The Poor are Such by God's Appointment
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Samuel 2:7
The LORD makes poor, and makes rich: he brings low, and lifts up.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Job 1:21
And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Motives from the Necessities of the Work
... yet not so many, as experience, and God's appointment of further ... I am afraid of the
everlasting wrath of God. ... Could you deny your help to such poor sinners? ...
// reformed pastor/article 3.htm

Mordecai and Esther
... have been dabbled with 'the blood of poor innocents,' splashed ... God lays upon us special
missionary work by the ... 'Such a time as this!' Was there ever such a time ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/mordecai and esther.htm

Messiah Suffering and Wounded for Us
... That we who have offended God, should enjoy health, peace, or satisfaction for a
single hour ... Cheered by such thoughts as these, His poor people often enjoy ...
/.../newton/messiah vol 1/sermon xix messiah suffering and.htm

"Wash You, Make You Clean; Put Away the Evil of Your Doings from ...
... He oppresses not the poor, nay, but he is not charitable ... they are but naked and bare
in God's sight, not ... not, ordinarily seven worse enter again into such men. ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xi wash you make.htm

Woes on the Pharisees
... Ps.111:9. To what human being is such a title ... a truth I say unto you, that this poor
widow hath ... the service of the temple to be of God's appointment, and she ...
// desire of ages/chapter 67 woes on the.htm

The Life of Mr. James Mitchel.
... acknowledge my private and particular sins have been such as have ... I am brought here
that the work of God may be ... and I wish heartily that this my poor life may ...
/.../howie/biographia scoticana scots worthies/the life of mr james 5.htm

On Public Diversions
... all, young and old, rich and poor, to wipe ... this unhappy diversion, which has such
terribly hurtful ... to our afflicted neighbours, according as God hath prospered ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 140 on public diversions.htm

Seed among Thorns
... May God help us to make the right choice of the ... such a sky and was taken out of such
a seed ... Dear brethren, let us take our poor, imperfect services, and lay ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture e/seed among thorns.htm

Its Instrument
... has no righteousness, so God regards his poor faith as ... This error was advocated by
such men as W ... with our capacity of receiving and God's appointment in giving. ...
/...// doctrine of justification/8 its instrument.htm

Treatise i. On the Unity of the Church.
... I give all my goods to feed the poor, and though ... Such a one is perverted and sins,
and is ... bears arms against the Church, he contends against God's appointment. ...
/.../cyprian/the treatises of cyprian/treatise i on the unity.htm



Poor: Atonement Money of, Uniform With That of the Rich People

Poor: Duty To

Poor: God's Care of

Poor: Inexpensive offerings of People Who Have Very Little Money

Poor: Kindness To by Boaz

Poor: Kindness To by Job

Poor: Kindness to Congregations

Poor: Kindness to Congregations of Macedonia and Achaia

Poor: Kindness to Cornelius

Poor: Kindness to Dorcas

Poor: Kindness to Jews

Poor: Kindness to Nebuzaradan

Poor: Kindness to Paul

Poor: Kindness to Prophet's Widow

Poor: Kindness to The Congregation at Antioch (In Syria)

Poor: Kindness to The Good Samaritan

Poor: Kindness to The Temanites

Poor: Kindness to To Ruth

Poor: Kindness to To the Widow of Zarephath

Poor: Kindness to Zacchaeus

Poor: Oppressions of

Poor: Poor in Spirit

Poor: The Widow's Son

Poor: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

The Poor are Such by God's Appointment

The Poor by Mocking, God is Reproached

The Poor by Oppressing, God is Reproached

The Poor: A Care For is a Fruit of Repentance

The Poor: A Care For is Characteristic of Saints

The Poor: A Care For: should be Urged

The Poor: Care For-Illustrated

The Poor: Christ Delivers

The Poor: Christ Lived As One of

The Poor: Christ Preached To

The Poor: Condition of, often Results From: Bad Company

The Poor: Condition of, often Results From: Drunkenness and Gluttony

The Poor: Condition of, often Results From: Sloth

The Poor: Defend

The Poor: Despise Not

The Poor: do Justice To

The Poor: Gideon

The Poor: Give to Cheerfully

The Poor: Give to Liberally

The Poor: Give to not Grudgingly

The Poor: Give to Pray For

The Poor: Give to Specially If Saints

The Poor: Give To without Ostentation

The Poor: God is the Refuge of

The Poor: God: Delivers

The Poor: God: Despises No the Prayer of

The Poor: God: Exalts

The Poor: God: Forgets Not

The Poor: God: Hears

The Poor: God: Maintains the Right of

The Poor: God: Protects

The Poor: God: Provides For

The Poor: God: Regards Equally With the Rich

The Poor: Guilt of Defrauding

The Poor: Harden not the Heart Against

The Poor: Made by God

The Poor: May Be: Liberal

The Poor: May Be: Rich in Faith

The Poor: May Be: Upright

The Poor: May Be: Wise

The Poor: Neglect Towards Is: A Neglect of Christ

The Poor: Neglect Towards Is: A Proof of Unbelief

The Poor: Neglect Towards Is: Inconsistent With Love to God

The Poor: Offerings of, Acceptable to God

The Poor: Oppress Not

The Poor: Oppression of-Illustrated

The Poor: Prophet's Widow

The Poor: Punishment For: Acting Unjustly Towards

The Poor: Punishment For: Oppressing

The Poor: Punishment For: Refusing to Assist

The Poor: Punishment For: Spoiling

The Poor: Regard For: Boaz

The Poor: Regard For: Church at Antioch

The Poor: Regard For: Churches of Macedonia and Achaia

The Poor: Regard For: Cornelius

The Poor: Regard For: Dorcas

The Poor: Regard For: Job

The Poor: Regard For: Nebuzaradan

The Poor: Regard For: Paul

The Poor: Regard For: Peter and John

The Poor: Regard For: Zacchaeus

The Poor: Rob Not

The Poor: Rule Not, With Vigour

The Poor: Ruth

The Poor: Saints of Old

The Poor: Shall Never Cease out of the Land

The Poor: should Commit Themselves to God

The Poor: should Hope in God

The Poor: should Provided for Under the Law

The Poor: should Rejoice in God

The Poor: should when Converted, Rejoice in Their Exaltation

The Poor: Shut not the Hand Against

The Poor: Take No Usury From

The Poor: The Wicked: Care not For

The Poor: The Wicked: Crush

The Poor: The Wicked: Defraud

The Poor: The Wicked: Despise the Counsel of

The Poor: The Wicked: Devour

The Poor: The Wicked: Grind the Faces of

The Poor: The Wicked: Oppress

The Poor: The Wicked: Persecute

The Poor: The Wicked: Regard not the Cause of

The Poor: The Wicked: Sell

The Poor: The Wicked: Tread Down

The Poor: The Wicked: Vex

The Poor: They Who in Faith, Believe are Blessed

The Poor: They Who in Faith, Believe are Happy

The Poor: They Who in Faith, Believe: Have Promises

The Poor: They Who in Faith, Believe: Have the Favour of God

The Poor: Widow of Zarephath

The Poor: Wrong not in Judgment

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