The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Modes of by Visions
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Numbers 12:6
And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known to him in a vision, and will speak to him in a dream.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 11:24
Afterwards the spirit took me up, and brought me in a vision by the Spirit of God into Chaldea, to them of the captivity. So the vision that I had seen went up from me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The New Testament view of the Old Testament
... are the natural outgrowth of the manifold modes of divine ... lost much of its worth
as a proof of inspiration. ... that it has proceeded from a Holy Spirit, even from ...
/.../eiselen/the christian view of the old testament/chapter i the new testament.htm

The Revelation of John
... eicments in common: they both contain communications, mediated by the Holy Spirit,
of the ... in the Apocalypse to the destruction of the Holy City as ... INSPIRATION. ...
/.../drummond/introduction to the new testament/the revelation of john.htm

The Necessity of Regeneration, Argued from the Immutable ...
... testimony of the Apostles under the inspiration of the ... by the Apostles, under the
influence of the Holy Spirit. ... he declares, that all external modes of religion ...
/.../practical discourses on regeneration/discourse iv the necessity of.htm

Appendix v. Rabbinic Theology and Literature
... [6387] So far as inspiration or revelation ... ever - Voice and Spirit and Word, and
this is the Holy Ghost ... The letter {hebrew} He made King in the Spirit, and bound ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/appendix v rabbinic theology and.htm

Subject Index
... shown to be God, from visions to Jacob, [466]225. ... modes of initiation practised by,
[1093]346. ... Holy Spirit, [1138]5, [1139]17, [1140]43, [1141]53, [1142]53, [1143 ...
/.../irenaeus/fragments from the lost writings of irenaeus/subject index.htm

The Nature of Enthusiasm
... from some falsely imagined influence or inspiration of God ... of these states can I
be most holy, and do ... Meantime, the assistance of His Spirit is supposed, during ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 37 the nature of.htm

... against excessive reverence for the letter of Holy Scripture as against the Spirit
which breathes in it, against all appearance of limiting inspiration to a ...
/.../abbey/the english church in the eighteenth century/chapter vii enthusiasm.htm

Bunsen's Biblical Researches.
... us is fallible, we should define inspiration consistently with ... Holy baptism was at
first preceded by a vow ... Christians offered themselves in the spirit of Christ ...
/.../essays and reviews the education of the world/bunsens biblical researches.htm

... And what an inspiration they must have given to ... about giving recommendations to
candidates for Holy Orders, whose ... it shows the man and his Christian spirit. ...
/.../various/the sermons and addresses at the seabury centenary/appendix.htm

Homilies on the Gospel of John.
... task the easier, [93]ib.; their inspiration immediate and ... the Jews for the regeneration
of holy Baptism, [146 ... Self-sufficient unmeasured by the Spirit, [295]105 ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homilies on the gospel of.htm



Inspiration: General Scriptures Concerning

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit is Irresistible

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: All Scripture Given By

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Design of To Control Ministers

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Design of To Direct Ministers

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Design of To Give Power to Ministers

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Design of To Reveal Future Events

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Design of To Reveal the Mysteries of God

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Design of To Testify Against Sin

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Despisers of, Punished

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Foretold

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Modes of by a Voice

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Modes of by Dreams

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Modes of by Secret Impulse

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Modes of by Visions

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Modes of Various

The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit: Necessary to Prophesying

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