The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Hungering
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 4:2
And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Matthew 21:18
Now in the morning as he returned into the city, he hungry.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Fifth Beatitude
... to our relation to them which Christ sets in ... is interwoven into the structure of
human nature that sentiment ... more than the natural answer of the human heart to ...
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On the Opinion of Dionysius.
... cease to have the semblance even of human intelligence. ... she," saith Wisdom, "in whom
He delighted." Christ is truth ... 1:14), although He is by nature the Father's ...
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Introductory to Texts from the Gospels on the Incarnation. ...
... it became the Lord, in putting on human flesh, to ... this account has the Apostle himself
said, Christ then having ... proper to the very Word by nature, but proper ...
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The Third Theological Oration.
... is not a synonym of God is proved thus. ... of the World." [3527] Wisdom and Power,
"Christ, the Wisdom ... to His Nature, and which to His assumption of Human Nature. ...
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Faustus Claims that the Manichæans and not the Catholics are ...
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and, besides ... But if you really follow your own Christ, your truthfulness ...
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The Three Witnesses
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James i. 4, 5
... fully proved as a leaven for the entire nature of man ... alone being the Creator and
Bestower, the human spirit can ... So in those words of Christ,"to seek, to knock ...
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Of Creation in General.
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Perhaps There is no Book Within the Whole Canon of Scripture So ...
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save that which nature gives; no ... lowly faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, "who of ...
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Human Beings

Human Cloning

Human Dignity

Human Life

Human Nature

Human Rights

Human Sacrifice

Human Sin

Human Survival


The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being a Man of Sorrows

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Buffeted

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Nailed to the Cross

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Scourged

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Subject to Weariness

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Birth

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Burial

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Circumcision

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Conception in the Virgin's Womb

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Death

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Enduring Indignities

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Having a Human Soul

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Hungering

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Increase in Wisdom and Stature

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Partaking of Flesh and Blood

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Resurrection

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Side Being Pierced

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Sleeping

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Thirsting

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Weeping

The Human Nature of Christ was Like Our own in all Things Except Sin

The Human Nature of Christ was Necessary to his Mediatorial office

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of Abraham

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of David

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of The Woman

The Human Nature of Christ was Submitted to the Evidence of the Senses

The Human Nature of Christ was Without Sin

The Human Nature of Christ: Acknowledged by Men

The Human Nature of Christ: Attested by Himself

The Human Nature of Christ: Confession of, a Test of Belonging to God

The Human Nature of Christ: Denied by Antichrist

The Human Nature of Christ: Genealogy of

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