The Heart: God: Enlightens
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ephesians 1:18
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Whether God is the Cause of Spiritual Blindness and Hardness of ...
... sun, so far as it is concerned, enlightens all bodies ... In this way, God is the cause
of spiritual blindness, deafness of ear, and hardness of heart. ...
// theologica/whether god is the cause.htm

Of the Power of Our Good Will, and the Grace of God.
... he says "Create in me a clean heart, O God ... 1779] and this which is said of God:
"Who teacheth man knowledge;" [1780] and: "the Lord enlightens the blind ...
/.../cassian/the conferences of john cassian/chapter ix of the power.htm

How the First Coming Has Four Degrees
... above the summit of the spirit; and enlightens and enkindles ... lowest part of man,
namely, the fleshly heart and the ... the twinkling of an eye; for God's work is ...
/.../john/the adornment of the spritual marriage/chapter viii how the first.htm

We are Drawing Near the End, and to the Highest Conclusions of ...
... and moon unneeded for "The glory of God enlightens it, and ... measure of the value of
the precious word of God. ... man, in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in ...
/.../jennings/old groans and new songs/chapter xi we are drawing.htm

That the Same God, by the Same Word, Restrains from Sin by ...
... Hadst thou walked in the way of God, thou wouldst ... And still further, by Jeremiah,
He enlightens in the truth ... repent, the Lord will purify thy heart, and the ...
/.../clement/the instructor paedagogus/chapter x that the same god.htm

By Faith the Operation of God is Recognised.
... weeping and trembling, pierced the loving heart of Mary! ... God hides beneath veils
of darkness and illusive ... be the clouds that obscure it, enlightens, warms, and ...
/.../abandonment to divine providence/section ii by faith the operation.htm

Prayer and the Word of God (Continued)
... the heart, enlightens the eyes, endures eternally, and is true and righteous altogether.
The Word of God is perfect, sure, right, pure. It is heart-searching ...
/.../bounds/the necessity of prayer/xiii prayer and the word.htm

The Same Unity May Also be Recognized from the Fact that the ...
... that the Law of God was written not with ink, but with the Spirit of God, which
certainly does not stain but enlightens the secret places of our heart and mind ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter iii the same unity.htm

Effectual Calling
... He sees such evil in sin, and excellency in the ways of God, as he ... may shine upon
the face: this light shines into the heart, and enlightens the conscience ...
// divine cordial/effectual calling.htm

The Necessity of Divine Influences. [*Continued]
... in the thoughts of many believers, than God the Holy ... the latter are made real to
the heart and mind ... Not until the third Person enlightens, are the second and ...
/.../shedd/sermons to the natural man/the necessity of divine influences 2.htm


Character of the Renewed Heart: A Treasury of Good

Character of the Renewed Heart: Awed by the Word of God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Broken, Contrite

Character of the Renewed Heart: Circumcised

Character of the Renewed Heart: Clean

Character of the Renewed Heart: Confident in God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Desirous of God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Enlarged

Character of the Renewed Heart: Faithful to God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Filled With the Fear of God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Filled With the Law of God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Fixed on God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Honest and Good

Character of the Renewed Heart: Inclined to Obedience

Character of the Renewed Heart: Joyful in God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Meditative

Character of the Renewed Heart: Obedient

Character of the Renewed Heart: Perfect With God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Prayerful

Character of the Renewed Heart: Prepared to Seek God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Pure

Character of the Renewed Heart: Single and Sincere

Character of the Renewed Heart: Sympathising

Character of the Renewed Heart: Tender

Character of the Renewed Heart: Upright

Character of the Renewed Heart: Void of Fear

Character of the Renewed Heart: Wholly Devoted to God

Character of the Renewed Heart: Wise

Character of the Renewed Heart: Zealous

Character of the Unrenewed Heart of Little Worth

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: A Treasury of Evil

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Blind

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Carnal

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Covetous

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Darkened

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Deceitful

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Deceived

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Desperately Wicked

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Despiteful

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Divided

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Double

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Elated by Prosperity

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Elated by Sensual Indulgence

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Ensnaring

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Far from God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Foolish

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Fretful Against the Lord

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Froward

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Full of Evil

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Full of Evil Imaginations

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Full of Vain Thoughts

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Fully Set to do Evil

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Hard

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Hateful to God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Haughty

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Idolatrous

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Impenitent

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Influenced by the Devil

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Mad

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Mischievous

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Not Perfect With God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Not Prepared to Seek God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Often Judicially Hardened

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Often Judicially Stupefied

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Perverse

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Prone to Depart from God

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Prone to Error

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Proud

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Rebellious

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Stiff

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Stony

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Stout

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Studies Destruction

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Unbelieving

Character of the Unrenewed Heart: Uncircumcised


Heart: Change of Saul

Heart: Change of Saul of Tarsus

Heart: Change of Solomon

Heart: Hardened Hearts: King of Canaan

Heart: Hardened Hearts: Others

Heart: Hardened Hearts: Pharoah

Heart: Hardened Hearts: Sihon

Heart: Known to God

Heart: Renewed

Heart: Renewed: Be Joyful

Heart: Renewed: Clean

Heart: Renewed: Compassionate

Heart: Renewed: Devout

Heart: Renewed: Enlightened

Heart: Renewed: Faith

Heart: Renewed: Fear

Heart: Renewed: Fidelity

Heart: Renewed: Graciously Affected of God

Heart: Renewed: Holy

Heart: Renewed: It should Render to God Obedience

Heart: Renewed: It should Seek God

Heart: Renewed: Love

Heart: Renewed: Lowly

Heart: Renewed: Pure

Heart: Renewed: Regenerated

Heart: Renewed: Repentant

Heart: Renewed: Sincere

Heart: Renewed: Strengthened

Heart: Renewed: Tender

Heart: Renewed: Tested

Heart: Renewed: Trust

Heart: Renewed: Upright

Heart: Renewed: Wise

Heart: Renewed: Zeal

Heart: The Unregenerate is a Fountain of Evil

Heart: The Unregenerate is Covetous

Heart: The Unregenerate is Deceitful

Heart: The Unregenerate is Diabolical

Heart: The Unregenerate is Double (Duplicity)

Heart: The Unregenerate is Foolish

Heart: The Unregenerate is Full of Iniquity

Heart: The Unregenerate is Hard

Heart: The Unregenerate is Impenitent

Heart: The Unregenerate is Judicially Hardened

Heart: The Unregenerate is Malicious

Heart: The Unregenerate is Proud

Heart: The Unregenerate is Sensual

Heart: The Unregenerate is Subtle

Heart: The Unregenerate is Wayward

Heart: The Unregenerate is Worldly

Heart: The Unregenerate: Blind

Heart: The Unregenerate: Loves Evil

Heart: Unclassified Scriptures Descriptive of the Seat of the Affections

The Heart: Faith, the Means of Purifying

The Heart: God: Creates a New

The Heart: God: Enlightens

The Heart: God: Establishes

The Heart: God: Influences

The Heart: God: Knows

The Heart: God: Opens

The Heart: God: Ponders

The Heart: God: Prepares

The Heart: God: Searched

The Heart: God: Strengthens

The Heart: God: Tries

The Heart: God: Understands the Thoughts of

The Heart: Harden not Against the Poor

The Heart: Harden Not, Against God

The Heart: He That Trusts In, is a Fool

The Heart: Issues of Life are out of

The Heart: Know the Plague of

The Heart: No Man Can Cleanse

The Heart: Pray That It May Be: Cleansed

The Heart: Pray That It May Be: Directed Into the Love of God

The Heart: Pray That It May Be: Inclined to God's Testimonies

The Heart: Pray That It May Be: United to Fear God

The Heart: Regard not Iniquity In

The Heart: Renewal of, Promised Under the Gospel

The Heart: should be Applied to Wisdom

The Heart: should be Given to God

The Heart: should be Guided in the Right

The Heart: should be Kept With Diligence

The Heart: should be Perfect With God

The Heart: should be Prepared to God

The Heart: should be Purified

The Heart: should be Single

The Heart: should be Tender

The Heart: Take Heed Lest It to be Deceived

The Heart: The Pure In, Shall See God

The Heart: we should Believe With

The Heart: we should do the Will of God From

The Heart: we should Keep God's Statutes With All

The Heart: we should Love God With All

The Heart: we should Love One Another With a Pure

The Heart: we should Return to God With All

The Heart: we should Sanctify God In

The Heart: we should Serve God With All

The Heart: we should Trust in God With All

The Heart: we should Walk Before God With All

The Heart: when Broken and Contrite, not Despised by God

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