The Ox: Publicly Sold
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Samuel 24:24
And the king said to Araunah, No; but I will surely buy it of you at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God of that which does cost me nothing. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Luke 14:19
And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray you have me excused.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Last Farewell in the Presence of the one Hundred and Fifty ...
... account privately and to some, I do so publicly, and to ... one who was hated, and he
who was sold [4321] dispossesses ... I have taken no ox of yours, [4375] says the ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/oration xlii the last farewell.htm

Of Miracles which were Wrought that the World Might Believe in ...
... good-natured assistance of the youths, he sold it for ... which had been found in the
kidneys of an ox. ... of those who receive benefit be read publicly, yet those ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 8 of miracles which were.htm

Fifthly, as this Revelation, to the Judgment of Right and Sober ...
... the many infallible signs and miracles which the author of it worked publicly as
the ... the city of Jerusalem, (Zechariah 9:9.) that he should be sold for thirty ...
/.../xiv proposition xiv fifthly as.htm

Memoir of John Bunyan
... whatever; and that 'the Book of Sports shall be seized, and publicly burnt.' During ...
Having so often sold thyself to me to work wickedness, wilt thou forsake me ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/memoir of john bunyan.htm

Mr. Bunyan's Last Sermon:
The Works of John Bunyan Volumes 1-3. <. ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/mr bunyans last sermon .htm

The Desire of the Righteous Granted;
... Of the wicked there are several sorts, some more ignorant, some more knowing; the
more ignorant of them are such as go to be executed, as the ox goes to the ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the desire of the righteous.htm



The Ox used for Carrying Burdens

The Ox used for Drawing Wagons

The Ox used for Earing the Ground

The Ox used for Food

The Ox used for Ploughing

The Ox used for Sacrifice

The Ox used for Treading out the Corn

The Ox was Clean and Fit for Food

The Ox was Fed in Stalls

The Ox was Fed in the Valleys

The Ox was Fed with Corn

The Ox was Fed with Grass

The Ox was Fed with Straw

The Ox was Fed: On the Hills

The Ox: (Engaged in Husbandry) of Ministers

The Ox: (Led to Slaughter) of a Rash Youth

The Ox: (Led to Slaughter) of Saints Under Persecution

The Ox: (Not Muzzled in Treading Corn) of Minister's Right To

The Ox: (Prepared for a Feast) the Provision of the Gospel

The Ox: (Stall Fed) Sumptuous Living

The Ox: Beautiful

The Ox: Bull or Bullock of Fierce Enemies

The Ox: Bull or Bullock: (Fatted) of Greedy Mercenaries

The Ox: Bull or Bullock: (Firstling of) of the Glory of Joseph

The Ox: Bull or Bullock: (In a Net) of the Impatient Under Judgment

The Ox: Bull or Bullock: (Unaccustomed to the Yoke) Intractable Sinners

The Ox: Custom of Sending the Pieces of, to Collect the People to War

The Ox: Formed a Part of the Patriarchal Wealth

The Ox: Formed a Part of the Wealth of Israel in Egypt

The Ox: Formed a Part of the Wealth of the Jews

The Ox: Goes to the Slaughter Unconscious

The Ox: Heifer of a Beloved Wife

The Ox: Heifer: (At Grass) of the Luxurious Chaldees

The Ox: Heifer: (Fair) of the Beauty and Wealth of Egypt

The Ox: Heifer: (Of Three Years Old) Moab in Affliction

The Ox: Heifer: (Sliding Back) Backsliding Israel

The Ox: Heifer: (Taught) Israel's Fondness for Ease in Preference To

The Ox: Herdmen Appointed Over

The Ox: Horns and Hoofs of, Alluded To

The Ox: Includes The: Bull

The Ox: Includes The: Bullock

The Ox: Includes The: Cow

The Ox: Includes The: Heifer

The Ox: Increase of, Promised

The Ox: Kine of Proud and Wealthy Rules

The Ox: Kine: (Lean) of Years of Scarcity

The Ox: Kine: (Well Favoured) Years of Plenty

The Ox: Laws Respecting of Others If Lost or Hurt Through Neglect, to be Made Good

The Ox: Laws Respecting of Others not to be Coveted

The Ox: Laws Respecting: Fallen Under Its Burden to be Raised up Again

The Ox: Laws Respecting: Fat of, not to be Eaten

The Ox: Laws Respecting: If Stolen to be Restored Double

The Ox: Laws Respecting: Killing a Man, to be Stoned

The Ox: Laws Respecting: Mode of Reparation for One, Killing Another

The Ox: Laws Respecting: Not to be Muzzled when Treading out the Corn

The Ox: Laws Respecting: Not to be Yoked With an Donkey in the Same Plough

The Ox: Laws Respecting: Straying to be Brought Back to Its Owner

The Ox: Laws Respecting: To Rest on the Sabbath

The Ox: Lowing of, Alluded To

The Ox: Male Firstlings of, Belonged to God

The Ox: Not Without Sagacity

The Ox: Often Found Wild

The Ox: Often Given As a Present

The Ox: Often Stall-Fed for Slaughter

The Ox: Publicly Sold

The Ox: Rapid Manner of Collecting Its Food Alluded To

The Ox: Required Great Care and Attention

The Ox: Sea of Brass Rested on Figures of

The Ox: Strong

The Ox: The Wicked often Took, in Pledge from the Poor

The Ox: Tithe of, Given to the Priests

The Ox: Urged on by the Goad

The Ox: Young of, Considered a Great Delicacy

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