The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Way
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Hebrews 10:19,20
Having therefore, brothers, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


That the Glory and Honour of Christ is not to be Ascribed to the ...
... glory and honour of Christ is not to be ascribed to the Holy Ghost in such a way
as to deny that it proceeds from Christ Himself, as if all that excellency, ...
/.../cassian/the seven books of john cassian /chapter xvii that the glory.htm

Christ the Pearl of Great Price.
... to be able to see the glory of Christ, to which ... being done away, for the sake of
the glory which surpasseth ... when one is able to receive "the excellency of the ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of matthew/9 christ the pearl of.htm

What is Meant by "Altogether Lovely"
... consisting in its reference to Christ, and subservience to his glory. ... "Doth not their
excellency, which is ... But Jesus Christ is in every way sufficient to the ...
/.../flavel/christ altogether lovely/what is meant by altogether.htm

Union and Communion with God the End and Design of the Gospel
... here and consider our misery, that have fallen from such an excellency. ... of their
own heart, and will not be guided by Christ, the way and life, to glory! ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/lecture ii union and communion.htm

The Christian Race.
... eternal"I say, who put the thoughts of the excellency of those ... grasp; and by the
nature of the excellent glory thereof, too ... Art thou in Christ's righteousness ...
/...// riches of bunyan/xiii the christian race.htm

Motives from the Necessities of the Work
... It is the glory of Christ that shineth in his saints, and all their glory is his
glory. ... which honoureth them, in number or excellency, honoureth him. ...
// reformed pastor/article 3.htm

God's Glory the Chief End of Man's Being
... warming beams of his love and glorious excellency, and then ... end of our life and
being,"the glory of God? ... You who are created again in Jesus Christ, it most ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/lecture i gods glory the.htm

... as considered of the same divine and eternal excellency with him ... purged from them
by the intercession of Christ; but to be saved and brought to glory, to be ...
// riches of bunyan/vii christ.htm

The Character of the Persons for whom this Rest is Designed.
... Hast thou discovered the excellency of this pearl to be ... Dost thou accept of Christ
as thy only Savior ... and expect thy justification, recovery and glory from him ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter iv the character of.htm

How Christ is to be Made Use Of, in Reference to Growing in Grace.
... What an excellency lieth here, to recover that lost glory ... bring his sons and daughters
to glory, which must ... by way of testament and legacy, Christ becoming the ...
/.../brown/christ the way the truth and the life/chapter vii how christ is.htm



The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Exaltation

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Sinless Perfection

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Transfiguration

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Triumph

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Words

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Works

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in the Calling of the Gentiles

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in the Fulness of his Grace and Truth

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in the Restoration of the Jews

The Excellency and Glory of Christ is Incomparable

The Excellency and Glory of Christ is Unchangeable

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Creator

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Head of the Church

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Incarnate

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Judge

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As King

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Lord of Lords

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Mediator

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As One With the Father

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Priest

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Prophet

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Shepherd

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Blessed of God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the First-Begotten

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the First-Born

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Foundation of the Church

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Image of God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Life

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Son of God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the True Light

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Truth

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Way

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Celebrated by the Redeemed

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Followed his Resurrection

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Followed his Sufferings

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Imparted to Saints

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Revealed in the Gospel

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Saints Shall Behold, in Heaven

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Saints Shall Rejoice at the Revelation of

The Excellency and Glory of the Church are Abundant

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Augmented by Increase of Its Members

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being Established

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Body of Christ

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Bride of Christ

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Seat of God's Worship

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Temple of God

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Eminent Position

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Graces of Character

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Members Being Righteous

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Perfection of Beauty

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Sanctification

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Strength and Defence

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Derived from Christ

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Derived from God

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: God Delights In

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Result from the Favour of God

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Saints Delight In

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Sin Obscures

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