The High Priest were for Beauty and Ornament
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 28:2
And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother for glory and for beauty.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Concerning the Garments of the Priests, and of the High Priest.
... 5. Besides these, the high priest put on a third garment, which was ... upon the
breast-plate, extraordinary in largeness and beauty; and they were an ornament ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 7 concerning the garments.htm

That the Ruler Should be Always Chief in Action.
... purple also is mingled: which means, that the priest's heart, while hoping for the
high things which he ... the suggestions of vice, and as it were in virtue ...
/.../leo/writings of leo the great/chapter iii that the ruler.htm

Three Inscriptions with one Meaning
... say, the coarse pottery vessels that were in every ... The old official dress of the
high priest comes into ... visibility without losing more or less of its beauty. ...
/.../expositions of holy scripture k/three inscriptions with one meaning.htm

Hebrews ix. 24-26
... separates the one from the other, the priest [I mean ... some herald lifting up his hand
on high, standing aloft ... the captives, chose out those who were beautiful in ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homily xvii hebrews ix 24-26.htm

Christianity a Light.
... compassion one of another, because they fainted and were love as ... "For we have not
an high priest "Whosoever is ... life of a true Christian is one of great beauty. ...
// gospel day /chapter i christianity a light.htm

Philosophy Conveys Only an Imperfect Knowledge of God.
... no one praising the grace and admiring the beauty might turn ... of his garment" [3480]
(that is, of the great High Priest, "by whom all things were made, and ...
/.../the stromata or miscellanies/chapter xvii philosophy conveys only an.htm

A Farewell
... an ancient Gothic silver ornament of great beauty, in the ... of the Maccabean coins
of the High Priest Simon, stamped ... as marred if but one soul were missing of ...
/.../gathering clouds a tale of the days of st chrysostom/chapter xli a farewell.htm

The Ark of his Covenant
... round to the other side, she saw the beauty of the ... 6-8. Now when these things were
thus ordained, the ... But into the second went the high priest alone once every ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 41 1895/the ark of his covenant.htm

Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews.
... pleasure too if he knew his hearers were earnest, [2642 ... that fits to approach,
[2772]450; the beauty of Eunuchs ... 2973]400; who stands not as High Priest but is ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homilies on the epistle to.htm

Among the People, and with the Pharisees
... which was considered a chief point of beauty, was the ... on Mount Sinai; that the
"tephillin" were more sacred ... plate on the forehead of the high-priest, since its ...
/.../edersheim/sketches of jewish social life/chapter 13 among the people.htm



High Day

High Gate or Gate Of Benjamin

High Place

High Places

High Places of the Canaanites to be Destroyed

High Places used for Idolatrous Worship

High Places: A Term Used to Describe Places of Worship

High Places: Adorned With Tapestry

High Places: Arnon

High Places: Asa Destroys

High Places: Aven

High Places: Baal

High Places: Bamah

High Places: Built By Ahaz

High Places: Built By Jehoram

High Places: Built By Jeroboam

High Places: Built By Manasseh

High Places: Built By People of Israel

High Places: Built By People of Judah

High Places: Built By Solomon

High Places: Destroyed: Asa, Partially

High Places: Destroyed: Hezekiah

High Places: Destroyed: Jehoshaphat

High Places: Destroyed: Josiah

High Places: Enchantments Used Upon

High Places: Gibeon

High Places: God Sometimes Worshipped On

High Places: Hezekiah Destroys

High Places: Jehoshaphat Destroys

High Places: Josiah Destroys

High Places: Licentious Practices At

High Places: Not Removed: Amaziah

High Places: Not Removed: Azariah

High Places: Not Removed: Jehoash

High Places: Not Removed: Jotham

High Places: Priests Ordained For

High Places: Sacrifices and Incense offered to Idols Upon

High Places: Signify a Place of Idolatrous Worship

High Places: Surrounded With Groves

High Places: The Idolatrous, to be Destroyed

High Places: The Jews: Built, in all Their Streets

High Places: The Jews: Built, in Their Cities

High Places: The Jews: Condemned for Building

High Places: The Jews: Provoked God With

High Places: The Jews: Punished For

High Places: The Jews: Threatened With Destruction of

High Places: Tophet

High Places6813 Priest

High Priest

High Things

The High Priest was Called: God's High Priest

The High Priest was Called: Ruler of the People

The High Priest was Called: The Priest

The High Priest were for Beauty and Ornament

The High Priest: Assisted by a Deputy

The High Priest: Consecrated to his office

The High Priest: Duties of Appointing Priests to offices

The High Priest: Duties of Bearing Before the Lord the Names of Israel for a Memorial

The High Priest: Duties of Blessing the People

The High Priest: Duties of Consecrating the Levites

The High Priest: Duties of Enquiring of God by Urim and Thummim

The High Priest: Duties of Lighting the Sacred Lamps

The High Priest: Duties of Making Atonement in the Most Holy Place Once a Year

The High Priest: Duties of Offering Gifts and Sacrifices

The High Priest: Duties of Presiding in the Superior Court

The High Priest: Duties of Taking Charge of Money Collected in the Sacred Treasury

The High Priest: Duties of Taking the Census of the People

The High Priest: Family of Eli Degraded from office of, for Bad Conduct

The High Priest: Forbidden to Mourn for Any

The High Priest: Inferior to Christ in Being Made Without an Oath

The High Priest: Inferior to Christ in Being of the Order of Aaron

The High Priest: Inferior to Christ in Entering Into Holiest Every Year

The High Priest: Inferior to Christ in Needing to Make Atonement for his own Sins

The High Priest: Inferior to Christ in not Being Able to Continue

The High Priest: Inferior to Christ in Offering oftentimes the Same Sacrifices

The High Priest: Made by Divine Wisdom Given to Bezaleel

The High Priest: Needed to Sacrifice for Himself

The High Priest: Next in Rank to the King

The High Priest: Office of, Made Annual by the Romans

The High Priest: Office of, Promised to the Posterity of Phinehas for his Zeal

The High Priest: Often Exercised Chief Civil Power

The High Priest: Sometimes Deposed by the Kings

The High Priest: Sometimes Enabled to Prophesy

The High Priest: Special Garments of Breastplate

The High Priest: Special Garments of Broidered Coat

The High Priest: Special Garments of Ephod With Its Curious Girdle

The High Priest: Special Garments of Girdle

The High Priest: Special Garments of Linen Mitre

The High Priest: Special Garments of Plate or Crown of Gold

The High Priest: Special Garments of Robe of the Ephod

The High Priest: Specially Called of God

The High Priest: The Deputy of Called the Second Priest

The High Priest: The Deputy of had Oversight of the Levites

The High Priest: The Deputy of had Oversight of the Tabernacle

The High Priest: The office of, Hereditary

The High Priest: To be Tender and Compassionate

The High Priest: To Marry a Virgin of Aaron's Family

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Alone Entering Into Most Holy Place

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Bearing the Names of Israel Upon his Heart

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Being Called of God

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Being Liable to Temptation

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Blessing

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Compassion and Sympathy for the Weak and Ignorant

The High Priest: Typified Christ in His Appointment

The High Priest: Typified Christ in His Title

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Holiness of office

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Interceding

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Making Atonement

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Marrying a Virgin

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Performing by Himself all the Services on Day of Atonement

The High Priest: Typified Christ in Splendid Dress

The High Priest: Wore the Ordinary Priest's Garments when Making Atonement In

The High Priest: Worn at his Consecration

The High Priest: Worn at his Consecration: Descended to his Successors

The High Priest: Worn at his Consecration: Worn Seven Days After Consecration

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