The Evening: A Season For: Prayer
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 55:17
Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Matthew 14:15,23
And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Chapter Iii Precious Answers to Prayer
... as the last occupation of the day, then came my usual season for prayer, for the ...
This being done, I went home about nine o'clock in the evening, and found ...
/.../muller/answers to prayer/chapter iii precious answers to.htm

Letter v. Prayer and Fasting.
... The twilight of the evening is also a favorable season for devotional
exercises. But, let me entreat you to be much in prayer. If ...
/.../letter v prayer and fasting.htm

Appendix C
... me His will. This evening I have had again an especial solemn season for prayer,
to seek to know the will of God. But whilst I continue ...
// to prayer/appendix c.htm

LM Edmeston. Sabbath Evening.
... sacred hours this low earth leave, Wafted on wings of praise and prayer. ... the stream,
the wood, the hill, All fair with evening's setting glow! 3 Season of rest ...
/.../book of hymns for public and private devotion/462 l m edmeston sabbath.htm

Answer to Objections: the True Place of Prayer in Man's Life
... in the words: "the lifting up of my hands in evening sacrifice." Indeed we shall
not rightly speak even the season of night without such prayer as David refers ...
/.../origen/origen on prayer/chapter vii answer to objections .htm

"Because of his Importunity. "
... 8. For these reasons I gave myself again particularly to prayer last evening, that
the ... points, about the Building Fund, and then had a long season for the ...
/...// to prayer/because of his importunity.htm

The Lord's Prayer --Our Father in Heaven
... we are taught to say in any appointed season of prayer. ... without ceasing, let our
whole life of prayer without ceasing ... of the lord God walking at evening in the ...
/.../origen/origen on prayer/chapter xiii the lords prayerour.htm

Praying Saints of the Old Testaments (Continued)
... With him prayer was a habit, for we hear him say, "Evening and morning and at noon
will I pray and ... In close connection with this season of prayer, we must ...
/.../bounds/prayer and praying men/ii praying saints of the.htm

August 6 Evening
... AUGUST 6 EVENING. ... my corn in the time thereof, and my wine in the season thereof,
and I ... with thanksgiving: for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. ...
/.../anonymous/daily light on the daily path/august 6 evening.htm

How to Use the Prayer-Book
... each clause, that all may join in saying the prayer. ... or other Feast may be used at
the Evening Service of ... Note the use throughout the season of the COLLECT FOR ...
/.../regester/the worship of the church/how to use the prayer-book.htm



The Evening: A Season For: Exercise

The Evening: A Season For: Meditation

The Evening: A Season For: Prayer

The Evening: A Season For: Taking Food

The Evening: All Defiled Persons Uncleaned Until

The Evening: Called: Cool of the Day

The Evening: Called: Even

The Evening: Called: Eventide

The Evening: Custom of Sitting at the Gates In

The Evening: Divided Into Two, Commencing at 3 O'Clock, and Sunset

The Evening: Humiliation often Continued Until

The Evening: Man Ceases from Labour In

The Evening: Part of the Daily Sacrifice offered In

The Evening: Paschal Lamb Killed In

The Evening: Stretches out Its Shadows

The Evening: The Day Originally Began With

The Evening: The Golden Candlestick Lighted In

The Evening: The Outgoings of, Praise God

The Evening: The Sky Red In, a Token of Fair Weather

The Evening: Wild Beasts Come Forth In

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