The Eye: Parts of Mentioned in Scripture: The Apple or Ball
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Deuteronomy 32:10
He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


A Discourse Upon the Pharisee and the Publican
... as was the apostle Matthew, whom we mentioned before, is ... yet be made guilty by an
adulterous eye, against which ... the strength of his own natural parts; for so ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/a discourse upon the pharisee.htm

The Holy War,
... by the margin, mean the books of Sacred Scripture, sent to ... and fly not only to the
uttermost parts of the ... of hearing for all without the town, as Eye-gate was ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the holy war.htm



Eye for an Eye

Eye of Evil Desire, Never Satisfied

Eye: Anthropomorphic Uses of

Eye: The offending

The Eye of the Mind

The Eye: (Anointing With Eyesalve) of Healing by the Spirit

The Eye: (Open) Spiritual Illumination

The Eye: A Guard to be Set On

The Eye: Actions of, Mentioned in Scripture: Directing

The Eye: Actions of, Mentioned in Scripture: Seeing

The Eye: Actions of, Mentioned in Scripture: Weeping

The Eye: Actions of, Mentioned in Scripture: Winking

The Eye: Consumed by Grief

The Eye: Consumed by Sickness

The Eye: Frequently Fair

The Eye: God: Enlightens

The Eye: God: Formed

The Eye: God: Made

The Eye: God: Opens

The Eye: Grows Dim by Age

The Eye: Grows Dim by Sorrow

The Eye: Made Red by Wine

The Eye: Not Evil Thing to be Set Before

The Eye: Not Satisfied With Riches

The Eye: Not Satisfied With Seeing

The Eye: Often Put out As a Punishment

The Eye: Parts of Mentioned in Scripture: The Apple or Ball

The Eye: Parts of Mentioned in Scripture: The Brow

The Eye: Parts of Mentioned in Scripture: The Lid

The Eye: Punishment for Injuring

The Eye: Sometimes Blemished

The Eye: Sometimes Tender

The Eye: The Jewish Women often Painted

The Eye: The Jews: Cast, on the Ground in Humiliation

The Eye: The Jews: Not to Make Baldness Between

The Eye: The Jews: Raised Up, in Prayer

The Eye: The Jews: Wore Their Phylacteries Between

The Eye: The Light of the Body

The Eye: The Light of, Rejoices the Heart

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