The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: To Those Who Obey God
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Acts 5:32
And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God has given to them that obey him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Prophecy was not Only from the Father and the Son but Also from ...
... For it is said: "To one is given through the Spirit the gift of healings, to ... Therefore,
being chosen by the authority of the Holy Spirit, Which came on him ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter xiii prophecy was not.htm

Eighth Sunday after Trinity Living in the Spirit as God's Children ...
... ye shall live." For the Christian receives the gift of the ... Spirit of God" means,
then, to be given a heart ... All these things the Holy Spirit teaches one if he ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/eighth sunday after trinity living.htm

Seventh Sunday after Trinity Exhortation to Resist Sin.
... divine judgment, we deserved, and has given us instead ... speaking, under the inspiration
of the Holy Spirit, in language ... the Gospel is a higher gift than human ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/seventh sunday after trinity exhortation.htm

The School of Obedience
... Conscience is the guardian or monitor God has given you, to give warning when ... The
promises of grace are so divine, the gift of the Holy Spirit to do all in ...
/.../murray/the school of obedience/vii the school of obedience.htm

On the Holy Spirit
... The gift of the Holy Spirit looks full to the ... grace of the Spirit do, when, being
given at length ... Christ; and the operations of the Holy Spirit in Christians. ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 141 on the holy.htm

Prayer and Obedience
... The gift of the Holy Spirit in full measure ... of the Spirit " the inward Divine assurance,
given to all ... through the agency of the Holy Spirit, bestows enabling ...
/.../bounds/the necessity of prayer/ix prayer and obedience.htm

The Advocate Promised.
... you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit;" the gift being made ... with them always,"
as manifest in their hearts by the Holy Spirit after it is given. ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/the advocate promised.htm

Because Grace is that which Characterizes all God's Dealings with ...
... learn that the "Hope" which has been given to God's ... grace makes every blessing a
Divine and free gift. ... When, by grace, the Holy Spirit has taught a soul that ...
// redeemers return/1 because grace is that.htm

New Covenant Obedience
... but the most delightful and attractive gift He has to ... it maybe our actual experience,
the Holy Spirit has been ... who live in the noble and holy consciousness: my ...
/.../murray/the two covenants/chapter xiii new covenant obedience.htm

The Call of David.
... Though David received the gift of God's Holy Spirit, yet nothing ... Except that he had
strength given him to kill a lion and a bear which came against his flock ...
/.../newman/parochial and plain sermons vol viii/sermon iv the call of.htm



Gift Giving

Gift of Tongues


The Gift of the Holy Spirit by the Father

The Gift of the Holy Spirit by the Son

The Gift of the Holy Spirit is Abundant

The Gift of the Holy Spirit is Fruit Bearing

The Gift of the Holy Spirit is Permanent

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: A Pledge of the Continued Favour of God

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: An Earnest of the Inheritance of the Saints

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: An Evidence of Union With Christ

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given for Comfort of Saints

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given for Instruction

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given in Answer to Prayer

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: According to Promise

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: Through the Intercession of Christ

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: To the Gentiles

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: To Those Who Obey God

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: To Those Who Repent and Believe

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Given: Upon the Exaltation

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Received Through Faith

The Gift of the Holy Spirit: To Christ Without Measure

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