The Levites: Services of Keeping the Charge of the Sanctuary
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Numbers 18:3
And they shall keep your charge, and the charge of all the tabernacle: only they shall not come near the vessels of the sanctuary and the altar, that neither they, nor you also, die.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Chronicles 23:32
And that they should keep the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation, and the charge of the holy place, and the charge of the sons of Aaron their brothers, in the service of the house of the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Covenanting Enforced by the Grant of Covenant Signs and Seals.
... 699] That the end of keeping the sabbath ... the Levites their attendants, conducted
public services instead of ... of Aaron!""But the priests the Levites, the sons ...
/.../cunningham/the ordinance of covenanting/chapter xi covenanting enforced by.htm

Church Fabrics and Services.
... Secker, in his Charge of 1761, said there should ... Alphege's, &c., special commemoration
services were, in 1714 ... but for pious thanksgiving, for keeping up cordial ...
/.../the english church in the eighteenth century/chapter x church fabrics and.htm

The Deputation from Jerusalem - the Three Sects of the Pharisees ...
... their duty was only connected with the services of the ... to the Baptist of Priests
and Levites' from Jerusalem ... purists, and with the view of strictly keeping it a ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter ii the deputation from.htm

In Judaea
... priests, to hear the chant of Levites, to watch ... of all in or near Bethlehem were
"keeping watch." For ... of my volume on The Temple: Its Ministry and Services). ...
/.../edersheim/sketches of jewish social life/chapter 5 in judaea.htm

Babylonia and Assyria
... own, while at the same time keeping the supreme ... consisting mostly of priests and
Levites, determined henceforward ... The services were elaborate, and the rubrics ...
/.../early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter vi babylonia and assyria.htm

An Exposition on the First Ten Chapters of Genesis, and Part of ...
... chapter to the Hebrews, "There remaineth therefore a rest," or the keeping of a ... up
in the church, by virtue of her forms, and outward services, as thorns and ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/an exposition on the first.htm

Solomon's Temple Spiritualized
... but that the temple and its services contained many ... courses of the priests and the
Levites, and for ... those additions which they received from the king's charge. ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/solomons temple spiritualized.htm

The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... unto him and unto his house," but he had also erected under a terebinth tree a stone
altar to Jahveh-Shalom ("Jehovah is peace").* This sanctuary, with its ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm

The Last Days of the Old Eastern World
... soon gave the Greeks the advantage: Mardonius was killed while leading the charge
of the ... in spite of the anger of the king, he succeeded in keeping his word ...
/.../chapter iithe last days of 2.htm

The Iranian Conquest
... the same office in the private apartments, subsequently promoted to the charge of
the ... a large number of ex-voto offerings to the much-revered sanctuary of Bran ...
/.../chapter ithe iranian conquest.htm



Levites of the Amramites, Aaron and his Family Were Set Apart As Priests

Levites of Their Repentance of the Crucifixion of the Messiah

Levites were Judges

Levites were Overseers in Building and the Repairs of the Temple

Levites: Age of when Inducted Into office

Levites: Age of when Retired from office

Levites: Assigned To, by Families

Levites: Assisted the Priests in Preparing the Sacrifice

Levites: Carried the Ark of the Covenant

Levites: Cities Assigned To, in the Land of Canaan

Levites: Consecration of

Levites: Custodians and Administrators of the Tithes and Other offerings

Levites: Degraded from the Levitical office by Jeroboam

Levites: Enrollment of, at Mount Sinai

Levites: Exempt from Enrollment for Military Duty

Levites: First Fruits

Levites: Functions of had Charge of the Tabernacle in the Encampments and on the March

Levites: Functions of had Charge of the Temple

Levites: Gershonites and Their Duties

Levites: Intermarried With Canaanites

Levites: John's Vision Concerning

Levites: Killed the Passover Lambs for the People of the Captivity

Levites: Land Allotted To, by Ezekiel

Levites: Lodged in the Chambers of the Temple

Levites: Loyal to the Ruler

Levites: Ministered in the Presence of the Ark of the Covenant

Levites: Owned Lands

Levites: Pensioned

Levites: Place of, in Encampments and the March

Levites: Prepared the Shewbread

Levites: Profits from in Lieu of Landed Inheritance, Forty-Eight Cities With Suburbs Were Assigned to Them

Levites: Profits From:

Levites: Pronounced the Blessings of the Law in the Responsive Service at Mount Gerizim

Levites: Prophecies Concerning

Levites: Religious Zeal of

Levites: Resided Also in Villages Outside of Jerusalem

Levites: Sealed the Covenant With Nehemiah

Levites: Sedition Among, Led by Korah, Dathan, Abiram

Levites: Set Apart As Ministers of Religion

Levites: Subordinate to the Sons of Aaron

Levites: Substituted in the Place of the Firstborn Children

Levites: Suburbs of Their Cities Were Inalienable for Debt

Levites: Supervised Weights and Measures As Standards of Doing Business

Levites: Teachers of the Law

Levites: The Chief Over the Kohathites Was the Oldest Son of the Ruling High Priest

Levites: The Chief Over the Merarites Was the Second Son of the Ruling High Priest

Levites: The Kohathites, Consisting of the Families of the Amramites, the Izeharites, the Hebronites

Levites: The List of Those Who Returned from Captivity

Levites: The Merarites

Levites: The Plunder of War, Including Captives

Levites: The Remaining Families Appointed to Take Charge of the Ark of the Covenant

Levites: The Ruling Chief Over the Gershonites Was the Second Son of the Ruling High Priest

Levites: Three Divisions of, Each Having the Name of One of Its Progenitors-Gershon, Kohath, and Merari

Levites: Tithes and Other offerings

Levites: Tithes Withheld From

The Levites were all Under Control of the High Priest's Deputy

The Levites were Consecrated

The Levites: Bound to Give a Tenth of Their Tithes to the Priests

The Levites: Ceremonies at Consecration of Cleansing and Purifying

The Levites: Ceremonies at Consecration of Elders of Israel Laying Their Hands on Them

The Levites: Ceremonies at Consecration of Making a Sin-Offering For

The Levites: Ceremonies at Consecration of Presenting Them to God As an offering for the People

The Levites: Ceremonies at Consecration of Setting Before the Priest and Presenting Them As Their

The Levites: Chosen by God for Service of the Sanctuary

The Levites: David by his Last Words had Them Numbered from Twenty Years Old

The Levites: David: Divided Them Into Four Classed

The Levites: David: Made Them Attend in Courses

The Levites: David: Made Them Serve from Twenty on Account of the Lightness of

The Levites: David: Numbered Them First from Thirty Years Old

The Levites: David: Subdivided Into 24 Courses

The Levites: Descended from Jacob's Third Son

The Levites: Eight and Forty Cities With Extensive Suburbs, Appointed For

The Levites: Encamped Round the Tabernacle

The Levites: Entered on Their Service at Twenty-Five Years of Age

The Levites: Families, As Numbered of Gershom

The Levites: Families, As Numbered of Kohath

The Levites: Families, As Numbered of Merari

The Levites: Given to Aaron and Sons

The Levites: Guarded King's Person and House in Times of Danger

The Levites: had a Part of Their offerings

The Levites: had Chiefs or officers Over Them

The Levites: had No Inheritance in Israel

The Levites: Marched in the Centre of Israel

The Levites: Not Numbered With Israel

The Levites: Numbered As Ministers at Thirty

The Levites: Numbered Separately After the People from a Month Old

The Levites: Originally Consisted for Three Families or Divisions

The Levites: Prophecies Respecting

The Levites: Punished With Death for Encroaching on the Priestly office

The Levites: Punishment of Korah and Others of, for offering Incense

The Levites: Served in Courses After Captivity

The Levites: Services of Blessing the People

The Levites: Services of Conducting the Sacred Music

The Levites: Services of Doing the Service of Tabernacle

The Levites: Services of Judging and Deciding in Controversies

The Levites: Services of Keeping Sacred Instruments and Vessels

The Levites: Services of Keeping Sacred Oil, Flour

The Levites: Services of Keeping Sacred Treasures

The Levites: Services of Keeping the Charge of the Sanctuary

The Levites: Services of Keeping the Gates of the Temple

The Levites: Services of Ministering to Priests

The Levites: Services of Ministering to the Lord

The Levites: Services of Ministering to the People

The Levites: Services of Preparing the Sacrifices for the Priests

The Levites: Services of Preparing the Show Bread

The Levites: Services of Purifying the Holy Things

The Levites: Services of Regulating Weights and Measures

The Levites: Services of Singing Praises Before the Army

The Levites: Services of Taking Charge of the Tithes, offerings

The Levites: Services of Taking Down, Putting Up, and Carrying the Tabernacle

The Levites: Services of Teaching the People

The Levites: Superannuated at Fifty

The Levites: Taken Instead of the First-Born of Israel

The Levites: The Jews to be Kind and Benevolent To

The Levites: The Tithes Given To, for Their Support

The Levites: when Superannuated Required to Perform the Less Arduous

The Levites: While in Attendance Lodged Around the Temple

The Levites: Zeal Against Idolatry a Cause of Their Appointment

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