The Goat: The Young of Called Kids
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 37:31
And they took Joseph's coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Day of Atonement
... come into the holy place; with a young bullock for ... bullock, and of the blood of the
goat, and put ... concerned with the treatment of the so-called 'scapegoat' but ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/the day of atonement.htm

The Day of Atonement
... come into the holy place: with a young bullock for a ... and they tell us that the first
goat was offered ... to be tormented by the devil, and was called Azazel, just ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 2 1856/the day of atonement.htm

Of the Priesthood of Aaron.
... They brought also a young bullock, and a ram, with ... whole burnt-offering, as also
a goat for the ... the tribes brought also other sacrifices, called peace-offerings ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 8 of the priesthood.htm

... to compare the beaks of the Guacharo and goat-sucker to ... At the period which is commonly
called at Caripe the "oil ... pots of clay the fat of the young birds just ...
// last/chapter vi monos.htm

That the Scriptures are Divinely Inspired.
... lie down together in the green fields, and that their young ones are ... regarding the
impossibilities of the law, we find an animal called the goat-stag, [2779 ...
/.../origen/origen de principiis/chapter i that the scriptures are.htm

The Flight into Egypt and St. John the Baptist in the Desert
... of the Blessed Virgin, while a wild she-goat came to ... the inn was a man of twenty
called Reuben ... being brought in"clothes, carpets, meat, young kids, sheep, and ...
/.../emmerich/the life of the blessed virgin mary/xvi the flight into egypt.htm



Goat by Gideon

Goat for the Paschal Feast

Goat used for Food

Goat: As a Sacrifice by Abraham

Goat: Curtains of the Tabernacle

Goat: Designated As One of the Ceremonially Clean Animals to be Eaten

Goat: Hair of, Used for Clothing

Goat: Manoah

Goat: Milk of, Used for Food

Goat: Nor Seethed in Its Mother's Milk

Goat: Numerous

Goat: Pillows

Goat: Regulations of Mosaic Law Required That a Baby Goat should not be Killed for Food Before It Was Eight Days Old

Goat: Wild, in Palestine

The Goat of Macedonian Empire

The Goat of the Wicked

The Goat: (Flock of) of the Church

The Goat: Bashan Celebrated For

The Goat: Clean and Fit for Food

The Goat: First-Born of, not Redeemed

The Goat: Flocks of, Always Led by a Male

The Goat: Jews had Large Flocks of

The Goat: Milk of, Used As Food

The Goat: Most Profitable to the Owner

The Goat: Offered in Sacrifice

The Goat: Skin of, often Used As Clothing

The Goat: The Arabians Traded In

The Goat: The Hair of Made Into Curtains, for Covering the Tabernacle

The Goat: The Hair of Made Into Pillows

The Goat: The Hair of Offered for Tabernacle

The Goat: The Male, Best for Sacrifice

The Goat: The Young of Called Kids

The Goat: The Young of Considered a Delicacy

The Goat: The Young of Fed Near the Shepherds' Tents

The Goat: The Young of Given As a Present

The Goat: The Young of Kept in Small Flocks

The Goat: The Young of not to be Seethed in Milk of Mother

The Goat: The Young of Offered at the Passover

The Goat: The Young of Offered in Sacrifice

The Goat: when Wild Dwelt in the Hills and Rocks

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