The Heart: Pray That It May Be: Inclined to God's Testimonies
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 119:36
Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to covetousness.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


... that he profiteth in grace; what else doth he pray, when he ... [5170] ...If therefore
our heart be not ... whether they have Him, or in order that they may have Him ...
// on the book of psalms/he.htm

Twenty Fourth Sunday after Trinity Prayer and Spiritual Knowledge.
... in Psalm 119, 11: "Thy word have I laid up in my heart, that I ... such divine agency
and by the help of the Word persevere and pray, that there may be not ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/twenty fourth sunday after trinity.htm

Testimonies of the Ancients in Favor of Eusebius.
... "That saying the same thing with one heart and one ... also rejoice in their triumphs,
and may rest assured ... confessor and priest, bring us, we pray thee, through ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/testimonies of the ancients in.htm

Matt. xiv. 13
... Mark also saith, "They understood not the saying, for their heart was hardened ... for
them that have grown old even in youth, I pray that they may attain also ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily xlix matt xiv 13.htm

The Holy Ghost --The Great Teacher
... years to be dressed, there be some truths that must lie long in the heart before
they really ... If we simply pray for them that the God of truth may lead them ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 1 1855/the holy ghostthe great teacher.htm

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit.
... your heart this moment as God looks into your heart, I could put my finger on the
specific sin." It may be what you ... she would go to her rooms and pray way into ...
/.../torrey/the person and work of the holy spirit/chapter xx the baptism with.htm

Concerning Worship.
... be worshipped in the inward temple of the heart, it must ... adversaries confess that
they did preach and pray by the ... Since we may well conclude they did not speak ...
/.../proposition xi concerning worship.htm

A Present Religion
... their wailings when they could not see Christ with their heart. ... A man may know in
this life, beyond the shadow ... to go up to the temple and pray, and subscribe ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/a present religion.htm

Against Rash and Vain Swearing.
... excellent father doth often urge, can we pray to God ... a mouth defiled by impious oaths,
with a heart guilty of ... the use of edifying, that it may administer grace ...
/.../sermons on evil-speaking by isaac barrow/against rash and vain swearing.htm

Another Wonderful Record of 25.
... What may seem more remarkable, the change between buggy and ... a filial temper, and
with simplicity of heart, resting on ... and in genuine faith, then pray thus by ...
/.../various/the wonders of prayer/another wonderful record of 25 00.htm


Character of the Renewed Heart: A Treasury of Good

Character of the Renewed Heart: Awed by the Word of God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Broken, Contrite

Character of the Renewed Heart: Circumcised

Character of the Renewed Heart: Clean

Character of the Renewed Heart: Confident in God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Desirous of God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Enlarged

Character of the Renewed Heart: Faithful to God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Filled With the Fear of God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Filled With the Law of God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Fixed on God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Honest and Good

Character of the Renewed Heart: Inclined to Obedience

Character of the Renewed Heart: Joyful in God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Meditative

Character of the Renewed Heart: Obedient

Character of the Renewed Heart: Perfect With God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Prayerful

Character of the Renewed Heart: Prepared to Seek God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Pure

Character of the Renewed Heart: Single and Sincere

Character of the Renewed Heart: Sympathising

Character of the Renewed Heart: Tender

Character of the Renewed Heart: Upright

Character of the Renewed Heart: Void of Fear

Character of the Renewed Heart: Wholly Devoted to God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Wise

Character of the Renewed Heart: Zealous

Character of the Unrenewed Heart of Little Worth

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: A Treasury of Evil

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Blind

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Carnal

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Covetous

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Darkened

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Deceitful

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Deceived

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Desperately Wicked

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Despiteful

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Divided

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Double

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Elated by Prosperity

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Elated by Sensual Indulgence

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Ensnaring

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Far from God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Foolish

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Fretful Against the Lord

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Froward

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Full of Evil

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Full of Evil Imaginations

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Full of Vain Thoughts

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Fully Set to do Evil

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Hard

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Hateful to God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Haughty

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Idolatrous

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Impenitent

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Influenced by the Devil

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Mad

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Mischievous

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Not Perfect With God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Not Prepared to Seek God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Often Judicially Hardened

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Often Judicially Stupefied

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Perverse

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Prone to Depart from God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Prone to Error

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Proud

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Rebellious

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Stiff

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Stony

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Stout

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Studies Destruction

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Unbelieving

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Uncircumcised


Heart: Change of Saul

Heart: Change of Saul of Tarsus

Heart: Change of Solomon

Heart: Hardened Hearts: King of Canaan

Heart: Hardened Hearts: Others

Heart: Hardened Hearts: Pharoah

Heart: Hardened Hearts: Sihon

Heart: Known to God

Heart: Renewed

Heart: Renewed: Be Joyful

Heart: Renewed: Clean

Heart: Renewed: Compassionate

Heart: Renewed: Devout

Heart: Renewed: Enlightened

Heart: Renewed: Faith

Heart: Renewed: Fear

Heart: Renewed: Fidelity

Heart: Renewed: Graciously Affected of God

Heart: Renewed: Holy

Heart: Renewed: It should Render to God Obedience

Heart: Renewed: It should Seek God

Heart: Renewed: Love

Heart: Renewed: Lowly

Heart: Renewed: Pure

Heart: Renewed: Regenerated

Heart: Renewed: Repentant

Heart: Renewed: Sincere

Heart: Renewed: Strengthened

Heart: Renewed: Tender

Heart: Renewed: Tested

Heart: Renewed: Trust

Heart: Renewed: Upright

Heart: Renewed: Wise

Heart: Renewed: Zeal

Heart: The Unregenerate is a Fountain of Evil

Heart: The Unregenerate is Covetous

Heart: The Unregenerate is Deceitful

Heart: The Unregenerate is Diabolical

Heart: The Unregenerate is Double (Duplicity)

Heart: The Unregenerate is Foolish

Heart: The Unregenerate is Full of Iniquity

Heart: The Unregenerate is Hard

Heart: The Unregenerate is Impenitent

Heart: The Unregenerate is Judicially Hardened

Heart: The Unregenerate is Malicious

Heart: The Unregenerate is Proud

Heart: The Unregenerate is Sensual

Heart: The Unregenerate is Subtle

Heart: The Unregenerate is Wayward

Heart: The Unregenerate is Worldly

Heart: The Unregenerate: Blind

Heart: The Unregenerate: Loves Evil

Heart: Unclassified Scriptures Descriptive of the Seat of the Affections

The Heart: Faith, the Means of Purifying

The Heart: God: Creates a New

The Heart: God: Enlightens

The Heart: God: Establishes

The Heart: God: Influences

The Heart: God: Knows

The Heart: God: Opens

The Heart: God: Ponders

The Heart: God: Prepares

The Heart: God: Searched

The Heart: God: Strengthens

The Heart: God: Tries

The Heart: God: Understands the Thoughts of

The Heart: Harden not Against the Poor

The Heart: Harden Not, Against God

The Heart: He That Trusts In, is a Fool

The Heart: Issues of Life are out of

The Heart: Know the Plague of

The Heart: No Man Can Cleanse

The Heart: Pray That It May Be: Cleansed

The Heart: Pray That It May Be: Directed Into the Love of God

The Heart: Pray That It May Be: Inclined to God's Testimonies

The Heart: Pray That It May Be: United to Fear God

The Heart: Regard not Iniquity In

The Heart: Renewal of, Promised Under the Gospel

The Heart: should be Applied to Wisdom

The Heart: should be Given to God

The Heart: should be Guided in the Right

The Heart: should be Kept With Diligence

The Heart: should be Perfect With God

The Heart: should be Prepared to God

The Heart: should be Purified

The Heart: should be Single

The Heart: should be Tender

The Heart: Take Heed Lest It to be Deceived

The Heart: The Pure In, Shall See God

The Heart: we should Believe With

The Heart: we should do the Will of God From

The Heart: we should Keep God's Statutes With All

The Heart: we should Love God With All

The Heart: we should Love One Another With a Pure

The Heart: we should Return to God With All

The Heart: we should Sanctify God In

The Heart: we should Serve God With All

The Heart: we should Trust in God With All

The Heart: we should Walk Before God With All

The Heart: when Broken and Contrite, not Despised by God

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