The Kenites: Showed Kindness to Israel in the Desert
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 18:1-27
When Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father in law, heard of all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people, and that the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Foundations of Good Citizenship.
... He hath showed thee, Oh man, what is good; and what ... thee but to do justly, and to
love kindness, and to ... the ancient Hebrews as well as the Kenites regarded as ...
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Kenites: A Canaanite Tribe Whose Country Was Given to Abraham

Kenites: Jael, One of The, Betrays and Kills Sisera

Kenites: Join the Israelites and Live at Jericho

Kenites: The Descendants of Jethro, a Midianite, the Father-In-Law of Moses: Later in the Wilderness of Judah

The Kenites: Connected With the Midianites

The Kenites: David: Pretended That he Invaded

The Kenites: David: Sent Part of the Spoil of War To

The Kenites: Dwelt in Strongholds

The Kenites: had Many Cities

The Kenites: Moses: Intermarried With

The Kenites: Moses: Invited, to Accompany Israel

The Kenites: Not Destroyed With the Amalekites

The Kenites: Originally a People of Canaan

The Kenites: Part of, Dwelt With Israel

The Kenites: Part of, Dwelt With the Amalekites

The Kenites: Ruin of, Predicted

The Kenites: Showed Kindness to Israel in the Desert

The Kenites: Sisera Slain by Jael One of

The Kenites: The Rechabites Descended From

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