The Feasts of Trumpets: Sacrifices At
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Numbers 29:2-6
And you shall offer a burnt offering for a sweet smell to the LORD; one young bullock, one ram, and seven lambs of the first year without blemish:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Festal Letters.
... day of your gladness, and in your feasts, and your ... truth, and look upon the priestly
trumpets of our ... to offer whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices, there being ...
/.../athanasius/select works and letters or athanasius/i festal letters.htm

The Sacred Officers and Sacred Occasions.
... (Num.10:10) and were celebrated by sacrifices. (Num.28:11-15). ... 3. The Annual Feasts.
There were several of these. ... (3) The Feast of Trumpets, October 1. ...
/.../the way of salvation in the lutheran church/chapter iii the sacred officers.htm

Whether Sufficient Reason Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies ...
... worship of idolaters who used to offer sacrifices to the ... The other three feasts were
kept in the seventh ... seventh month was the feast of "Trumpets," in memory ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether sufficient reason can be.htm

The Purification of the virgin and the Presentation in the Temple
... attendance on any of the great feasts brought a ... chests for pecuniary contributions,
called trumpets.' [990] Into ... to drop the price of the sacrifices which were ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter vii the purification of.htm

The Consecration of Joy
... occupied with an enumeration of the annual 'feasts of the ... feast proper, by the number
of sacrifices offered on it ... brought back amid the blare of trumpets to the ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/the consecration of joy.htm

Altar and Temple
... new moons, and of all the set feasts of the ... set the priests in their apparel with
trumpets, and the ... two main incidents"the renewal of the sacrifices, and the ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/altar and temple.htm

The Building of the Golden House.
... of the people, and the sound of the trumpets he was ... And there were sacrifices offered
morning and evening each day ... Sabbath, and at the three great feasts of the ...
/.../lathbury/childs story of the bible/chapter xxvi the building of.htm

The Jewish War and the Destruction of Jerusalem. AD 70
... especially at the three great feasts, to proclaim ... the eastern gate, offered their
sacrifices to them ... the seven-armed candlestick, the trumpets which announced ...
/.../schaff/history of the christian church volume i/section 38 the jewish war.htm

In Judaea
... No wonder, that on the great feasts the population ... the threefold blast of the priests'
trumpets wakened the ... view, now with the smoke of sacrifices curling over ...
/.../edersheim/sketches of jewish social life/chapter 5 in judaea.htm

Book ii.
... Also in the days of your gladness, and on your feast days, and on your new moons,
ye shall blow with the trumpets, and at your whole burnt sacrifices and at ...
// and letters of st ambrose/book ii.htm



Feasts and Fasts

Feasts were Presided Over by a Master of Ceremonies

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses) by Jesus

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses) by Paul

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): Aliens (Non-Jews) Were Permitted to Attend

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): All Males Were Required to Attend

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): Appointed Feasts

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): Attended by Women

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): Designated As Solemn Feasts

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): Divine Protection Given During

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): First and Last Days Were Sabbatic

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): Holy Convocations

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): Kept With Rejoicing

Feasts: (Instituted by Moses): Set Feasts

Feasts: Ancient Customs At: Men Alone Present At

Feasts: Celebrations by Birthdays

Feasts: Celebrations by Coronations

Feasts: Celebrations by National Deliverances

Feasts: Covenants Ratified By

Feasts: Dancing At

Feasts: Drunkenness At

Feasts: Figurative

Feasts: Given by Kings

Feasts: Guests Arranged According to Age

Feasts: Host Served

Feasts: Marriage Feasts Provided by the Bridegroom

Feasts: Men and Women Attend

Feasts: Music At

Feasts: Rank

Feasts: Reclined on Couches

Feasts: Riddles Propounded At

Feasts: Served in One Dish

Feasts: Wine Served At

the Anniversary Feasts were a Time of Thankfulness

the Anniversary Feasts were Seasons of Christ Attended

the Anniversary Feasts were Seasons of Entertainments

the Anniversary Feasts were Seasons of Illustrative of General Assembly of the Church

the Anniversary Feasts were Seasons of Joy and Gladness

the Anniversary Feasts were Seasons of Rendered Unavailing by the Impiety of the Jews

the Anniversary Feasts were Seasons of Sacrificing

the Anniversary Feasts were Seasons of The Jews Dispersed in Distant Parts often Attended

the Anniversary Feasts were Seasons of The Ten Tribes Seduced by Jeroboam from Attending

the Anniversary Feasts: All Males to Attend

the Anniversary Feasts: Called: Appointed Feasts

the Anniversary Feasts: Called: Feasts of the Lord

the Anniversary Feasts: Called: Solemn Feasts

the Anniversary Feasts: Called: Solemn Meetings

the Anniversary Feasts: Children Commenced Attending, when Twelve Years Old

the Anniversary Feasts: Enumerated

the Anniversary Feasts: Females often Attended

the Anniversary Feasts: Instituted by God

the Anniversary Feasts: Offerings to Made At

the Anniversary Feasts: The Dangers and Difficulties Encountered in Going up To,

the Anniversary Feasts: The Jews Attended Gladly

the Anniversary Feasts: The Jews Went up To, in Large Companies

the Anniversary Feasts: The Land Divinely Protected During

The Feasts of Trumpets: A Holy Convocation and Rest

The Feasts of Trumpets: A Memorial of Blowing of Trumpets

The Feasts of Trumpets: Held the First Day of Seventh Month

The Feasts of Trumpets: Sacrifices At

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