The Example of Christ is Perfect
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Hebrews 7:26
For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Christ --Perfect through Sufferings
... he thus became perfect as our exemplar. This, too, was necessary in bringing many
sons unto glory, for we come to heaven by following the example of Christ, as ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 8 1863/christperfect through sufferings.htm

How St Francis Healed Miraculously a Leper Both in his Body and in ...
... of Christ, St Francis, as long as he lived in this miserable life, endeavoured with
all his might to follow the example of Christ the perfect Master; whence it ...
/.../the little flowers of st francis of assisi/chapter xxv how st francis.htm

Of True Meekness and Adversity: and of the Example of the Saints ...
... have this grace keep thy sins in thy mind as an example of penitence ... full near is
it that thy soul, passing earthly things, be made perfect in Christ's love ...
/.../rolle/the fire of love/chapter xxvii of true meekness.htm

Christ Condemning Sin
... way in which Christ condemns sin in the flesh, and that is by His perfect sacrifice.
To this also Paul points in the phrase, 'the flesh of sin.' The example of ...
/.../maclaren/romans corinthians to ii corinthians chap v/christ condemning sin.htm

Christ the Exemplar
... it may be copied by us in two things"perfect submission to ... not as I will, but Thy
will be done.' Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example that we ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture ephesians peter/christ the exemplar.htm

Jesus Christ an Example of Prayer
... VII. JESUS CHRIST AN EXAMPLE OF PRAYER. ... some better thing for us, that they without
us should not be made perfect.". ... Behold he prayeth!" applied to Christ has in ...
/.../bounds/the reality of prayer/vii jesus christ an example.htm

Of the Example of the Holy Fathers
... and all others who would walk in the footsteps of Christ. ... religious men they were
given as an example, and they ... that they were truly holy and perfect men, who ...
/.../kempis/imitation of christ/chapter xviii of the example.htm

The Eighteenth Chapter: the Example Set us by the Holy Fathers
... the rest who willed to follow in the footsteps of Christ! ... They were given as an example
for all religious, and ... that they indeed were holy and perfect men who ...
/.../kempis/the imitation of christ/the eighteenth chapter the example.htm

The Glory of the Son.
... The judgment of the Son is based on a perfect knowledge of the will of the ... of a later
age than his time, should learn a lesson from the example of Christ. ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/the glory of the son.htm

The Otterbein Hymnal
... 115 Heber. CM The Example of Christ. ... 156 Elizabethtown. CM Perfect Through Suffering.
157 Elizabethtown. CM Christ's Compassion to the Weak. ...
// otterbein hymnal/



Example: Bad, Admonitions Against

Example: Christ, Our

Example: God, Our

Example: Good

Example: Paul, Our

The Example of Christ is Perfect

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Progressive

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Being Guileless

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Being not of the World

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Benevolence

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Forgiving Injuries

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Holiness

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Humility

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Love

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Meekness

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Ministering to Others

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Obedience

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Overcoming the World

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Purity

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Righteousness

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Self-Denial

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Suffering for Righteousness

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Suffering Wrongfully

The Example of Christ: Saints Predestinated to Follow

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