The Horse: Beauty of the Church
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Songs 1:9
I have compared you, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Zechariah 10:3
My anger was kindled against the shepherds, and I punished the goats: for the LORD of hosts has visited his flock the house of Judah, and has made them as his goodly horse in the battle.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


... that the Holy Ghost gives of the intrinsic beauty of the ... man of sin and the dragon,
to revel in the church of God ... He that calls a man a horse, doth but fix the ...
// riches of bunyan/xxiii antichrist.htm

Helena , Mother of the Emperor Constantine. --Her Zeal in the ...
... Her zeal in the Erection of the Holy Church. ... to be formed into the bridle of his
horse, not only ... It is unnecessary to describe their beauty and grandeur; for ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of theodoret/chapter xvii helena mother of.htm

The King in his Beauty
... is the perfection of warrior strength as well as of beauty and gentleness ... a white
horse. ... the great mosque of Damascus, which was a Christian church once, there ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture j/the king in his beauty.htm

No one ever Afterwards Quite Knew How the Crowd in the Church ...
... Did you not see me in church? ... lady, known as the Princesse D'Agramont, an independent
beauty of great ... My poor horse has been waiting too long already,"I must ...
/.../corelli/the master-christian/xiv no one ever afterwards.htm

Baptized with Fire
... the life has gone its richness, its transfiguring beauty; and what ... of the marvelous
success of the early church in its ... Blind zeal is like a blind horse: it is ...
// talks/talk twenty baptized with fire.htm

Faustus Rejects the Old Testament Because it Leaves no Room for ...
... either, make Christianity a monster, half horse and half ... This Jerusalem, the holy
Church, the bride of Christ ... the King hath greatly desired thy beauty; and He ...
/.../faustus rejects the old testament.htm

The Puritan Beginnings of the Church in virginia ---Its Decline ...
... But the beauty and dignity of the Christian character shine ... The church, a building
sixty feet by twenty-four ... Admiral and the Master of the Horse, together with ...
/.../bacon/a history of american christianity/chapter v the puritan beginnings.htm

The Wicked Man's Life, Funeral, and Epitaph
... He is like a horse that hath been in the battle ... of blood, instead of being full of
fairness and beauty. Happy the church when God gives her holy ministers; but ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/the wicked mans life funeral.htm

A Discourse of the Building, Nature, Excellency, and Government of ...
... fed; Thus he serves tables with the church's stock, And ... Temperance, the mother is
of moderation, The beauty also of ... thy bed; Or art like to a horse, pamper'd ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/a discourse of the building.htm

Church Fabrics and Services.
... Smithfield[874]"usurers in the south aisle, horse-dealers in ... much charm of language,
upon the moral beauty of a ... been a time when the English Church in general ...
/.../the english church in the eighteenth century/chapter x church fabrics and.htm



Horse Gate

Horse used by the Egyptians in War

Horse used by the Israelites

Horse used for Cavalry

Horse: Bells For

Horse: Bits For

Horse: Color of

Horse: Commerce In

Horse: Dedicated to Religious Uses

Horse: Description of a Vain Thing for Safety

Horse: Description of Great Strength

Horse: Description of Snorting and Neighing of

Horse: Description of Swifter than Eagles

Horse: Egypt Famous For

Horse: Exported: from Babylon

Horse: Exported: from Egypt

Horse: Forbidden to the Kings of Israel

Horse: Hamstrung by David

Horse: Hamstrung by Joshua

Horse: Harness For

Horse: Israel Reproved for Keeping

Horse: Symbolical

The Horse in Battle Protected by Armour

The Horse used for Bearing Burdens

The Horse used for Conveying Posts

The Horse used for Drawing Chariots

The Horse used for Hunting

The Horse used for Mounting Calvary

The Horse: A Dull Headstrong Disposition

The Horse: Adorned With Bells on the Neck

The Horse: Beauty of the Church

The Horse: Colours of, Mentioned: Bay

The Horse: Colours of, Mentioned: Black

The Horse: Colours of, Mentioned: Grisled

The Horse: Colours of, Mentioned: Pale or Ash Colour

The Horse: Colours of, Mentioned: Red

The Horse: Colours of, Mentioned: Speckled

The Horse: Colours of, Mentioned: White

The Horse: Dedicated to the Sun by Idolaters

The Horse: Endued With Strength by God

The Horse: Fearless

The Horse: Fed on Grain and Herbs

The Horse: Fierce and Impetuous

The Horse: Glorious and Triumphant Deliverance of the Church

The Horse: Governed by Bit and Bridle

The Horse: Hard Hoofs of, Alluded To

The Horse: Impetuosity of the Wicked in Sin

The Horse: Kings and Princes Rode On

The Horse: Loud Snorting of, Alluded To

The Horse: Notice of Early Traffic In

The Horse: Numbers of, Kept for War

The Horse: Often Suffered in Battle

The Horse: Often Suffered in the Hoof from Prancing

The Horse: Often Suffered: from Bites of Serpents

The Horse: Often Suffered: from Blindness

The Horse: Often Suffered: from Murrain

The Horse: Often Suffered: from Plague

The Horse: Prepared and Trained for War

The Horse: Sold in Fairs and Markets

The Horse: Strong

The Horse: Sure Footed

The Horse: Swift

The Horse: The Jews: Brought Back Many, from Babylon

The Horse: The Jews: Condemned for Multiplying

The Horse: The Jews: Condemned for Trusting To

The Horse: The Jews: Forbidden to Multiply

The Horse: The Jews: Imported from Egypt

The Horse: The Jews: Multiplied in Solomon's Reign

The Horse: The Jews: Not to Trust In

The Horse: Urged on by Whips

The Horse: Vanity of Trusting To

The Horse: Want of Understanding In, Alluded To

The Horse: Warlike in Disposition

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