The Lion: Fierce
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Job 10:16
For it increases. You hunt me as a fierce lion: and again you show yourself marvelous on me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Job 28:8
The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Strong's Hebrew
7826. shachal -- a lion
... fierce lion. From an unused root probably meaning to roar; a lion (from his
characteristic roar) -- (fierce) lion. 7825, 7826. shachal. 7827 . ...
/hebrew/7826.htm - 5k

The Tamed Lion.
... John Newton 8,6,8,6. The tamed lion. A Lion, though by nature wild,. The art of
man can tame; ... A nature, more unfeeling shows,. And far more fierce than they. ...
// hymns/hymn 93 the tamed lion.htm

Of the Pain and Restlessness of Love
... In the like season of the year, the visible sun enters the sign of Leo, that is,
the Lion, who is fierce by nature, for he is the lord over all beasts. ...
/.../john/the adornment of the spritual marriage/chapter xxiii of the pain.htm

One Lion Two Lions no Lion at All
... Yes, but in this sluggard's case it was a very fierce lion. The Hebrew of the second
text implies that it was a mighty lion that was in the street. ...
// on proverbs/one lion two lions no.htm

The Wrath of God
... Hast thou an arm like God?' Job 40:9. [2] God's wrath is terrible. The Spanish
proverb is, The lion is not so fierce as he is painted. ...
// ten commandments/3 3 the wrath of god.htm

2 Timothy iii. 4-Jan
... "Fierce," hence their inhumanity and cruelty, when any one is covetous, selfish,
ungrateful ... 39:9, Gr.) And the Scripture sometimes takes a lion to represent ...
/.../homily viii 2 timothy iii.htm

Righteous Hatred
... The whole of that passion which, when let loose in a wrong track, becomes as a fierce
lion on its prey, thou mayest keep in leash, (like a noble lion, only ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/righteous hatred.htm

Thy Footsteps are not Known
... No vulture's eye hath seen,. Where never the lion goeth,. Nor the fierce lion's
track hath been; Not in the land of the living. That wondrous path is known,. ...
/.../bevan/hymns of ter steegen suso and others/thy footsteps are not known.htm

The Temptation
... The lion and fierce tiger glared aloof.". Such a consciousness would have relieved
the strain of which their presence is evidently a part. ...
/.../chadwick/the gospel of st mark/chapter 1 12 13 the temptation.htm

David the Shepherd Youth.
... Then David told Saul how he had killed with his own hands a fierce lion,
and a bear which had stolen a lamb from the flock. "The ...
/.../anonymous/children of the old testament/david the shepherd youth.htm

Christ's Resurrection and Our Newness of Life
... Once hath he suffered, but it is once for all. His victory is final. Like Samson,
the fierce lion of death roared upon him in the vineyard. ...
/.../spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/christs resurrection and our newness.htm



Lion of a Ruler's Anger

Lion of Divine Judgments

Lion of Satan

Lion used for the Torture of Criminals

Lion: An Unnamed Person Killed By

Lion: Disobedient Prophet Killed By

Lion: Fierceness of

Lion: Instincts of, in Taking Prey

Lion: Kept in Captivity

Lion: Killed by Benaiah

Lion: Killed by David

Lion: Killed by Saints

Lion: Killed by Samson

Lion: King of Beasts

Lion: Lair of, in the Jungles

Lion: Parable of

Lion: Proverb of

Lion: Samson's Riddle Concerning

Lion: Sent As Judgment Upon the Samaritans

Lion: Strength of

Lion: Symbolical

Lion: Symbolical: Margin)

Lion: The Bases in the Temple Ornamented by Mouldings of

Lion: The Roaring of

Lion: Twelve Statues of, on the Stairs Leading to Solomon's Throne

The Lion of Boldness of Saints

The Lion of Brave Men

The Lion of Christ

The Lion of Cruel and Powerful Enemies

The Lion of God in Executing Judgments

The Lion of God in Protecting his Church

The Lion of Imaginary Fears of the Slothful

The Lion of Israel

The Lion of Persecutors

The Lion of the Devil

The Lion of the Tribe of Gad

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

The Lion: (Roaring of) a King's Wrath

The Lion: (Tamed) the Natural Man Subdued by Grace

The Lion: A Swarm of Bees Found in the Carcass of, by Samson

The Lion: Active

The Lion: Attacks and Destroys Men

The Lion: Attacks the Sheepfolds

The Lion: Canaan Infested By

The Lion: Conceals Itself by Day

The Lion: Courageous

The Lion: Criminals often Thrown To

The Lion: Disobedient Prophet Slain By

The Lion: Fearless Even of Man

The Lion: Fierce

The Lion: God Provides For

The Lion: God's Power Exhibited in Restraining

The Lion: Greatness of Its Teeth Alluded To

The Lion: Hunting of, Alluded To

The Lion: Inhabits: Deserts

The Lion: Inhabits: Forests

The Lion: Inhabits: Mountains

The Lion: Inhabits: Thickets

The Lion: Lurks for Its Prey

The Lion: Majestic in Movement

The Lion: Often Carries Its Prey to Its Den

The Lion: Often Perishes for Lack of Food

The Lion: Rends Its Prey

The Lion: Roars when Seeking Prey

The Lion: Slain by Benaiah

The Lion: Slain by David

The Lion: Slain by Samson

The Lion: Superior in Strength

The Lion: Universal Terror Caused by Roaring of

The Lion: Voracious

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