The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Resurrection
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Acts 3:15
And killed the Prince of life, whom God has raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Timothy 2:8
Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Whether Christ Ascended by his Own Power?
... Reply to Objection 2: This argument proves that Christ did not ... is contrary to the
nature of a human body in ... in a glorified body, whose entire nature is utterly ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether christ ascended by his.htm

Christ Truly Lived and Died in Human Flesh Incidents of his Human ...
... Thus the nature [7012] of the two substances displayed Him as ... the two states"the
divine and the human"is distinctly ... Wherefore halve [7017] Christ with a lie ...
/.../tertullian/ on the flesh of christ/chapter v christ truly lived and.htm

Fourteenth Day. The Holy one of God.
... of holiness is to be seen: Jesus proved the perfect ... The Divine nature of Christ did
not simply make His ... holiness He wrought out, the holy human nature which He ...
// in christ/fourteenth day the holy one.htm

Whether There was any More Suitable Way of Delivering the Human ...
... and herein lies the perfection of human salvation; hence ... Reply to Objection 1: Even
nature uses several means ... For how could Christ's victory over death appear ...
/...// theologica/whether there was any more.htm

(On the Lord's Resurrection, I. ; Delivered on Holy Saturday in ...
... useful this is you yourselves have proved, and by ... not either part of the Human Nature
which He ... Christ's manifestation after the Resurrection showed that His ...
/.../leo/writings of leo the great/sermon lxxi on the lords.htm

The Divine Power Shown in Christ's Incarnation Meaning of St. ...
... properly regarded as mortal), and proved the bodily ... and the Avenger, and therefore
the Creator's (Christ). ... hamartias; is flesh, or human nature, possessed with ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xiv the divine power shown.htm

The Holy Spirit Twice Given by Christ. The Procession of the Holy ...
... speaketh in you." [1048] And it is proved by many ... And Christ was certainly not then
anointed with the ... was made flesh, [1062] ie when human nature, without any ...
/.../augustine/on the holy trinity/chapter 26 the holy spirit twice.htm

Introduction to the De Trinitate.
... Yet even human bodies rise sometimes superior to them, eg ... another, a created Christ;
and in making Christ a creature ... as the Image, is of one nature with the ...
/.../introduction to the de trinitate.htm

1 Cor. 15:3-4. Foundation Truths.
... are weakest, and fail to satisfy the wants of human nature, there the ... also rose again
from the grave with His body, and proved that He ... Now is Christ risen from ...
/.../the upper room being a few truths for the times/chapter iv 1 cor 15 3-4.htm

Some Gospel Truths Opened, According to the Scriptures; Or, the ...
... so according to their wicked imagination, his human nature was to be ... hast here the
main things of Christ laid down before thee briefly, and fully proved by the ...
/.../the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/some gospel truths opened according.htm



Human Beings

Human Cloning

Human Dignity

Human Life

Human Nature

Human Rights

Human Sacrifice

Human Sin

Human Survival


The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being a Man of Sorrows

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Buffeted

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Nailed to the Cross

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Scourged

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Subject to Weariness

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Birth

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Burial

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Circumcision

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Conception in the Virgin's Womb

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Death

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Enduring Indignities

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Having a Human Soul

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Hungering

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Increase in Wisdom and Stature

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Partaking of Flesh and Blood

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Resurrection

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Side Being Pierced

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Sleeping

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Thirsting

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Weeping

The Human Nature of Christ was Like Our own in all Things Except Sin

The Human Nature of Christ was Necessary to his Mediatorial office

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of Abraham

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of David

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of The Woman

The Human Nature of Christ was Submitted to the Evidence of the Senses

The Human Nature of Christ was Without Sin

The Human Nature of Christ: Acknowledged by Men

The Human Nature of Christ: Attested by Himself

The Human Nature of Christ: Confession of, a Test of Belonging to God

The Human Nature of Christ: Denied by Antichrist

The Human Nature of Christ: Genealogy of

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