The Feet: Reverence Expressed by Kissing
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Luke 7:38,45
And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Devotion to God.
... a yielding of the heart to him with reverence, faith, and ... Jesus stood a woman weeping
and washing his feet with her ... It is love and devotion expressed in action ...
// to live a holy life/devotion to god.htm

The Feast at Simon's House
... Acts of love and reverence for Jesus are an evidence of ... If she have washed the saints'
feet, if she ... and enriched with the boundless love expressed in Christ. ...
// desire of ages/chapter 62 the feast at.htm

The Monk Nilus.
... came to the neighbouring castle, and expressed his amazement ... The chamberlain was
filled with reverence when he saw him ... He came to him, fell at his feet, and said ...
// in the dark places/the monk nilus.htm

... or like Chalcedon, contrary to his expressed wish), and ... outward manifestation in
bodily acts of reverence will vary ... it would be natural to kiss the feet of the ...
// seven ecumenical councils/introduction.htm

A Compendious view of the Christian Life.
... After having paid reverence to the discourse about God ... and closed mouth, by which
chiefly gentle manners are expressed. ... is better to slip with the feet than the ...
/.../clement/the instructor paedagogus/chapter xi a compendious view of.htm

While the Foregoing Scene was Taking Place at the Vatican...
... and also, that her children may reverence her for ... in my brain,"a thought which gradually
expressed itself in ... picture to the inanimate form lying at his feet. ...
/.../corelli/the master-christian/xxix while the foregoing scene.htm

Imperial Tombs.
... the wish for a secretior latetra expressed by Nero ... columns were of bigio africano,
fourteen feet high ... setting aside dignity, self-respect and reverence for the ...
/.../lanciani/pagan and christian rome/chapter iv imperial tombs.htm

Who is the Rich Man that Shall be Saved?
... the things which seemed to have been expressed simply, and ... serving, she set herself
at His feet, devoting her ... be pained at his groaning; and reverence him when ...
/.../clement/who is the rich man that shall be saved/who is the rich man.htm

Concerning Salutations and Recreations, &C.
... as well as the other of our feet, show so ... the gospel, when those oaths became abolished,
expressed by Every ... they cannot lie, and so great reverence towards the ...
/.../proposition xv concerning salutations and.htm

A Traveler's Note-Book
... Nebuchadnezzar's vision,"the head of gold, the feet of miry ... music of to-day, the
awe and reverence before the ... The central idea of Jesus is expressed in the ...
/.../merriam/the chief end of man/iii a travelers note-book.htm



Feet Washing

Feet: Bells Worn On

Feet: Sitting At

Feet: Washing of, As an Example, by Jesus

The Feet of Criminals: Bound With Fetters

The Feet of Criminals: Placed in Stocks

The Feet of Enemies often Maimed and Cut off

The Feet of Saints: At Liberty

The Feet of Saints: Established by God

The Feet of Saints: Guided by Christ

The Feet of Saints: Kept by God

The Feet of Strangers and Travellers Washed

The Feet of the Jews: Bare in Affliction

The Feet of the Jews: Neglected in Affliction

The Feet of the Jews: Washed Frequently

The Feet of the Wicked: Ensnared

The Feet of the Wicked: Swift to Mischief

The Feet of the Wicked: Swift to Shed Blood

The Feet of Women often Adorned With Tingling Ornaments

The Feet were Liable to Disease

The Feet were Liable to Injury from Stones

The Feet were Liable to Swelling from Walking

The Feet: (Dipped in Blood) of Victory

The Feet: (Set in a Large Place) Liberty

The Feet: (Set on a Rock) Stability

The Feet: (Sliding) Yielding to Temptation

The Feet: (Treading Under) Complete Destruction

The Feet: (Washed or Dipped in Oil) Abundance

The Feet: Condemnation Expressed by Shaking the Dust From

The Feet: Early Use of Shoes

The Feet: Necessary Members of the Body

The Feet: Neglect of Washing, Disrespectful to Guest

The Feet: Often Swift

The Feet: Origin of Uncovering in Consecrated Places

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Heel

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Sole

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Toes

The Feet: Path of, to be Pondered

The Feet: Respect Exhibited by Falling At

The Feet: Reverence Expressed by Kissing

The Feet: Sleep Expressed by Covering

The Feet: Stamped on the Ground in Extreme Joy or Grief

The Feet: Subjection Expressed by Licking the Dust of

The Feet: Subjugation of Enemies Expressed by Placing on Their Necks

The Feet: To be Directed by God's Word

The Feet: To be Guided by Wisdom and Discretion

The Feet: To be Refrained from Evil

The Feet: To be Turned to God's Testimonies

The Feet: Washing for Others, a Menial office

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