The Eye: God: Formed
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 94:9
He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Out of These Truths, of which they Doubt not Whose Inward Eye Thou ...
... which they doubt not whose inward eye Thou hast ... His Word coeternal with Himself,
did God create the ... confused, which, being now distinguished and formed, we at ...
/.../augustine/the confessions of saint augustine/chapter xx out of these.htm

Thanksgiving to God for Deliverance from the Evils Expected Owing ...
... Nevertheless, God, the Supreme Artist, from the same material of which only the
brick and tile is formed, hath been able to make an eye so beautiful, as to ...
/.../chrysostom/on the priesthood/homily xi thanksgiving to god.htm

Not the Lowliness of the Material, but the Dignity and Skill of ...
... Imagine God wholly employed and absorbed in it"in His hand, His eye, His labour,
His ... given to the statue, and it is no longer regarded as a god formed out of ...
/.../tertullian/on the resurrection of the flesh/chapter vi not the lowliness of.htm

1 John iii. 10
... it becomes possible that from children of the devil can be formed children of ... judicial
potency of the Gospel, as being ever open to the eye of God, we shall ...
// first epistle of john/1 john iii 10.htm

The Power and Glory of God Shine Forth in the Weakness of Human ...
... from which man, who had no previous existence, was formed. ... at the beginning received
the skilful touches of God; so that one part became the eye for seeing ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter iii the power and glory.htm

Prophecies of the Sibyl.
... Himself unseen by any mortal eye. Can mortal man see the immortal God,. ... He made all
cattle subject, making man. The God-formed image, ruler over all,. ...
/.../theophilus/theophilus to autolycus/chapter xxxvi prophecies of the sibyl.htm

Removing the Veil
... God formed us for His pleasure, and so formed us that we as well as ... who has penetrated
the veil and has gazed with inward eye upon the Wonder that is God. ...
// pursuit of god/iii removing the veil.htm

Personal Relations and Religious Development of James.
... this habit was hindered from penetrating with the eye of the ... of the Jews to the kingdom
of God, and to ... all depends rather on the inward relation, formed by the ...
/.../the epistle of james practically explained/ 2 personal relations and.htm

Twelfth Lesson. Have Faith in God;'
... THE promise of answer to prayer which formed our yesterday's lesson is one of the
most wonderful in all ... Yes, faith is the eye to which God shows what He is ...
/.../murray/with christ in the school of prayer/twelfth lesson have faith in.htm

The Knowledge of God
... he that formed the eye, shall he not see?' He who makes a watch or engine knows
all the workmanship in it. God, that made the heart, knows all its movements. ...
// body of divinity/2 the knowledge of god.htm



Eye for an Eye

Eye of Evil Desire, Never Satisfied

Eye: Anthropomorphic Uses of

Eye: The offending

The Eye of the Mind

The Eye: (Anointing With Eyesalve) of Healing by the Spirit

The Eye: (Open) Spiritual Illumination

The Eye: A Guard to be Set On

The Eye: Actions of, Mentioned in Scripture: Directing

The Eye: Actions of, Mentioned in Scripture: Seeing

The Eye: Actions of, Mentioned in Scripture: Weeping

The Eye: Actions of, Mentioned in Scripture: Winking

The Eye: Consumed by Grief

The Eye: Consumed by Sickness

The Eye: Frequently Fair

The Eye: God: Enlightens

The Eye: God: Formed

The Eye: God: Made

The Eye: God: Opens

The Eye: Grows Dim by Age

The Eye: Grows Dim by Sorrow

The Eye: Made Red by Wine

The Eye: Not Evil Thing to be Set Before

The Eye: Not Satisfied With Riches

The Eye: Not Satisfied With Seeing

The Eye: Often Put out As a Punishment

The Eye: Parts of Mentioned in Scripture: The Apple or Ball

The Eye: Parts of Mentioned in Scripture: The Brow

The Eye: Parts of Mentioned in Scripture: The Lid

The Eye: Punishment for Injuring

The Eye: Sometimes Blemished

The Eye: Sometimes Tender

The Eye: The Jewish Women often Painted

The Eye: The Jews: Cast, on the Ground in Humiliation

The Eye: The Jews: Not to Make Baldness Between

The Eye: The Jews: Raised Up, in Prayer

The Eye: The Jews: Wore Their Phylacteries Between

The Eye: The Light of the Body

The Eye: The Light of, Rejoices the Heart

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