the Power of Christ

The Resurrection: Effected by the Power of God

The Resurrection: Effected by the Power of The Holy Spirit

The Resurrection: Expected by the Jews

The Resurrection: Explained Away by False Teachers

The Resurrection: Illustrated

The Resurrection: Illustrative of the New Birth

The Resurrection: Preached by the Apostles

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Be As the Angels

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Be Glorified With Christ

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Be Recompensed

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Bodies Like Christ's

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Glorious Bodies

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Incorruptible Bodies

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Powerful Bodies

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Spiritual Bodies

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Rise First

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Rise Through Christ

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Rise to Eternal Life

The Resurrection: Saints should Look Forward To

The Resurrection: Shall be of all the Dead

The Resurrection: The Preaching of, Caused: Mocking

The Resurrection: The Preaching of, Caused: Persecution

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