The Heathen are Without God and Christ
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Ephesians 2:12
That at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


On Living Without God
... Word of God "to judge those that are without." Nor do ... living has a right to sentence
all the heathen and Mahometan ... spirits of all flesh;" who is the God of the ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 125 on living without.htm

The Reality of Christ's Passion.
... of the seed of the Virgin, but without any intercourse ... Him, [803] answered and said,
"Arise, O God, and judge ... for Thou shall receive all the heathen for Thine ...
/.../the epistle of ignatius to the trallians/chapter x the reality of christs.htm

The Greatest of These is Love.
... Without hope! Is this not a fatal feature in the apostle's sad picture of the blind
heathen? Is it not the same as to be without Christ? without God? ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/xxiii the greatest of these.htm

Redemption for Man Lost to be Sought in Christ.
... of God the Creator of no avail without faith in ... This doctrine entertained by the
children of God in all ... Error of throwing open heaven to the heathen, who know ...
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 6 redemption for man.htm

If the Heathen, and those who are Strangers to the True Knowledge ...
... If the Heathen, and those who are strangers to the ... that such properties as these
can, without falsehood and ... with the addition of these words: "God will bestow ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/article xv if the heathen.htm

The Epistle to the Laodiceans the Proper Designation is to the ...
... of the Gentiles: "Ask of me, and I will give Thee the heathen for Thine ... and without
God in the world." [5985] Now, without what God and without what Christ ...
/.../tertullian/the five books against marcion/chapter xvii the epistle to the.htm

In Scripture, the True God Opposed, Exclusively, to all the Gods ...
... the true God, excludes the gods of the heathen, who, however ... short at the creation
of the world, without ascending to ... given both of the power of God the Creator ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 10 in scripture the.htm

On Faith
... He not only plans his whole theory without taking the least ... did I meet with either
Jew, Turk, or Heathen who so ... the prize of your high calling of God in Christ ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 106 on faith.htm

God Has Everything to do with Prayer
... We might say that God does nothing without prayer ... In the second Psalm the purposes
of God to His enthroned ... That decree which promises to Him the heathen for His ...
/.../bounds/the reality of prayer/iv god has everything to.htm

The Church and the Kingdom of Christ.
... was a prisoner chained to a heathen soldier, soars ... substitute the one for the other
without manifest impropriety ... embraces all the true children of God on earth ...
/.../schaff/history of the christian church volume i/section 65 the church and.htm



Heathen: Abimelech

Heathen: Balaam

Heathen: Bildad

Heathen: Cast out of Canaan

Heathen: Cyrus

Heathen: Divine Revelations Given to Abimelech

Heathen: Divine Revelations Given to Balaam

Heathen: Divine Revelations Given to Belshazzar

Heathen: Divine Revelations Given to Cornelius

Heathen: Divine Revelations Given to Cyrus

Heathen: Divine Revelations Given to Nebuchadnezzar

Heathen: Divine Revelations Given to Pharaoh

Heathen: Divine Revelations Given to The Centurion at Capernaum

Heathen: Divine Revelations Given to The Magi (Wise Men from the East)

Heathen: Elihu

Heathen: Eliphaz

Heathen: Excluded from the Temple

Heathen: Jethro

Heathen: Melchizedek

Heathen: Nebuchadnezzar, After his Restoration

Heathen: Pious People Among

Heathen: The Centurion at Caesarea

Heathen: The Centurion at Capernaum

Heathen: The Magi (The Wise Men from the East)

Heathen: The Ninevites

Heathen: Their Land Given to Israel

Heathen: Zophar

The Heathen are Without God and Christ

The Heathen: Aid Missions To

The Heathen: Baptism to be Administered To

The Heathen: Cautions Against Imitating

The Heathen: Conversion of, Acceptable to God

The Heathen: Cruel

The Heathen: Danger of Intercourse With

The Heathen: Degradation of

The Heathen: Employed to Chastise the Church

The Heathen: Evil of Imitating

The Heathen: Filthy

The Heathen: Given to Christ

The Heathen: God: Brings to Nought the Counsels of

The Heathen: God: Punishes

The Heathen: God: Rules Over

The Heathen: God: Will be Exalted Among

The Heathen: God: Will Finally Judge

The Heathen: Have: Evidence of the Goodness of God

The Heathen: Have: Evidence of the Power of God

The Heathen: Have: The Testimony of Conscience

The Heathen: Having No Hope

The Heathen: Idolatrous

The Heathen: Ignorant

The Heathen: Necessity for Preaching To

The Heathen: Persecuting

The Heathen: Praise God for Success of the Gospel Among

The Heathen: Pray For

The Heathen: Salvation of, Foretold

The Heathen: Salvation Provided For

The Heathen: Scoffing at Saints

The Heathen: Strangers to the Covenant of Promise

The Heathen: The Church Shall be Avenged of

The Heathen: The Glory of God to be Declared Among

The Heathen: The Gospel Received By

The Heathen: The Gospel to be Preached To

The Heathen: The Holy Spirit Poured out Upon

The Heathen: Worshippers of the Devil

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