The First Born of Clean Beasts: Offered in Sacrifice
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Numbers 18:17
But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, you shall not redeem; they are holy: you shall sprinkle their blood on the altar, and shall burn their fat for an offering made by fire, for a sweet smell to the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


At the Birth of the Son, There was a Great Shouting in Bethlehem
... gifts of their flock: sweet milk, clean flesh, befitting ... lamb bleated as it was offered
before the First-born. ... as it were dragons, and his sheep fanged beasts. ...
/.../ephraim/hymns and homilies of ephraim the syrian/hymn v at the birth.htm

What Happened to the Hebrews During Thirty-Eight Years in the ...
... a half in their stead: but for the first-born of a ... 5] since she left Egypt, on the
first [6] day ... a little distance from the camp, into a place perfectly clean. ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 4 what happened to.htm

The Voice of the Blood of Christ
... blamed thee; but this blood is pure, clean, perfect blood ... corpse of him who became
my brother born for adversity ... blood speak; and as it spoke the first thing it ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/the voice of the blood.htm

The Pentateuch.
... passover and the law respecting the first-born of man ... three hundred and eighteen
"trained servants born in his ... 1-10); (2) precepts concerning clean and unclean ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xix the pentateuch.htm

The Life of Adam
... the tree was fair to look on, and clean and sweet ... Calmana; but after another fifteen
years was Abel born, and his ... to offer to God their tithes and first fruits ...
/.../wells/bible stories and religious classics/the life of adam.htm

Manner of Covenanting.
... them may be denominated, "He that hath clean hands, and ... fowls of the heaven, and
to the beasts of the ... father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first-born."[162] And ...
/.../cunningham/the ordinance of covenanting/chapter ii manner of covenanting.htm

"Lo, I Come": Exposition
... worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." A clean sweep has ... know all
the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the ... "The first-born sons of ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/lo i come exposition.htm

An Exposition on the First Ten Chapters of Genesis, and Part of ...
... then the earth bringeth forth trees, and herbs, and grass; after that beasts; and
the ... as he is called "an image," he is also called "the first-born" of every ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/an exposition on the first.htm

The Testament of Levi Concerning the Priesthood and Arrogance.
... my daughter to him to wife, for they were born in one ... and ye shall have no place
that is clean; but ye ... In the first jubilee, the first who is anointed into the ...
/.../iii the testament of levi concerning.htm

Paul's Departure and Crown;
... Must also the general assembly and church of the first-born wait upon thee for their ...
First. ... waters of Israel; may I not wash in them and be clean?' saith he (2 ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/pauls departure and crown.htm



First and Second Books Of Chronicles

First and Second Books Of Kings

First Epistle Of Peter

First Epistle To The Corinthians

First Epistle To The Thessalonians

First Fruits: As a Heave offering

First Fruits: Belonged to the Priests

First Fruits: Figurative

First Fruits: First Ripe of Fruits, Grain, Oil, Wine, and First of Fleece, Required As an offering

First Fruits: Freewill offerings of, Given to the Prophets

First Fruits: Offerings of, Must be Free from Blemish

First Fruits: Presented at the Tabernacle

First Fruits: To be offered As a Thank-Offering Upon Entrance Into the Land of Promise

First Fruits: Wave offering of

First Heaven

First Lady of the Church

First Love

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Antiquity of offering

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Could not be a Free-Will offering

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Flesh of, the Priest's Portion

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Law of Redemption For

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Not Shorn

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Not Taken from the Dam for Seven Days

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Not to Labour

The First Born of Clean Beasts: Offered in Sacrifice

The First Born of Clean Beasts: To be Redeemed

The First Born of Israel: Price of Redemption For

The First Born of Israel: Price of, Given to the Priests

The First Born of Israel: To be Redeemed

The First Born of Israel: Tribe of Levi Taken For

The First Born of Man and Beast Dedicated to God

The First Born of the Donkey to be Redeemed With Lamb or Its Neck Broken

The First Born: Dedicated to Commemorate the Sparing of the First Born of

The First Born: Laws Respecting, Observed at Christ's Birth

The First Born: Laws Respecting, Restored After the Captivity

The First Born: Objects of Special Love

The First Born: Precious and Valuable

The First Born: Privileges of a Double Portion of Inheritance

The First Born: Privileges of Authority Over the Younger Children

The First Born: Privileges of Could be Forfeited by Misconduct

The First Born: Privileges of Could be Sold

The First Born: Privileges of in Case of Death the Next Brother to Raise up Seed To

The First Born: Privileges of not to be Alienated by Parents Through Caprice

The First Born: Privileges of Precedence in the Family

The First Born: Privileges of Special Blessing by the Father

The First Born: Privileges of The Father's Title and Power

The First Born: Superseded: Aaron

The First Born: Superseded: Adonijah

The First Born: Superseded: Cain

The First Born: Superseded: David's Brothers

The First Born: Superseded: Esau

The First Born: Superseded: Ishmael

The First Born: Superseded: Japheth

The First Born: Superseded: Manasseh

The First Born: Superseded: Reuben

The First Born: The Beginning of Strength and Excellency of Power

The First Born: The Dignity of Christ

The First Born: The Dignity of the Church

The First Fruits: Allotted to the Priests

The First Fruits: Church of Christ

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of all Agricultural Produce

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Barley Harvest

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Fruit of New Trees in Fourth Year

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Honey

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Wheat Harvest

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Wine and Oil

The First Fruits: Different Kinds of Wool

The First Fruits: First Converts in Any Place

The First Fruits: God Honored by the offering of

The First Fruits: Holy to the Lord

The First Fruits: Law of, Restored After the Captivity

The First Fruits: Offering of, Consecrated the Whole

The First Fruits: Resurrection of Christ

The First Fruits: The Jewish Church

The First Fruits: To be Brought to God's House

The First Fruits: To be offered in a Basket

The First Fruits: To be offered with Thanksgiving

The First Fruits: To be offered without Delay

The First Fruits: To be the Very Best of Their Kind

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