The Glory of God: Enlightens the Church
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Isaiah 60:1,2
Arise, shine; for your light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen on you.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Revelation 21:11,23
Having the glory of God: and her light was like to a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The North African Church under the Vandals.
... Divine light has been outpoured, which enlightens every man ... did not give men
righteousness, but glory amongst men. ... justified by the mercy of God, lives justly ...
/.../neander/light in the dark places/the north african church under.htm

Book 3
... of grace, for the full conviction of which the Holy Spirit enlightens our minds
and ... of every thought of our own glory, giving the whole glory to God.4. That ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/book 3.htm

Unity of the Faith of the Church Throughout the Whole World.
... their repentance, and may surround them with everlasting glory. ... as the sun, that
creature of God, is one ... the truth shineth everywhere, and enlightens all men ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter x unity of the faith.htm

The Mirrors of the Lord.
... our existence flashes upon us, we face full to the sun that enlightens what it ... life
of Jesus has, through light, become life in us; the glory of God in the ...
// sermons/the mirrors of the lord.htm

The Last Look at Life,
... in every page, if the Spirit of God enlightens the eyes ... whom everything belonging
to the image of God in this ... helped to make it possible for this glory of the ...
/.../schleiermacher/selected sermons of schleiermacher/xiii the last look at.htm

(On Whitsuntide, iii. )
... the Son enlightens, and the Holy Ghost enlightens: and while ... Mercy in the case of
God does not lessen power, nor ... whom He loves a falling off of Eternal glory. ...
/.../leo/writings of leo the great/sermon lxxvii on whitsuntide iii.htm

Conversion --Human Agency In
... give to Sovereign Grace all the glory of our ... irresistibly brought into the kingdom
of God, and forced ... manner as He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies ...
/.../chapter xx conversionhuman agency in.htm

Thoughts Upon the Appearance of Christ the Sun of Righteousness ...
... this glorious Light that comes from the Sun of Righteousness, enlightens Mens Minds ...
whatsoever they do, they still do it to the glory of God, 1 Corinthians ...
/.../private thoughts upon a christian life/thoughts upon the appearance of.htm

Transformation by Beholding
... be fashioned like unto the body of His glory'; and that ... the same loves, the same
attitude towards God, and the ... a complete, image of Him who enlightens them all ...
/.../romans corinthians to ii corinthians chap v/transformation by beholding.htm

Luther's Small Catechism. AD 1529.
... me in the true faith; just as he calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies ... I have
not brought up my child, household, and wife to the glory of God; I have ...
/.../luthers small catechism a d 1529.htm



Glory of God

Glory of God: Described As Great

Glory of God: Enlightens God's People

Glory of God: Eternal

Glory of God: Exhibited in Christ

Glory of God: Exhibited in his Name

Glory of God: Exhibited to Moses

Glory of God: God is Jealous of

Glory of God: Highly Exalted

Glory of God: His Holiness

Glory of God: His Majesty

Glory of God: His Power

Glory of God: His Works

Glory of God: Rich

Glory of God: Saints Desire to Behold

Glory of God: Stephen

Glory of God: The Earth is Full of

Glory of God: The Knowledge of, Shall Fill the Earth

Glory of God: The People of God

Glory of Hypocrites Turned to Shame

Glory of the Church Shall be Rich and Abundant

Glory of the Gospel Exceeds That of the Law

Glory of the Gospel, Exceeds That of the Law

Glory of the Wicked is in Their Shame

Glory of the Wicked: Ends in Destruction

Glory: Christ Is, to his People

Glory: Eternal of God's People Shall be Rich and Abundant

Glory: Eternal: Accompanies Salvation by Christ

Glory: Eternal: Afflictions of Ministers Are, to Saints

Glory: Eternal: Enhanced by Afflictions

Glory: Eternal: Enhanced by Present Afflictions

Glory: Eternal: Inherited by Saints

Glory: Eternal: Present Afflictions not Worthy to be Compared With

Glory: Eternal: Procured by the Death of Christ

Glory: Eternal: Saints Afore Prepared To

Glory: Eternal: Saints Called To

Glory: Eternal: Saints Prepared Unto

Glory: Eternal: Saints Shall Be, of Their Ministers

Glory: Eternal: The Bodies of Saints Shall be Raised In

Glory: God Is, to his People

Glory: Saints Shall Be, of Their Ministers

Glory: Seek Not, from Man

Glory: Spiritual is Given by Christ

Glory: Spiritual is Given by God

Glory: Spiritual is the Work of the Holy Spirit

Glory: Spiritual: Christ

Glory: Temporal is Given by God

Glory: Temporal of Hypocrites Turned to Shame

Glory: Temporal of the Wicked is in Their Shame

Glory: Temporal: Ends in Destruction

Glory: Temporal: Passes Away

Glory: Temporal: Seek Not, from Man

Glory: Temporal: The Devil Tries to Seduce By

Glory: The Bodies of Saints Shall be Raised In

Glory: The Gospel Ordained to Be, to Saints

Glory: The Joy of Saints is Full of

Select Readings: The Glory of God

The Glory of God: Declare

The Glory of God: Enlightens the Church

The Glory of God: Eternal

The Glory of God: Exhibited in Christ

The Glory of God: Exhibited in His Holiness

The Glory of God: Exhibited in His Majesty

The Glory of God: Exhibited in His Name

The Glory of God: Exhibited in His Power

The Glory of God: Exhibited in His Works

The Glory of God: Exhibited to His Church

The Glory of God: Exhibited to Moses

The Glory of God: Exhibited to Stephen

The Glory of God: God is Jealous

The Glory of God: Great

The Glory of God: Highly Exalted

The Glory of God: Magnify

The Glory of God: Plead in Prayer

The Glory of God: Reverence

The Glory of God: Rich

The Glory of God: Saints Desire to Behold

The Glory of God: The Earth is Full of

The Glory of God: The Knowledge of, Shall Fill the Earth

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