The Gifts of God: Temporal: Wisdom
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Chronicles 1:12
Wisdom and knowledge is granted to you; and I will give you riches, and wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings have had that have been before you, neither shall there any after you have the like.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Temporal Advantages.
... account of their spiritual peril, when they were no longer encompassed by temporal
trials ... It may be asked, "Are not these dangerous things the gifts of God? ...
/.../newman/parochial and plain sermons vol vii/sermon v temporal advantages.htm

Whether Faith is a Single virtue
... gifts of God, according to Isa.11:2. Now wisdom and knowledge are different, in
that wisdom is of things eternal, whereas understanding is of things temporal. ...
/.../aquinas/nature and grace/article six whether faith is.htm

How Deceitful the Love of this World Is, and How Amiable God Is.
... abide with the temporal, when even one temporal thing neither can ... is there, which,
adorned with delightful gifts, was a heavenly paradise, where God was well ...
/.../suso/a little book of eternal wisdom/chapter vi how deceitful the.htm

Spiritual Gifts.
... the care of the spiritual and temporal affairs of ... two classes"those that strengthen
the gifts of saving ... is therefore the portion of all God's children, and ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/xxxvii spiritual gifts.htm

Of the Difference Between the Hirelings and the Faithful Servants ...
... mark this: that some men receive the gifts of God ... all their good works, they seek
after temporal things, or ... unfaithful, they dare not trust in God; but their ...
/.../john/the adornment of the spritual marriage/chapter vi of the difference.htm

A Royal Seeker after Wisdom
... men eagerly put forth for some temporal good, would ... rebuke men's indifference to
Christ's gifts, their failure ... condemned by heathen seekers after God, or will ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/a royal seeker after wisdom.htm

Of Faith
... And what can any prosperity, or temporal good in this ... world so wicked and so sinful
but God can convert ... adorn him with singular graces and many gifts of virtue ...
/.../ugolino/the little flowers of st francis of assisi/chapter ii of faith.htm

First Sunday after Epiphany
... by their works seek to merit reward from God, whether temporal or eternal ... works,
on our own spiritual life and on the gifts wherewith God has endowed ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol ii/first sunday after epiphany.htm

The Fifty-Fourth Chapter: the Different Motions of Nature and ...
... Of temporal necessities she asks no more than will serve ... herself or hers exalted,
but desires that God Who bestows ... out of love should be blessed in His gifts. ...
/.../kempis/the imitation of christ/the fifty-fourth chapter the different.htm

In which Also Concerning Exemplars.
... as Being, from the prior of His other gifts; for pre ... must call to mind the Word of
God, which says ... above time and eternity, and all things eternal and temporal. ...
/.../dionysius/dionysis on divine names/caput v concerning beingin which.htm


Charism: An Inspired Gift, Bestowed on the Apostles and Early Christians



Gifts from God

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Christ, the Saviour

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Faith

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Grace

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Repentance

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Wisdom

Gifts from God: Temporal: All Creatures Partake of

Gifts from God: Temporal: Food and Raiment

Gifts from God: Temporal: Peace

Gifts from God: Temporal: Prayer For

Gifts from God: Temporal: Rain and Fruitful Seasons

Gifts from God: Temporal: should Cause Us to Remember God

Gifts from God: Temporal: To be Used and Enjoyed

Gifts from God: Temporal: Wisdom

Gifts from God: Unclassified Scriptures Relating to Both Temporal and Spiritual

Gifts of Healing

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Gifts of God are Dispensed According to his Will

The Gifts of God are Free and Abundant

The Gifts of God: Acknowledge

The Gifts of God: All Blessings Are

The Gifts of God: Illustrated

The Gifts of God: Spiritual are Through Christ

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: A New Heart

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Christ the Chief of

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Eternal Life

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Faith

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Glory

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Grace

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Not Repented of by Him

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Peace

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Pray For

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Repentance

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Rest

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Righteousness

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Strength and Power

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: The Holy Spirit

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: To be Used for Mutual Profit

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Wisdom

The Gifts of God: Temporal: All Creatures Partake of

The Gifts of God: Temporal: All Good Things

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Food and Raiment

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Life

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Peace

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Pray For

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Rain and Fruitful Seasons

The Gifts of God: Temporal: should Cause Us to Remember God

The Gifts of God: Temporal: To be Used and Enjoyed

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Wisdom

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