The Lamb: Playful
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 114:4,6
The mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The New Jerusalem.
... the serpent now: the mother sees, And smiles to see, her infant's playful hand Stretch ...
One song employs all nations; and all cry, "Worthy the Lamb, for he was ...
/.../bliss/a brief commentary on the apocalypse/the new jerusalem.htm

General Prayers.
... Loving Jesus, gentle Lamb, In Thy gracious hands I am; Make me, Savior, what ... Holy
Spirit, brighten Little deeds of toil, And our playful pastimes Let no folly ...
// folded hands/general prayers.htm

Arria and Her Mother Sat with the Emperor. ...
... He was at home and in a playful humor ... A strange, inscrutable man was the emperor
at that moment, the mildness of a lamb in his voice and manner, the gleam of a ...
// 5 arria and her.htm

To Nanna, Daughter of Benincasa a Little Maid, Her Niece, in ...
... This tender and playful little letter, with its childlike simplicity of fancy and
gentle ... open to thee, to the wedding feast which Christ the Lamb without spot ...
/.../benincasa/letters of catherine benincasa/to nanna daughter of benincasa.htm

To Brother Raimondo of the Preaching Order when He was in Genoa
... The first is brief, and half-playful in tone: "Oh my naughty father" (cativello ... both
together may drown ourselves in the Blood of the humble Lamb, which will ...
/.../benincasa/letters of catherine benincasa/to brother raimondo of the.htm

In Troubles --
... the peace which we get from the sacrifice of the Heavenly Lamb," and then ... fellow."
This amiable man was the captain of the Routiers, whose playful habits may ...
/.../ bishop of lincoln/chapter vi in troubles.htm

A visit from vigilantius
... you should not know,' said Chrysostom, whose intercourse with Philip was habitually
playful. ... he wants to indicate Christ he paints a snow-white lamb under a ...
/.../chapter xl a visit from.htm

Death of Martha Yeardley, and John Yeardley's Journey to Norway.
... my iniquities are all forgiven, and washed away in the blood of the Lamb; and now ...
They are a most cheerful and playful company, all interested in the object of ...
/.../chapter xviii death of martha.htm

Heb. 4:14 Our Profession
... frowns, its flattery or its enmity, its open opposition or its playful ridicule,
its ... wonderful heart up to heaven, and is ever watching the weakest lamb in His ...
/.../the upper room being a few truths for the times/chapter xii heb 4 14 our.htm

Biographical Sketch.
... wrath, say I, on my side; I have atoned for yon, cries the Lamb, from the ... a picture
of the man; his unceasing mental activity, his quiet, playful humour, his ...
/.../schleiermacher/selected sermons of schleiermacher/biographical sketch.htm



Lamb of God

Lamb of God: An Name of Jesus

Lamb: Not to be Seethed (Boiled) in Its own Mother's Milk

Lamb: Offering of

The Lamb of Any Thing Dear or Cherished

The Lamb of Christ As a Sacrifice

The Lamb of Purity of Christ

The Lamb of the Lord's People

The Lamb of Weak Believers

The Lamb used for Clothing

The Lamb used for Food

The Lamb used for Sacrifice

The Lamb: (Among Wolves) of Ministers Among the Ungodly

The Lamb: (Brought to Slaughter) of the Wicked Under Judgments

The Lamb: (Consumed in Sacrifice) of Complete Destruction of The

The Lamb: (Deserted and Exposed) of Israel Deprived of God's

The Lamb: (Patience of) the Patience of Christ

The Lamb: An Extensive Commerce In

The Lamb: Considered a Great Delicacy

The Lamb: Covenants Confirmed by Gift of

The Lamb: Exposed to Danger from Wild Beasts

The Lamb: Numbers of, Given by Josiah to the People for Sacrifice

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice by the Wicked not Accepted

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: At a Year Old

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: At the Passover

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: Every Morning and Evening

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: Females

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: from the Earliest Times

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: Males

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: While Sucking

The Lamb: Patient

The Lamb: Playful

The Lamb: The First Born of an Donkey to be Redeemed With

The Lamb: The Image of, Was the First Impression of on Money

The Lamb: The Shepherd's Care For

The Lamb: The Young of the Flock

The Lamb: Tribute often Paid In

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