The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given in Answer to Prayer
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Luke 11:13
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ephesians 1:16,17
Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Holy Spirit and Prayer
... seek for the Holy Spirit"knock for the Holy Spirit. He is the Father's greatest
gift for the child's ... three words, "ask," "seek" and "knock," given us by ...
/.../bounds/the reality of prayer/xiii the holy spirit and.htm

The Ministration of the Spirit and Prayer
... long there is none more needed than the gift of prayer ... In the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit, in the house of ... God"; and then the voice of the Spirit was heard ...
/.../murray/the ministry of intercession/chapter ii the ministration of.htm

Seventh Lesson. How Much More the Holy Spirit;
... that the blessing, which has already been given us, and ... And He has taught us, that
the gift above all ... wouldst bestow in answer to prayer is, the Holy Spirit. ...
/.../murray/with christ in the school of prayer/seventh lesson how much more.htm

The Gift of the Spirit
... we not hunger and thirst for the gift of the ... hungering and thirsting for righteousness,
the Holy Spirit reveals the ... The Spirit is given as a regenerating agency ...
/...// acts of the apostles/lesson 5 the gift of.htm

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit.
... They say that the Holy Spirit was given as an abiding gift to the church at Pentecost,
and why pray for what is already given? To this the late Rev. ...
/.../torrey/the person and work of the holy spirit/chapter xx the baptism with.htm

Prayer and Obedience
... The gift of the Holy Spirit in full measure and in richer ... This is the witness of
the Spirit " the inward Divine assurance ... "Wherefore the law is holy, and the ...
/.../bounds/the necessity of prayer/ix prayer and obedience.htm

The Secret of Effectual Prayer
... in the confidence that grace will be given us to ... accepted, apart from feeling, a
spiritual Divine gift by faith ... The Holy Spirit may for a little time be hiding ...
/.../murray/the ministry of intercession/chapter ix the secret of.htm

Letter v. Prayer and Fasting.
... Faith itself is declared to be "the gift of God ... With what holy reverence and godly
fear should we approach ... God, and seek the influences of his Spirit to enable ...
/.../letter v prayer and fasting.htm

Modern Examples of Prayer (Continued)
... is more than all, it grieves the Holy Spirit." Her remedy ... willing to receive all
as His unmerited gift, and to ... The spirit of prayer and the more ardent spirit ...
/.../bounds/the weapon of prayer/xii modern examples of prayer.htm

Twenty-Ninth Lesson. According to his Will;
... Nor has every Christian the same gift or calling. ... of the word to our special personal
needs"it is for this that the leading of the Holy Spirit is given us ...
/.../with christ in the school of prayer/twenty-ninth lesson according to his.htm



Gift Giving

Gift of Tongues


The Gift of the Holy Spirit by the Father

The Gift of the Holy Spirit by the Son

The Gift of the Holy Spirit is Abundant

The Gift of the Holy Spirit is Fruit Bearing

The Gift of the Holy Spirit is Permanent

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: A Pledge of the Continued Favour of God

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: An Earnest of the Inheritance of the Saints

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: An Evidence of Union With Christ

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given for Comfort of Saints

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given for Instruction

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given in Answer to Prayer

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: According to Promise

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: Through the Intercession of Christ

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: To the Gentiles

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: To Those Who Obey God

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: To Those Who Repent and Believe

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: Upon the Exaltation

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Received Through Faith

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: To Christ Without Measure

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