The Goat: (Flock of) of the Church
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Songs 4:1
Behold, you are fair, my love; behold, you are fair; you have doves' eyes within your locks: your hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


On the Baptism of Christ.
... the mantle of one of the prophets, though it was but a goat's skin, made ... he reveals
the hidden mystery, and gives living water to the flock of the Church. ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/on the baptism of christ.htm

False Professors Solemnly Warned
... led the blood-thirsty foe up the goat track to ... have a thousand devils out of the
church, than have ... crafty "wolves in sheep's clothing," that devour the flock. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 2 1856/false professors solemnly warned.htm

The Bishop of Hippo
... Hippo, but a bishop almost without a flock, in comparison ... Upon the Church lands,
these small people were protected ... constantly," or else with the goat "who gets ...
// augustin/i the bishop of hippo.htm

A Notice of Aetius, Eunomius' Master in Heresy, and of Eunomius ...
... at his fingers' end, sitting under a goat's-hair tent ... by Imperial command from the
Church of Alexandria ... the Tarbasthenite was tearing his flock, another change ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/section 6 a notice of.htm

On the Animals
... the apostles or the leaders of the church; in the ... of keenness; in Solomon: feed the
animals of your flock. ... gentiles; in Daniel: behold, a male goat among the ...
/.../eucherius/the formulae of st eucherius of lyons/iv on the animals.htm

Letter xix. --(For 347. ) Coss. Rufinus, Eusebius; Præf. The Same ...
... of the herd be a sacrifice to God, nor the ram of the flock, nor the he-goat [4463] ,
but all ... In Hypsele, Arsenius, having become reconciled to the Church. ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/letter xix for 347 coss rufinus.htm

Lessons from Nature
... Up there among the precipices the wild goat finds safe ... because there is grievous
error in a church, concerning an ... is not a lamb amongst Christ's flock that we ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/lessons from nature.htm

'Other Sheep'
... the future in the midst of the ransomed flock, till we ... Every church that has engaged
in the toil has shared in ... of the snow, and after a while a goat's step, as ...
/.../ of holy scripture i/other sheep.htm

Psalm L.
... are; just as what the earth is, the lands themselves, just as what the Church is,
the Churches ... why hast thou not selected the best he-goat from thy flock? ...
// on the book of psalms/psalm l.htm

The Parable of the Lost Sheep
... his excitement lends him the feet of the wild goat; he stands ... not save a soul so
much to the church as to ... and though the saved are in the flock, the greatest ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 30 1884/the parable of the lost.htm



Goat by Gideon

Goat for the Paschal Feast

Goat used for Food

Goat: As a Sacrifice by Abraham

Goat: Curtains of the Tabernacle

Goat: Designated As One of the Ceremonially Clean Animals to be Eaten

Goat: Hair of, Used for Clothing

Goat: Manoah

Goat: Milk of, Used for Food

Goat: Nor Seethed in Its Mother's Milk

Goat: Numerous

Goat: Pillows

Goat: Regulations of Mosaic Law Required That a Baby Goat should not be Killed for Food Before It Was Eight Days Old

Goat: Wild, in Palestine

The Goat of Macedonian Empire

The Goat of the Wicked

The Goat: (Flock of) of the Church

The Goat: Bashan Celebrated For

The Goat: Clean and Fit for Food

The Goat: First-Born of, not Redeemed

The Goat: Flocks of, Always Led by a Male

The Goat: Jews had Large Flocks of

The Goat: Milk of, Used As Food

The Goat: Most Profitable to the Owner

The Goat: Offered in Sacrifice

The Goat: Skin of, often Used As Clothing

The Goat: The Arabians Traded In

The Goat: The Hair of Made Into Curtains, for Covering the Tabernacle

The Goat: The Hair of Made Into Pillows

The Goat: The Hair of Offered for Tabernacle

The Goat: The Male, Best for Sacrifice

The Goat: The Young of Called Kids

The Goat: The Young of Considered a Delicacy

The Goat: The Young of Fed Near the Shepherds' Tents

The Goat: The Young of Given As a Present

The Goat: The Young of Kept in Small Flocks

The Goat: The Young of not to be Seethed in Milk of Mother

The Goat: The Young of Offered at the Passover

The Goat: The Young of Offered in Sacrifice

The Goat: when Wild Dwelt in the Hills and Rocks

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