The Miracles of Christ: Peter's Wife's Mother Healed
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 8:14,15
And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Christ Heals the Nobleman's Son. --Chooses Capernaum for His
... Abode."Healing of Peter's Wife's Mother. ... Galileans had to be roused by visible miracles
and material ... refer the words of reproof uttered by Christ before he ...
/.../section 127 christ heals the.htm

A Group of Miracles
... And Clement of Alexandria tells us that Peter's wife acted as ... by which means the
gospel of Christ penetrated without ... who are so busy studying the miracles as a ...
/.../chadwick/the gospel of st mark/chapter 1 29-34 a group of.htm

The History of a Year.
... year of the ministry of Christ, that between ... the synagogue of Capernaum; shortly
after Peter's wife's mother was cured ... and then followed many miracles of which ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/the history of a year.htm

The Cure of Simon's Wife's Mother.
... the story of the cure of St Peter's mother-in-law. ... of the laws of nature as the miracles
themselves, are ... chance, is a Christian only because Christ has claimed ...
/.../macdonald/miracles of our lord/iii the cure of simons.htm

Faith Rewarded.
... Peter's wife's mother had been healed by a word ... want to bring them right to the Lord
Jesus Christ, that He ... He can perform miracles to-day, and He will if we ask ...
/.../moody/to the work to the work/chapter iv faith rewarded.htm

Healing and Service
... this, that the first thing about all Christ's miracles, and most ... see that it is at
least possible that Peter and his ... he lets us see that Jesus Christ did not ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture d/healing and service.htm

Christ's Touch
... Lord's touch as connected with His miracles than in ... Mark delights to dwell on Christ's
touch ... out His hand, and 'lifts up' Peter's wife's mother, and immediately ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture d/christs touch.htm

Matt. viii. 14
... mark, I pray thee, herein also Peter's reverence towards ... make a gain out of such
miracles; wherefore also ... From the answer which Christ makes, meeting not the ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily xxvii matt viii 14.htm

Index i. Of Subjects
... Minim, Siphrey, i.23, 33. Miracles of Christ, the wine at Cana, i.351, 363; ... Peter's
wife's mother and many sick, 485-488; the leper, 491-498; ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/index i of subjects.htm

Answer to Mr. W's First Objection.
... a leper, of the centurion's servant, and of Peter's wife's mother, relates no more
miracles particularly, but ... crying out and saying, Thou art Christ the Son ...
/.../section 1 answer to mr.htm



Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit of Different Kinds

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit were not to Be: Despised

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit were not to Be: Neglected

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit were not to Be: Purchased

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit were to be Sought After

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Christ Was Endued With

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Communicated by the Laying on of the Apostles' Hands

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Communicated for the Confirmation of the Gospel

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Communicated for the Edification of the Church

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Communicated: Upon the Preaching of the Gospel

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Counterfeited by Antichrist

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Dispensed According to his Sovereign Will

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Enumerated

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Foretold

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Might be Possessed Without Saving Grace

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Poured out on the Day of Pentecost

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Temporary Nature of

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