The Miracles of Christ: His Ascension
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Acts 1:9
And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Resurrection of Christ; his Last Interview with his Disciples ...
... our Lord and his disciples prior to his ascension. ... appointed to be "witnesses" of
Christ to the ... Gentiles, concerning his doctrine, his miracles, his death, and ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture i the resurrection of.htm

Whether those Miracles were Fitting which Christ Worked in ...
... as men were to be delivered by Christ from the ... to show forth to men other miracles
as regards ... as happened in His Nativity, His Resurrection, and His Ascension. ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether those miracles were fitting.htm

Of the Resurrection of the Flesh, which Some Refuse to Believe ...
... if they do not believe that these miracles were wrought by Christ's apostles to
gain credence to their preaching of His resurrection and ascension, this one ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 5 of the resurrection of.htm

Of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Sending of the Apostles ...
... XLVII."Of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Sending of ... into Galilee, and again
assembled His disciples, who ... them the power of working miracles, that they ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap xlvii of the resurrection of.htm

That the Christian Miracles are not Recited, or Appealed To, by ...
... lived about seventy years after the ascension, and presented his apology to ... the author
did directly and formally appeal to the miracles of Christ, and in ...
/.../paley/evidences of christianity/chapter v that the christian.htm

Confessing Christ an Indispensable Duty.
... number, mostly, if not wholly Jews, witnessed his ascension. ... but notwithstanding
the teaching and miracles of the ... Christ warned them of the event of their ...
/.../lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon xix confessing christ an.htm

The Life of Jesus Christ in Its Historical Connexion
included.--His Conversation with ... Christ appears for the last Time near Jerusalem ...
/.../neander/the life of jesus christ in its historical connexion/

(On the Lord's Ascension, ii. )
... after being confirmed by so many miracles and instructed ... become farther away in respect
of His manhood ... of handling the corporeal substance in Christ, whereby He ...
/.../leo/writings of leo the great/sermon lxxiv on the lords.htm

The Father Seen in Christ.
... think of Christ as a worker of miracles on physical ... discerned, and that the one proof
of His ascension to God's right hand which Christ Himself promised ...
/.../dods/the expositors bible the gospel of st john vol ii/x the father seen in.htm

Of Miracles which were Wrought that the World Might Believe in ...
... even those former miracles were never wrought. How, then, is it that everywhere
Christ is celebrated with such firm belief in His resurrection and ascension? ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 8 of miracles which were.htm



Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit of Different Kinds

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit were not to Be: Despised

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit were not to Be: Neglected

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit were not to Be: Purchased

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit were to be Sought After

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Christ Was Endued With

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Communicated by the Laying on of the Apostles' Hands

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Communicated for the Confirmation of the Gospel

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Communicated for the Edification of the Church

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Communicated: Upon the Preaching of the Gospel

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Counterfeited by Antichrist

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Dispensed According to his Sovereign Will

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Enumerated

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Foretold

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Might be Possessed Without Saving Grace

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Poured out on the Day of Pentecost

Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Temporary Nature of

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