The Philistines: David: Fled To, for Safety
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1 Samuel 27:1-7
And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: there is nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Exile Continued.
... Thither fled to him his whole family, from fear ... guard against southern Bedouins and
western Philistines for the ... whom it is to be observed David never employed ...
// life of david/v the exilecontinued.htm

How David, Upon Saul's Laying Snares for Him, did yet Escape the ...
... 3. About this time it was that, upon the Philistines making a ... it before it came,
and avoided it, and fled to his ... But David sware to him that so it was; and he ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 11 how david upon.htm

The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... it to the circumstances of the time, and then fled. ... bring themselves to think that
the Philistines had cavalry ... at length in the duel between David and Goliath ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm

The End of Self-Will
... were dead, they forsook the cities, and fled; and the ... Jabesh- gilead heard of that
which the Philistines had done ... on the walk of Bethshan, while David sits a ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the end of self-will.htm

The Exile --Continued.
... invasion: "Haste thee and come; for the Philistines have spread ... Here David fled from
the neighbouring wilderness, attracted no doubt by the safety of the ...
// life of david/vi the exilecontinued.htm

The Sheep and their Shepherd
... David felt he could not drink the water that the ... who broke through the host of the
Philistines brought to him ... and where is mercy fled, that God should execute ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/the sheep and their shepherd.htm

Turning Back in the Day of Battle
... the adversary, but they dishonorably turned their backs and fled. ... The Philistines
are good hands at shouting ... upon Mount Zion under the government of King David. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 12 1866/turning back in the day.htm

Seasonable Counsel: Or, Advice to Sufferers.
... Thus David committed his soul to God, when he said "Arise, O Lord, disappoint him,
cast him ... when he went for his life to the mount of God, being fled from the ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/seasonable counsel or advice to.htm

Tiglath-Pileser iii. And the Organisation of the Assyrian Empire ...
... attacks of Damascus, Moab, Edom, or the Philistines.* The daily ... and seek the Lord
their God, and David their king ... such a mount in Eastern countries,* fled at a ...
/.../chapter iitiglath-pileser iii and the.htm

Sennacherib (705-681 BC )
... on in security at the ruin of the Philistines, the hereditary ... of the wall of the
city of David had crumbled ... All thy rulers fled away together, they are made ...
/.../chapter isennacherib 705-681 b c.htm



Philistines for Their History During the Leadership of Samson See

Philistines: Allowed to Remain in Canaan

Philistines: Army of

Philistines: Called Caphtorim

Philistines: Called Casluhim

Philistines: Called Cherethites

Philistines: David Finds Refuge Among

Philistines: David Kills Two-Hundred Men

Philistines: Defeat the Israelites

Philistines: Defeat the Israelites and Kill Saul and his Sons

Philistines: Defeated by David

Philistines: Defeated by Hezekiah

Philistines: Defeated by Samuel

Philistines: Defeated by Saul and Jonathan

Philistines: Descendants of Mizraim

Philistines: Kings of Abimelech I

Philistines: Kings of Abimelech Ii

Philistines: Kings of Achish

Philistines: Lords of

Philistines: Pay Taxes to Jehoshaphat

Philistines: Prophecies Against

Philistines: Shamgar Kills Six-Hundred Men With an Ox Goad

Philistines: Territory of

Philistines: Their Champion, Goliath, Killed by David

The Philistines were a Great People and Governed by Kings in the Patriarchal

The Philistines: Always Confederated With the Enemies of Israel

The Philistines: Besieged in Gibbethon by Nadab

The Philistines: Called: The Caphtorims

The Philistines: Called: The Cherethites

The Philistines: Character of Idolatrous

The Philistines: Character of Proud

The Philistines: Character of Superstitious

The Philistines: Character of Warlike

The Philistines: Conquered the Avims and Took from Them the West Coast of

The Philistines: Country of: Called Philistia

The Philistines: Country of: Divided Into Five Sates of Lordships

The Philistines: Country of: Given by God to the Israelites

The Philistines: Country of: had Many Flourishing Cities

The Philistines: David: Distrusted By

The Philistines: David: Fled To, for Safety

The Philistines: David: Gained the Confidence of Achish King of

The Philistines: David: had a Guard Composed of

The Philistines: David: Often Defeated During Saul's Reign

The Philistines: David: Often Defeated in the Course of his Reign

The Philistines: David: Procured Saul's Daughter for and Hundred Foreskins of

The Philistines: David: Slew Goliath the Champion of

The Philistines: Defeated by Hezekiah

The Philistines: Defeated by Uzziah

The Philistines: Defeated Israel and Took the Ark

The Philistines: Defeated Israel at Ebenezer

The Philistines: Defeated Israel at Ephesdammim and Pursued to Ekron

The Philistines: Defied Israel by Their Champion

The Philistines: Descended from Casluhim

The Philistines: Distressed Judah Under Ahaz

The Philistines: Gathered all Their Armies to Aphek Against Israel

The Philistines: Invaded the Land of Israel With a Great Army

The Philistines: Israel Condemned for Imitating

The Philistines: Israel Defeated By, and Saul Slain

The Philistines: Jonathan and his Armour-Bearer Smote a Garrison of, at The

The Philistines: Jonathan Smote a Garrison of, at Geba and Provoked Them

The Philistines: Men of Great Strength and Stature Amongst

The Philistines: Miraculously Discomfited

The Philistines: Miraculously Routed at Mizpeh

The Philistines: Oppressed Israel After the Death of Abdon Forty Years

The Philistines: Oppressed Israel After the Death of Jair for Eighteen Years

The Philistines: Originally Dwelt in the Land of Caphtor

The Philistines: Plagued for Retaining the Ark

The Philistines: Prophecies Respecting: Base Men to be Their Rulers

The Philistines: Prophecies Respecting: Destruction and Desolation of Their Cities

The Philistines: Prophecies Respecting: Dismay at Ruin of Tyre

The Philistines: Prophecies Respecting: Hatred and Revenge Against Israel to be Fully Recompensed

The Philistines: Prophecies Respecting: Punishment With Other Nations

The Philistines: Prophecies Respecting: Their Country to be a Future Possession to Israel

The Philistines: Prophecies Respecting: To Help in Israel's Restoration

The Philistines: Prophecies Respecting: Union With Syria Against Israel

The Philistines: Prophecies Respecting: Utter Destruction by Pharaoh King of Egypt

The Philistines: Put the Ark Into Dagon's House

The Philistines: Samson: Blinded and Imprisoned By

The Philistines: Samson: Burned Vineyards of

The Philistines: Samson: Intermarried With

The Philistines: Samson: Promised As a Deliverer From

The Philistines: Samson: Pulled Down the House of Dagon and Destroyed Immense

The Philistines: Samson: Slew a Thousand With the Jawbone of an Ass

The Philistines: Samson: Slew Many for Burning his Wife

The Philistines: Samson: Slew Thirty, Near Askelon

The Philistines: Saul Constantly at War With

The Philistines: Sent Back the Ark and Were Healed

The Philistines: Sent by God Against Jehoram

The Philistines: Shamgar Slew Six Hundred of, and Delivered Israel

The Philistines: some of, Left to Prove Israel

The Philistines: Ziklag a Town of, Taken and Plundered by the Amalekites

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