The First Fruits: Resurrection of Christ
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Corinthians 15:20,23
But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Whether the Resurrection of Christ is the Cause of Our ...
... ii, 1). Now Christ, by reason of His bodily resurrection, is called "the first-fruits
of them that sleep" (1:Cor.15:20), and "the first-begotten of the dead ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether the resurrection of christ.htm

Whether Christ's Resurrection is the Cause of the Resurrection of ...
... says (1:Cor.15:20,21): "Christ is risen from the dead, the first-fruits of them
that sleep; for by a man came death, and by a man the resurrection of the dead ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether christs resurrection is the.htm

Whether Christ was the First to Rise from the Dead?
... came to the resurrection of the body before Christ. On the contrary, It is written
(1:Cor.15:20): "Christ is risen from the dead, the first fruits of them that ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether christ was the first.htm

"But if the Spirit of Him that Raised up Jesus from the Dead Dwell ...
... Christ dwell in you," he shall also raise you, namely, because he raised up Christ
the very first fruits of all the rest, so that Christ's resurrection is a ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xxx but if the.htm

The Power of the Resurrection
... that aspect of the feast and the Resurrection of our ... a subsequent part of this chapter,
that Christ is 'risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them ...
/.../romans corinthians to ii corinthians chap v/the power of the resurrection.htm

The Fourfold Gospel. John's the First Fruits of the Four. ...
... The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son ... the truth and the life," "I am
the resurrection," "I am ... to say that the Gospels are the first fruits of all ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of john/6 the fourfold gospel johns.htm

Whether the Time of Our Resurrection Should be Delayed Till the ...
... For none rose again with a true resurrection before Christ, since He is the
"first-fruits of them that sleep" (1:Cor.15:20), although some were resuscitated ...
// theologica/whether the time of our.htm

The one Death and Resurrection of the Body of Christ Harmonizes ...
... on account of this type, which went before in the Lord, of our future resurrection
in the body, that the apostle says, "Christ the first-fruits; afterward they ...
/.../augustine/on the holy trinity/chapter 3 the one death and.htm

The Certainty and Joy of the Resurrection
... 'The first fruits of them that ... The Apostle goes on to represent the resurrection
of 'them that are Christ's' as a consequence of their union to Jesus. ...
/.../romans corinthians to ii corinthians chap v/the certainty and joy of.htm

He Further Very Appositely Expounds the Meaning of the Term "Only ...
... 1 Tim. ii. 5. [343] The Humanity of Christ being regarded as this "first-fruits:"
unless this phrase is to be understood of the Resurrection, rather than of the ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/section 8 he further very.htm



First and Second Books Of Chronicles

First and Second Books Of Kings

First Epistle Of Peter

First Epistle To The Corinthians

First Epistle To The Thessalonians

First Fruits: As a Heave offering

First Fruits: Belonged to the Priests

First Fruits: Figurative

First Fruits: First Ripe of Fruits, Grain, Oil, Wine, and First of Fleece, Required As an offering

First Fruits: Freewill offerings of, Given to the Prophets

First Fruits: Offerings of, Must be Free from Blemish

First Fruits: Presented at the Tabernacle

First Fruits: To be offered As a Thank-Offering Upon Entrance Into the Land of Promise

First Fruits: Wave offering of

First Heaven

First Lady of the Church

First Love

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Antiquity of offering

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Could not be a Free-Will offering

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Flesh of, the Priest's Portion

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Law of Redemption For

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Not Shorn

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Not Taken from the Dam for Seven Days

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Not to Labour

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Offered in Sacrifice

The First Born of Clean Beasts: To be Redeemed

The First Born of Israel: Price of Redemption For

The First Born of Israel: Price of, Given to the Priests

The First Born of Israel: To be Redeemed

The First Born of Israel: Tribe of Levi Taken For

The First Born of Man and Beast Dedicated to God

The First Born of the Donkey to be Redeemed With Lamb or Its Neck Broken

The First Born: Dedicated to Commemorate the Sparing of the First Born of

The First Born: Laws Respecting, Observed at Christ's Birth

The First Born: Laws Respecting, Restored After the Captivity

The First Born: Objects of Special Love

The First Born: Precious and Valuable

The First Born: Privileges of a Double Portion of Inheritance

The First Born: Privileges of Authority Over the Younger Children

The First Born: Privileges of Could be Forfeited by Misconduct

The First Born: Privileges of Could be Sold

The First Born: Privileges of in Case of Death the Next Brother to Raise up Seed To

The First Born: Privileges of not to be Alienated by Parents Through Caprice

The First Born: Privileges of Precedence in the Family

The First Born: Privileges of Special Blessing by the Father

The First Born: Privileges of The Father's Title and Power

The First Born: Superseded: Aaron

The First Born: Superseded: Adonijah

The First Born: Superseded: Cain

The First Born: Superseded: David's Brothers

The First Born: Superseded: Esau

The First Born: Superseded: Ishmael

The First Born: Superseded: Japheth

The First Born: Superseded: Manasseh

The First Born: Superseded: Reuben

The First Born: The Beginning of Strength and Excellency of Power

The First Born: The Dignity of Christ

The First Born: The Dignity of the Church

The First Fruits: Allotted to the Priests

The First Fruits: Church of Christ

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of all Agricultural Produce

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Barley Harvest

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Fruit of New Trees in Fourth Year

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Honey

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Wheat Harvest

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Wine and Oil

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Wool

The First Fruits: First Converts in Any Place

The First Fruits: God Honored by the offering of

The First Fruits: Holy to the Lord

The First Fruits: Law of, Restored After the Captivity

The First Fruits: Offering of, Consecrated the Whole

The First Fruits: Resurrection of Christ

The First Fruits: The Jewish Church

The First Fruits: To be Brought to God's House

The First Fruits: To be offered in a Basket

The First Fruits: To be offered with Thanksgiving

The First Fruits: To be offered without Delay

The First Fruits: To be the Very Best of Their Kind

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