The Ephod for the High Priest: Shoulders of, Joined by Onyx Stones Engraved With Names of
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 28:7,9-12
It shall have the two shoulder pieces thereof joined at the two edges thereof; and so it shall be joined together.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Exodus 39:4,6,7
They made shoulder pieces for it, to couple it together: by the two edges was it coupled together.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


A Description of the Temple.
... like small shields, which buttoned the ephod to the ... However, the high priest did
not wear these garments at ... southeast corner was seventy cubits high, that from ...
/.../chapter 5 a description of 2.htm



Ephod: A Man of Manasseh

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest used As an Oracle

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: An Inferior, Was Worn by the Ordinary Priests

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: Breastplate Attached To

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: Described

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: It Was Called Coat

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: Made by Gideon, Became an Idolatrous Snare to Israel

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: Prophecy Concerning the Absence of the Ephod from Israel

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: The Making of

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: Worn by Aaron

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: Worn by David

Ephod: A Sacred Vestment Worn by the High Priest: Worn by Samuel

The Ephod for the High Priest used by Idolatrous Priests

The Ephod for the High Priest: Breastplate of Judgment Inseparably United To

The Ephod for the High Priest: Commanded to be Made

The Ephod for the High Priest: Fastened on With Its own Girdle

The Ephod for the High Priest: had a Girdle of Curious Work

The Ephod for the High Priest: Israel Deprived of, for Sin

The Ephod for the High Priest: Made of Gold, Blue, Purple, Scarlet

The Ephod for the High Priest: Made of offerings of the People

The Ephod for the High Priest: Shoulders of, Joined by Onyx Stones Engraved With Names of

The Ephod for the High Priest: Worn or Held by Him when Consulted

The Ephod for the High Priest: Worn Over the Robe

The Ephod: The Emblem of the Priestly office

The Ephod: Worn by Generally of Linen

The Ephod: Worn by Ordinary Priests

The Ephod: Worn by Persons Engaged in the Service of God

The Ephod: Worn by The High Priest

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