The Human Nature of Christ: Attested by Himself
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 8:20
And Jesus said to him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has not where to lay his head.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Matthew 16:13
When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Whether it was Becoming, when Christ was Baptized that the ...
... just as the Son alone assumed human nature, and the ... to Objection 3: It was becoming
that Christ's Godhead should ... it behoove His Godhead to be attested from on ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether it was becoming when.htm

Christ Truly Lived and Died in Human Flesh Incidents of his Human ...
... 7011] Otherwise Christ could not ... Thus the nature [7012] of the two substances displayed
Him as man ... of the two states"the divine and the human"is distinctly ...
/.../tertullian/ on the flesh of christ/chapter v christ truly lived and.htm

He Also Ingeniously Shows from the Passage of the Gospel which ...
... His answer by the word "Me" that human nature which encompassed ... and if the name of
goodness is attested by the ... the prophet in his word affirms the Christ to be ...
/.../gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/section 2 he also ingeniously.htm

Jesus Life-Giver and Judge.
... this miracle, and otherwise was amply attested; and that ... uniformly worked and used
the whole of His human nature. ... is in this perfect Sonship of Christ we first ...
/.../xiii jesus life-giver and judge.htm

William Ellery Channing.
... majesty, but as recognizing a kindred nature in human ... that this character is not
of human invention; that ... Discourse on "The Imitableness of Christ" (Works, vol ...
/...// person of christ/william ellery channing.htm

On the Feast of the Epiphany, iv.
... fallen headlong to such depths as to imagine a Christ with a ... as to be joined to our
fleshly nature and be born in the true body of human substance although ...
/.../leo/writings of leo the great/sermon xxxiv on the feast.htm

Letter cxxxvii. (AD 412. )
... Him, that He has condescended to take a human soul and ... suitable for Him to do when
wearing the nature of men ... be moved to faith in the doctrine of Christ by such ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter cxxxvii a d 412.htm

Christ's Connection with the Creator Shown from Several Incidents ...
... not five thousand, but of six hundred thousand human beings ... no common casualty of
the law of nature; but it ... be ashamed." [4292] Now to none but my Christ can be ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xxi christs connection with the.htm

Trinity Sunday the Doctrine of the Trinity.
... the Holy Spirit, but the Son alone, assumed human nature of flesh ... the Son; he is
poured into the human heart and ... the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ and that ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/trinity sunday the doctrine of.htm

A Paradox of Selling and Buying
... The strong tendency of human nature is always to throw ... for"a wounded conscience,
a worsened nature, often hurts ... with the precious blood of Christ.' The New ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture h/a paradox of selling and.htm



Human Beings

Human Cloning

Human Dignity

Human Life

Human Nature

Human Rights

Human Sacrifice

Human Sin

Human Survival


The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being a Man of Sorrows

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Buffeted

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Nailed to the Cross

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Scourged

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Subject to Weariness

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Birth

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Burial

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Circumcision

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Conception in the Virgin's Womb

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Death

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Enduring Indignities

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Having a Human Soul

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Hungering

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Increase in Wisdom and Stature

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Partaking of Flesh and Blood

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Resurrection

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Side Being Pierced

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Sleeping

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Thirsting

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Weeping

The Human Nature of Christ was Like Our own in all Things Except Sin

The Human Nature of Christ was Necessary to his Mediatorial office

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of Abraham

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of David

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of The Woman

The Human Nature of Christ was Submitted to the Evidence of the Senses

The Human Nature of Christ was Without Sin

The Human Nature of Christ: Acknowledged by Men

The Human Nature of Christ: Attested by Himself

The Human Nature of Christ: Confession of, a Test of Belonging to God

The Human Nature of Christ: Denied by Antichrist

The Human Nature of Christ: Genealogy of

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