The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Buffeted
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 26:67
Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands,
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Luke 22:64
And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote you?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Introductory to Texts from the Gospels on the Incarnation. ...
... it became the Lord, in putting on human flesh, to ... this account has the Apostle himself
said, Christ then having ... proper to the very Word by nature, but proper ...
/.../chapter xxvi introductory to texts from.htm

Book x. It is Manifest that There is Nothing which Men have ever ...
... but even thus cannot be aught else but Christ, born as ... but not human in defects,
as He was not human in origin ... so by virtue of the origin of His nature He could ...
/.../hilary/the life and writings of st hilary of poitiers/book x it is manifest.htm

Book vii. This is the Seventh Book of Our Treatise against the ...
... Whom you confess; he against the mortal Christ, you against ... a statement of what happens
in a human birth ... are told of Their possession of the one Divine nature. ...
/.../hilary/the life and writings of st hilary of poitiers/book vii this is the.htm

Faustus States his Objections to the Morality of the Law and the ...
... was favored by the folly of the human heart, especially ... Thus the nature of sacrifice
as due only to God ... thanks for being justified by faith in Jesus Christ? ...
/.../faustus states his objections to.htm

Christian Devotedness, Etc.
... with many and great difficulties in this life"no one, who knows any thing of human
nature, as opposed to the nature of Christ's kingdom, or the ...
/.../groves/christian devotedness/christian devotedness etc.htm

And Bring us not into Temptation but Deliver us from Evil
... friendliness but feign that fairest of human possessions"love. ... have true thoughts
of God or His Christ has fallen ... for the revealing of our true nature or the ...
// on prayer/chapter xix and bring us.htm

Letter Lxxiii. (AD 404. )
... different from what your experience has proved me to ... entreat you by the mercy of
Christ to forgive ... through weakness, either common to human nature or peculiar ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter lxxiii a d 404.htm

A Divine Colloquy Between the Soul and Her Saviour Upon the ...
... and my injustice, the impiety of my flesh, and the piety of thy nature. ... Grant this,
O Christ, for thy own name's sake, to whom, as is most ... Human, 1. i. exerce. ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/a divine colloquy between the.htm

Regeneration by Faith. Of Repentance.
... upright can proceed from a corrupt and polluted nature. ... It would be incredible that
the human mind could ... We acknowledge one Christ, and his one Spirit, whom ...
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 3 regeneration by faith.htm

On the Death of his Father.
... the God-loving soul should subject every human experience to ... that most dishonoured
portion of the nature to which ... him [3243] as a disciple of Christ, on Whose ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/oration xviii on the death.htm



Human Beings

Human Cloning

Human Dignity

Human Life

Human Nature

Human Rights

Human Sacrifice

Human Sin

Human Survival


The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being a Man of Sorrows

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Buffeted

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Nailed to the Cross

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Scourged

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Subject to Weariness

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Birth

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Burial

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Circumcision

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Conception in the Virgin's Womb

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Death

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Enduring Indignities

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Having a Human Soul

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Hungering

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Increase in Wisdom and Stature

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Partaking of Flesh and Blood

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Resurrection

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Side Being Pierced

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Sleeping

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Thirsting

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Weeping

The Human Nature of Christ was Like Our own in all Things Except Sin

The Human Nature of Christ was Necessary to his Mediatorial office

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of Abraham

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of David

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of The Woman

The Human Nature of Christ was Submitted to the Evidence of the Senses

The Human Nature of Christ was Without Sin

The Human Nature of Christ: Acknowledged by Men

The Human Nature of Christ: Attested by Himself

The Human Nature of Christ: Confession of, a Test of Belonging to God

The Human Nature of Christ: Denied by Antichrist

The Human Nature of Christ: Genealogy of

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